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  • in reply to: Steph’s fingernail biting #15740

    it came across like she was trying to act coy and damsel in distress.
    It just bugs me like everything else about her.

    in reply to: Has everyone given up #15691

    Let’s just say I was sent info from AARP for the first time this year. (Even though I’m “holding” at 39!)

    in reply to: Has everyone given up #15672

    Maybe I should, but I rarely give it a second thought. I just take sensible precautions and go from there. Remember how swine flu was hyped so much like it might become a plague? And it fizzled out. And what happened with the so-called impending bird flu some years back? Yes, people did get the swine flu and died from it, but so many of those cases were from complications and other issues. Many more died from “normal” flus.

    in reply to: Say Goodbye to Dr. Baker #15643

    I found Doc one of the more interesting characters who wasn’t ready to jump someone’s bones like most of the others. Hope to see him back but it’s nice he’s spending time w/his daughter.

    in reply to: Sami and EJ #15592

    Most people wouldn’t see it because they think of beauty as more flashy. I say the real test is put women on camera with zero makeup. Sami has gone w/out and has held her looks for me, but not sure others could pull it off. I also think she will age very gracefully.

    in reply to: Stupid crap that doesn’t make sense #15587

    Setting Bo on fire might have something to do with the 30 years.
    But I agree, that entire Night Hope aftermath was ridiculous and rushed through.

    in reply to: No more Mr. Nice Guy for Rafe. #15541

    I find Rafe’s totally unacceptable/unprofessional and I would even say grounds for investigation in his role of FBI agent. He’s doing this afterall to get information out of her and I can’t believe even Days would resort to writing him this shameful way.

    in reply to: Did anyone else think that Ian resembled Stephanie? #15514

    there is a similarlity. It occured to me that this guy had more charisma than many on this show, notably Steph!


    but I found it didn’t hold my interest. It actually seems more like a “Survivor” format.

    in reply to: What a skank Steph is! #15467

    Today was further proof, now using someone to hack into the hospital records. The way she was trying to flirt her way through it was extremely annoying to me.
    It’s hard to believe this is a kid from Kayla and Patch, though no doubt Steph will probably use the excuse of her dad not being around a lot when she grew up.
    I have no problem with the actress – she’s playing what the script gives just fine. It’s the character. To think she was once a gutty, spunky racecar driver seems eons away from this shallow and pathetic individual.

    in reply to: I have hesitated #15456

    There was a scene w/EJ alone when it dawned on him that he “loves” Sami. I do believe this is the closest EJ will ever come to any version of love.
    Not only is Sami obsessed with having a man, but Stephanie and Chloe are the same way. I so wish Days would come out of the dark ages to realize there is more to a woman’s life than getting and keeping a guy. And having them get pregnant on one take. And being so paranoid they will do anything to stop another female from taking their man. I mean haven’t we seen enough of this?

    in reply to: What a skank Steph is! #15410

    She doesn’t have that “love to hate” passion about her. All she ever wants is a guy – any guy it seems – to justify her existence. And how low she sinks to hang onto her man is so jr high. The difference w/Sami who has pulled similar stunts in her day is Sami has spark and vitality and a back story. Steph for me is one trick pony blah.

    in reply to: Hope still hasn’t removed her earrings. #15384

    In fact, does Hope EVER remove them?

    in reply to: New Shows #15315

    This one really draws me in. I will be sorry to see it go as this weeks’ episode is the finale – already!

    in reply to: Oh MY! #15314

    which is so frustrating about this show. These nuggets show the writers can do it, but so precious little of it.
    I think Baker is one of the bright spots on Days and I dearly hope they keep him. (anyone know of his contract status?)
    As for Brady, he seems to have fallen victim to Days’ simplistic cause and effect universe. That he would break off w/Ari and literally two minutes later decide to take up w/Nicole again and then hit the bottle is tough to swallow. Like he didn’t get it through his thick skull for the umpteenth time that Niki is never to be trusted?

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