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Participantagree w/ the gay “lifestyle,” it’s not okay to bash gays in any way and I hope that’s what Days was trying to get across. I do feel it will be hard to explore this storyline without offending those who are morally opposed.
Participantwhich is among my favs, plus I like Hell’s Kitchen. I also am “hooked” on Celebrity Rehab.
ParticipantStef made it clear he didn’t like EJ’s plan and it never played for me that the ends would justify the means. Going through this whole fiasco simply to get Rafe away from Sami and the kids was way over the top.
So what does EJ do now?casey
Participantwould be the chosen one, so I was surprised last night. He does kinda get on your nerves going on and on talking about heaters, etc. Why do I think though we haven’t seen the last of him?
Participantalready with Sami? Remember when Rafe picked her up from school which started the whole unraveling of EJ.
ParticipantAnd the best part for me was the acting by Johnny. Great stuff! Ooooh, was EJ in tears? Poor baby!
ParticipantNow that you’re a week past the surgery I sure hope you’re no longer restricted to lying on your back!
Participantsecond choice of manslaughter available to the jury. I thought they would choose that one. I knew she wouldn’t get a murder conviction.
Participantcontinually in the bottom? Trying to figure why – outstanding dancers. Maybe the audiences aren’t connecting to their routines? Or is it something more personal? The only complaint I have on Ryan is she strikes me as a kind of “heavy” dancer.
Participantthe Huggies brass thinks they’re accomplishing by this blitz. After awhile you tune it out and your reaction is no longer positive. No good for biz in that respect.
Participantin today’s show. I expected more reaction from the Di’s. Taylor didn’t seem very shocked. I expected her to tear into both Rafes, screaming about how one had killed her mother. I did though get a kick over Rafe2 – Galen has done a superb job. And of course, Sami’s rant was on point.
Participantfrom the jurors I’m not impressed with this bunch. One got huffy about the media coverage, another now says guilty wasn’t her “decision” and another wants at least $50grand for any interviews.
Participantmore kids – even adopting – heaven forbid!!
ParticipantI know I’m outside a lot and busy with a lot of projects so just haven’t been as into Days. I hope Days extends Carly’s addiction realistically. She hasn’t hit bottom yet and that could be intense drama.
Most of all I just want Rafe2 to be gone!!casey
Participantthe performance by the last couple. That samba however, was quite lame on the guy’s part – don’t think he’ll be staying.