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  • in reply to: Writers and actors must read the boards #21476

    I’m feeling more of a geunineness to this character. She was always desperately plotting to hang onto Daniel which made her come off as one-dimensional. It would be nice if we could see some layers of depth unfolding.

    in reply to: AI Tonight! #21455

    I felt I was watching Shakira. J-Lo seemed to be doing an imitation of her.
    But yes, AI is like night and day from last year’s woeful season.
    Ashton definitely has it, but she has shown a few signs of being a bit diva. Fans may not like too much attitude.
    Thia and Stefano my early favs.

    in reply to: Another “Acting Out” Teen? #21428

    between this Abby and the previous one. Maybe it’s just my own perception but I felt some attititude with her – a shade snippy when coming down on her mom about her own father. Of course she has every right to be angry toward him, but the exchanges w/Jennifer as if she were her peer instead of her daughter made me not exactly warm toward Abby.
    That said, most of this has to do with the direction Days has taken to color Jack as the bad guy who wouldn’t contact his kids or see how his wife was doing after a transplant. Jack might have been many things but this is beyond belief.
    BTW, it was mentioned Jack had “golf buddies.” Are you serious? JD would never set foot on a golf course!

    in reply to: AI RESULTS #21418

    a frontrunner but once again, I think song choice on Tuesday did him in. I’m glad Stefano made it – I love the tone of his voice. So glad to see Jordan go!

    in reply to: AI Wednesday #21393

    the first half of the girls disappointed while the second half picked it up. I question many of the song choices as far away from the genre that will sell records. Thia has the purest voice of them all and I can’t believe she’s 15. Pia really sold her song and I liked Rachel’s Amy Winehouse turn. I actually didn’t much care for the 16 yr old.
    A couple seemed like pageant performances. The girl who did “Falling” was too over the top for me.
    Cutting the girls IMO will be easier than the boys.

    in reply to: AI Tonight! #21354

    Scotty is so pure ala Randy Travis. He picked the absolute perfect song for his voice and seemed so relaxed. I think the one guy who sang early on – last name begins with B – should go. Just not unique enough. What happened to Jordan? Again, song choice is SO key. Durbin for me is just too Adam Lambert.
    This lineup, though, on the whole is so varied and entertaining. The gals have their work cut out for them tomorrow!

    in reply to: DWTS #21324

    I would guess maybe the boxer might have some promise. Kendra, having been quite athletic might have some moves, but is she smart enough to catch on?
    Otherwise, no one captivated me.

    in reply to: Chad…DiMera… #21303

    wasn’t exactly raised with Dad of the Year in the DA. Due to the alienation there, plus the cold fish his mom was, I’m expecting Chad will venture onto the dark side for awhile, under the lure of finally having an attentive family.

    in reply to: Survivor, Redemption Island #21281

    by Rob’s team to vote off Matt. What – just because he has a crush on a teammate and shook hands with a guy on the winning team?
    At this early stage it’s all about hanging onto strong players to win challenges. And with this tribe losing the first two, have to wonder.
    I really want to see Russell get blind-sided. His arrogance is worse than ever and this attitude will never win him the game.

    in reply to: A nice surprise. #21280

    on his daughter Liv. But then I find ST’s face interesting.

    in reply to: Daniel and Jennifer (Danifer?) #21279

    girls on this show and not enough guys. That’s what for me is lacking in relationship storylines. They keep doing musical chairs with these couples. Days needs some new male blood!
    As for Jenn and Dan, how often have we seen this bantering back and forth lead to something more? Jenn was supposedly planning to play matchmaker for Dan and Carly. Don’t know what will happen.

    in reply to: A nice surprise. #21229

    AI is milking every second out here, when one hour last night would have been more than enough to select the rest of the group.
    It’s a gripe of mine on these reality shows in general. Dancing W/the Stars is SO drawn out which is why I rarely watch.

    in reply to: A nice surprise. #21225

    I think your comment just validates what we regular viewers agree on – this season’s change in judges and the talent level make AI worth watching this time around.
    I’m sure the tease about delivering the news is from a producer’s standpoint. All to create more drama.

    in reply to: Chloe #21163

    this stupidly is extremely annoying. That this girl is so easily influenced by those she should know better and the writing so inconsistent (one scene Chloe is giving it to Kate that she’s onto her, the next minute she’s totally gullible) that it’s not to be taken seriously.
    Once again, a good concept to tackle – PPD – that could be powerful and enlightening is reduced to this kind of dribble.

    in reply to: Mel – Yet Again! #21147

    You nailed it.

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