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  • in reply to: Why does everybody in Salem pass out? #23080

    in a packed church, in the front row of all places. It’s a weird feeling coming to lying face up in a pew with peoples’ faces hoovering over you.

    in reply to: Let’s do a poll! #23079

    Fav: Julie Willliams
    Couple: John&Marlena
    Baddie: Stef
    Hot Gal: Nicole
    Hot Guy: Brady Black
    Least Fav: Kimberly Brady
    Miss Most: John Black

    in reply to: AI Results??? #23039

    and this decision has me baffled.

    in reply to: Oh, yeah! #23016

    of Dario? It’s not clear to me. Is he a bad guy or not? After Mel’s $ or protecting her?

    in reply to: American Idol 4-20-11 #23014

    I have not liked Hayley all season. But last night I felt she sang the absolute perfect selection. Her best for me. I also loved Stef’s first half of the song. Then, as I always hate, he let the chorus take the lead while he just added background, which detracted. Still, I love his voice and believe he may have the best pop recording sound of the lot.
    Scotty, agreed, too much of a throwaway choice. James his usual impressive self. Jacob was not bad though my criticism is he rushed the song too much.
    Lauren was weak, sounding like any number of B-list country girls. She needs to let it rip or she will lose.
    Casey – okay, didn’t thrill me.
    Love love love the judges this year. Best ever on AI.

    in reply to: Observations. #22972

    First off, does Chloe need to hand over any more ammo to those who would want to take Parker away? Geesh, I’d be on my toes over that one. And is she still on meds for PPD – it sure went away quick.
    It just seemed some aimless scene to me and made her look yet again so superficial and clueless. A new mom doesn’t go off to drink.
    As for EJ/Taylor it’s actually tedious for me to watch them. I have zero interest because the entire premise was rushed, forced and un-credible from the getgo.

    in reply to: Celebrity Apprentice 04-17-11 #22962

    justifying his decision to have them on.

    in reply to: Celebrity Apprentice 04-17-11 #22951

    everyone keeps referring to GB as this “brilliant actor.” From what I’ve seen the guy is good, but how much outstanding work has he really done? He hangs his hat on Buddy Holly but that was forever ago.
    I was quite impressed with Playmate Hope. Might be a dark horse.
    Speaking of Playboy, can you believe that geezer Hugh Hefner is actually marrying this 24 yr old? Old enough to be her granddad and possibly even GREATgrandad. Yuck!!

    in reply to: What did Dario say in Spanish? #22950

    which told Rafe that he did absolutely nothing about the situation.

    in reply to: Oh, no, poor Matty! #22908

    3 people at Redemption Island or did I miss something? How will that work? I think if Matt has to duel Mike he’ll have some real competition.


    it has anything to do with being an old fogie. That’s what society would like you to believe: we “have” to have all this techno stuff. Yes, in business I fully agree – you’ll be lost/left behind if you don’t keep up.
    But no one will ever convince me young children need a phone. That’s just parents caving in to the culture and media pressures. I could blast away about how lax/permissive parenting is severely contributing to today’s “bratland” but I’ll spare everyone the diatribe!


    it could have only been a matter of a couple minutes between when they disappeared and B&H discovered they were gone. Like first concluding they couldn’t have gotten far on foot.


    I guess it happens these days, but I would never allow my child of that age to have a phone. That whole defense of parents saying kids need a phone in case of emergency is hogwash. This is the beginning of kids thinking they’re in control. A phone is a privilege that doesn’t come to first graders.

    in reply to: AI Results! #22873

    needs to change it up a bit on the mic.
    My ideal final two would be Scotty and James. I know Lauren is popular but she sounds a lot like other singers out there.


    because I much prefered the first Belle. Martha was fine, but I thought she was a bit too mature for the character. I felt KB had more life and charisma.

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