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ParticipantThat might make me swear off tattoos. I only know what I see in those LA INK shows. I’ve never heard of customers buying their own needles.
What kind of price range is there on this artwork? Some of these people are truly gifted.casey
ParticipantI’m one of those “holding at 39rs” who has always wanted a tattoo but never got up the nerve. I am not into these whole body ‘toos – especially don’t like those on the neck – but a couple small ones would be cool.
Bonbon, how was the experience? Any pain?
Good for you!casey
Participantsometimes when she’s acting rationally I can take her. And I have begun to like her with Dario. But this girl is always crying or stumbling with her words or making dumb faces, and worst of all, any hint of a Mel/Brady connection makes me reel.
Participantmore and more of the Godfather movies. I see Chad as a kind of Michael Corleone, the good outsider son wanting to make the family biz legitmate. But he found himself knee deep in it.
Participantbut then we’ve only seen Lexie either in cheating storylines or being an overbearing mom to an autistic child. With the oldies returning I wouldn’t look to see Lexie promoted to a front burner story anytime soon.
ParticipantI thought they put her into an induced coma after the scene w/Vic and Dan?
ParticipantI hardly think they’d let Vic, Bo and Justin in Maggie’s room all at once. The woman had touch n go surgery, now in a coma and it was like the cop shop in there. And wasn’t she supposed to have no visitors?
ParticipantThat entire operation scene was laughable! Are you kidding me? Doc Dan didn’t even try to look the surgeon – the way his fingers were mindlessly fiddling in the surgical field and even using the paddles was a hoot. Even for Days I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more ridiculous OR.
And Lexie standing there staring at the bullet while Mags is at death’s door – !
Hey, wasn’t this supposed to be the start of the new writing regime? Hardly impressive!casey
Participantgoing ridiculously out of their way to protect Brady? I don’t find him a very worthy character these days. I’m very weary of this SL.
ParticipantWhat a force of nature! For me, Project Runway starts tonight and I love it!
Participantthat Jack’s lips often looked like he was wearing lipstick. Maybe it’s just the way they are naturally?
Participantthat scene had all the suspense, buildup, atmosphere, romance and big time payoff of any I have to believe on any soap – maybe any tv show. Talk about goosebumps!!
Participanton the after the rose show she was completely wrong about judging JP. Makes me wonder if the producers told her to be critical just to toss in more drama and throw viewers off the track a bit.
Participantnothing but a prop and I especially don’t see why Melanie has to drink so much.
ParticipantThis show gives itself away whenever the contestant says they feel so confident. I knew all along it would be JP.