Forum Replies Created
Participant1. Gabby…boring character, story and actress
2. Taylor…tries too hard to make viewers "feel" for her -I’m not buying the "in love with EJ" story.
3. Jack…no point
4. Will…poor guy has never had a decent storyline. He’s fluff for sure!
5. Carly…who would miss her?
6. Vivian…great actress and Days history, but times are hard and it’s time to entertain with love stories, comedy is not essential imo.
Participantshe was much better as the character "Ava" and that was still a pretty lame job. She and EJ are FORCED….nothing natural about their relationship, zero chemistry, and they are BORING
Participantso glad they’re listening…I am looking forward to it and I hope I’m not disappointed. Christmas has definetely been lack luster the past few years too….sad.
Participant1) Celebrate holidays…or at least have a "ball, gala, Christmas cantata" or something where everyone is together, happy and all fancy
2) Keep Bo and Hope together and work on Vic and Maggie…at least have some real love and romance on the show
3) get rid of all the "fluff" characters…
4) holidays; yes, I know that’s my #1 but I REALLY want them to go back to the Bo and Hope Annual 4th of July picnic (remember that?) the fair/carnivals (that’s where Bo and Hope first kissed), Thanksgiving?has Salem had a Thanksgiving in the past 8 years? Valentines Day…does anyone ever get candy or flowers in Salem or go to dinner?
Participantbummer. I am not excited at all.
ParticipantI love the part when he says "write for your 10 people"….that is so true. If the writers would do good storylines for "base characters" we will stay hooked! I think they’re taking the hint by doing the storylines with Maggie and Victor…and if they bring back some beloved Salemite…they need to quit with the fluff and stick to the main characters~!
ParticipantEven though I was griping about the Midol comercial, I’ll have to agree that I am liking the storylines better than I have in a long time. I love Maggie and Victor. And EJ being led around with Nicole holding the leash is awesome. Sami and Rafe are blossoming into a really nice potential…it’s all good! And did I mention I love Maggie and Victor? Well….I do!
ParticipantOf course I fell in love with my husband that way…haha. My sister wasn’t involved at all…and we dated for 8 yrs before we married. That’s the only difference. And it was a mitten instead of a scarf; so very similiar HAHAHA!
Participantlet it be JOHN!
Participantgood point! She was an internet "party girl" who had been around the block a time or two…now she is a wimp! She clings to Maggie like a little girl…weird.
ParticipantFavorite Character: Sami
Favorite Couple: Bo and Hope
Favorite Villain: Stefano
Hottest Girl: Hope
Hot Guy: Bo
Least Favorite (Character): Carly
Miss Most: John and Marlena
I’m a Bope fan all the way…!
ParticipantPLEase, pLeAse, PLEASE…let it be John! I’m happy just thinking it MIGHT be him…
ParticipantI saw EJ close the door for Taylor and her mother to talk…I don’t ever recall seeing those doors closed. Funny how viewers notice these "little" things and the writers miss them. I wish they paid as much attention to details as we do; I think the viewers would appreciate it!
And another thing that has been bothering me: Taylor was complaining about the Dimera mansion "being dark with wood paneled walls" and it was like a dungeon…or something to that effect. But yet her bedroom is painted a light lilac with pastel floral bedding. Not very "dark and gloomy".
ParticipantLOve, love,LoVe the scenes with these two. My favorite storyline by far!
ParticipantI love it when other fans respond with their own things that annoy them….but when it is all said and done; we all continue to watch and remain loyal Days fans…