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  • in reply to: JACOB GONE! #23391

    parting song was his best. But when Ryan said we’d be suprised, why? He’d been in the bottom many times. I really like Jimmy’s take on the performances and how he pulls no punches.

    in reply to: Idol 4-4-11 #23388

    the “results” show and what a waste of time. I mean the contestants rambling about their wardrobe, then a ridiculous spot on how they pick their songs – trying to be funny. Pleae cut this to a half hour and not make us sit through this super dumbness.
    I will say J-Lo is in superb shape and can still move great.
    Ryan said the result will suprise us. Hmm.

    in reply to: Celebrity Apprentice on 5-1 #23284

    having to work w/those two. If she can successfully put together a winning challenge I think she might take it all.

    in reply to: AI Results #23248

    the vote count, as everyone was chosen this time in random order. So just because Scotty was standing there at the end doesn’t mean he was next to last in votes.
    I thought Casey’s song choice did him in. I couldn’t stand it and he reverted back to that growling style.
    I believe Haley is a true dark horse here and growing stronger now each week.
    I do believe in the end James will be crowned winner.

    in reply to: Survivor Redemption – 04-27-11 #23247

    is the most deserving so far with Matt being second. I am totally dumbfounded at this idol woshipping of Rob. WHY?? I can only think these blinded people believe Rob can take them to the finals and then no one would vote him the million. But even that’s flawed reasoning. Don’t they get that down to only his tribe Rob will now cut anyone at will. It’s up to the others to band together and vote him out. The way up call begins now.
    But it seems to me Rob is only growing stronger and winning challenges, plus he has the idol. It may be too late. I can only hope one of the Remption Island contestants rises to the occasion.

    in reply to: Where do some of these actors come from? #23246

    I’d go so far as to describe Dario as “disgusting.” I in fact think he is beginning to settle into the role better now. Also, is it fair to degrade someone on the basis of a physical feature?

    in reply to: IDOL 4-27 #23207

    was Lauren good, but her material has been a bit lightweight for me. Jacob just okay. Hayley I didn’t like at all. Casey’s selection was horrid – this guy is too in love with that gruff style and even Randy was chanting “less growl.”
    I loved love loved James and Scotty. Scotty took a song we’ve all heard a million times and drew me in. It was a masterful job and showed another side to him. James- man that guy can sing!

    in reply to: How OLD is Melanie? She’s acting like a 4 yr old…. #23202

    to Mel between Euope and US? There she was a wily streetwise petty thief; here she turns into a whiney wuss who needs everyone to feel sorry for her.

    in reply to: New Taylor #23186

    to see chemistry when this relationship was entirely forced. It was not believable from day one and I’m not interested at all, except to see the resulting fireworkds when Nicole figures it out.
    But yes, as an actress this incoming Taylor is so much better. As a character, not convinced yet.

    in reply to: New Taylor #23178

    at my stupidity. For some reason I got it wrong. I thought Taylor was going to be played by the original actress who played her way back when. No wonder I was having a hard time figuring how she would do in the same role!

    in reply to: The Royal Wedding #23171

    on some of it. Interested to see her dress. I like it because it’s so history-laden; I think about all the British monarchs of the past. We don’t have it in America so I find it interesting.
    But to a point. All the hoopla on our media over the past two months has been way overdone.

    in reply to: I am totally devistated. #23170

    and yes, if I were watching I’d get attached too. But remember in the wild only 20% live past their first year.

    in reply to: Yay, Maggie! #23169

    someone on Days finally got it to write a strong female character. More of this please!

    in reply to: Maggie and Victor #23119

    Even though Vic has a point on all the lives Chloe has ruined in his family, really only Lucas deserves a break. Claiming Chloe drove Brady to drugs is absolutely absurd. Claiming she ruined Phil – uh, it takes two to tango. Claiming she ruined Doc Dan – he was more than a willing collaborator when she cheated on Lucas.
    If Mags chooses to be friends w/Chloe, it’s her business. Although Chloe needs to pull herself up by the bootstraps (or high heels!), figure why she is so needy and the first order of biz is to get a job. What happened to her giving voice lessons?

    in reply to: Happy Easter! #23114

    Just had a nice ham dinner and some of that yummy Easter candy!

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