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  • in reply to: Anyone Watching So You Think You Can Dance? #24653

    better tv if two couples are let go? More drama? Like Idol has done. I’ve come to view the show as not “best” dancer, but again, a popularity contest. Afterall, the show seeks to find “America’s FAVORITE dancer.”
    That being said, it does burn me when talent does not win out. Except I generally feel most of these competitors are more talented across the board than Idol, which makes it easier to swallow.

    in reply to: Will Chad go to the dark side? #24652

    Chad being pulled into Stef’s clutches, considering where he started out from, not wanting anything to do w/the family. Now every time we see him he’s taking one step closer. I do believe right now he still has his moral fiber about him and his antennae tuned in, but with his disconnected upbringing, Chad longs for an attentive dad and that makes him suseptible. I think we’re in for a morality battle which could be highly interesting if Days plays it right. Chad is a good enough actor to pull it off and I’m truly enjoying his interplay with dear ol’ dad.


    Austin is such a dufus. Like Carrie though.

    in reply to: Positive Posting #24636

    and I see great moral conflict ahead for Chad as he gets deeper into the family.
    Jenn and Dan I wish would slow down, though I realize it’s all a setup for Jack’s return. Never a Jack fan though I didn’t mind his last term – not so goofy.
    I actually like Carly’s portrayal of the addict – hope Days carries this on and doesn’t rush the ending.
    Bope the last week more like the old days – keep it up!
    Wish Julie would appear more often.
    Always enjoy Johnny!

    in reply to: Anyone Watching the Bachelorette? #24511

    still mooning over that jerk Bentley? I mean even when he was faking it w/Ash, he didn’t show anything remotely romantic. And after that lame, get me outta here farewell, it was blatantly obvious he wasn’t interested in her in the least.
    Are Ben and Constantine the same person? Boy do they look alike to me!

    in reply to: Way to go Brady!!! #24496

    a bit too violent. I’m hardly the sensitive type and I sure like EJ finally get his, but I hate seeing someone get beat up to a pulp. Brady has turned quite dark and I thought it was overdone.

    in reply to: Nicole and Sydney #24426

    Surely there’s tons of budding actresses out there. This Syd is a dud and should not be in the biz. Let’s get at least a smidgen of personality here.

    in reply to: Carly and the nose candy #24425

    but I think it can be pretty powerful drama if done correctly. She’s now a fullblown addict and I hope Days commits to doing a realistic take.

    in reply to: Stupid Casey Anthony #24401

    though I hadn’t heard that one. I would think if that were true, there would have been more talk about it and would she have sat in jail all that time?

    in reply to: Stupid Casey Anthony #24361

    on that narcissistic excuse for a mother. And the drowning in the pool defense we never heard about for the past 2-3 years.
    But I can understand your being fed up with the trial – it’s covered everywhere and on every talk show.
    I just hope no one on the jury gets bamboozled into thinking Casey is innocent.

    in reply to: Chloe and Quinn #24349

    Even for Chloe, especially with her atrocious judgment time after time. How did she think she lost Parker in the first place? Now she’s agreeing to being blackmailed to become a prosititute? How can anyone think of these absurd stories, to completely ravage a character and think this is must see tv?! I sure hope the new HW can resurrect Chloe.

    in reply to: Viv’s kid? #24341

    Chloe and Viv teamed together to take down Quinn?

    in reply to: Viv’s kid? #24320

    Louise was born in 1940 so she will be 71 this year. So it’s possible she did give birth in her 40s, especially if she’s supposed to be younger on this show.

    in reply to: What happened? #24234

    the French Open would draw a big viewership on a weekday afternoon. I’d like to know how their ratings compare w/Days.

    in reply to: Prayers (Flooding) #24208

    My best friend from college (I’m a New York Stater who graduated from ISU) lives in eastern Ia and got flooded last year too. Here in my neck of the woods we suffered through the wettest spring in recorded history, so I know what flooding is. But having it through July is rough. And worry too for farmers – pray for them as well! This affects all Americans.

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