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ParticipantI read that Nicole says Jennifer pushed her down the stairs. Also read that Daniel takes Jen’s side.
ParticipantI thought I posted a correction to my error but must have been on FF and my posts won’t go through on that browser.
Knowing how nosey a town Salem is I’m sure Billie fished them out of the trash to see what Nicole was doing.
ParticipantThe computers at the hospital were down when she was there for her doc’s visit. The doc left right after her appointment so she can’t enter it and there’s now no file so as far as everyone is concerned there was no visit, except Maxine saw her there.
ParticipantThe hospital computers were down so there’s no digital record and Nicole took her medical records and tossed them. I didn’t watch yesterday but I’d read that Kayla saw her do this so I’m thinking she might have retreived them from the trash. Somehow it’s got to come out that the baby was already dead.
ParticipantI just had a thought though. If it is a DiMera scheme to steal the baby wouldn’t she know it was a lie when the baby kicked or moved? Unless of course they somehow got a drug in her that sedated the baby without touching her at all. I know that’s far fetched but this is Days and stranger, more reality defying things have happened.
ParticipantI’ve heard that too Bonbon. If you think you have Alzheimers you probably don’t.
ParticipantWhether the baby is dead or alive they’d most likely give pitocin to induce laber and it doesn’t have to be done immediately but can wait a few days. I’m just not sure what the change in personnel has to do with the baby being dead or alive unless the doctor was to induce her right then and take the baby but with the mess up in the hospital’s computer system it made that impossible. I just don’t see why the computers being down would be such a catastrophe since hospitals are equipped to work in most disaster situations and no computers just means they have to do everything by hand and use the phone to relay lab results and a runner to hand deliver x-rays.
I’m wondering if the change outage was Stefano’s doing so they couldn’t use the normal means to examine Nicole (I still don’t know what the use of the computer has to do with that). Then re-routing all patients to another hospital would have meant Nicole would have had to go to St. Mary’s or whatever that other hospital is to deliver where they don’t know Nicole and Stefano can take her baby. Might end up being what happens when she falls and goes into labor.
ParticipantMaybe we’re wrong and after the Alzeimer’s diagnosis Bo deciides it’s not good to take Caroline to unfamiliar places by himself and goes off alone. I did read he’s going to tell Hope he’s sailing around the world and visiting Shawn and Belle but is really looking for info on the DiMera’s
ParticipantI had 2 friends who’s babies died in utero at 5 and 6 months. They had the option of being induced to deliver the baby or waiting until they go into labor on their own. I’m guessing that’s what happends with Nicole, she opts to wait for her body to get rid of the baby and when that happens she says the baby died as a result of Jen.
ParticipantI’m having problems posting when I use FireFox but when I go to IE (which I hate using by the way) it posts fine. I haven’t tried Chrome to see if I have problems there or not.
ParticipantActually robocalls are illegal in any state with the exception of charities and political per the FTC
ParticipantI use to prefer Lisa but after she came back and her acting grated on me I much prefer Julie. I guess the fantasy of Lisa being Billie has worn off.
ParticipantI can see both sides of this. The president does need to travel for business such as meeting other heads of state but that’s the only time it should be on our dime. Now I do believe he needs the secret service, etc but they don’t need to add in all the food, etc. He should have to pay a share of the expense if it’s a pleasure trip, same as for his wife and children if they go on trips without him.
I feel a president or any politician shouldn’t get full pension if they aren’t elected to a second term. If, as in the case of Carter, they run and don’t get re-elected it’s the same as being fired and tell me what company pays full pension if they fire someone after 4 years of work. Also a politician no matter what office needs to be in some office for a minumum of 20 years before collecting a full pension since that’s how most places of employment and the military work. It doesn’t all have to be in the same office.
Say John Smith is on the town council where he lives for 4 years then moves up to mayor for 8 years. He’s already got 12. If he then runs for senator and stays in office for 4 then runs for president and wins but only runs 1 term he’s now got 20 years so he gets full pension. Bill Jones starts out as state senator for 4 years then gots to US Senate for 4 years, runs for President and serves 8 years then he’s only got 16 years in a public office. Sorry, no pension for him. Then you’ve got Bob who runs for senate and serves for 8 years but isn’t elected on his 3rd run. No pension for him either.
Knowing this might make them listen to the people that elect them in office and do more than just sit, vote once in a while and bide their time to not only collect their pay but also get full pension. If they know they’ll have to return to the private sector and actually work for a living and live under the same laws the rest of us do then maybe they’ll take the working class into consideration when drafting and voting on those bills that do nothing but screw us over.
ParticipantI agree about all politicians making campaign promises they don’t deliver. Part of that is they make promises that are beyond their ability to control or put into effect. The government is set up great with checks and balances to make sure one person doesn’t have too much power but in the end it just makes things harder to get passed through because the parties, not the men argure too much and have their own agenda so they poo poo anything the other party submits without giving it any serious thought.
It doesn’t matter what you call yourself, Democrat or Republican, we’re screwed either way. We’ve had Obama almost 4 years so we know what we’re getting whether we like it or not With Romney we have no idea what we’re going to be getting ourself into.
I’m not a democrat or republican but vote for the person I believe will do the best job and honestly right now niether one is looking good to me. I want a candidate that will look out for the best interests or the working class and not the people or companies with the deepest pockets. I want a congress that knows what it’s like to work to put food on the table and not ones that come from long lines of politicians and never really had to work a day in their life for what they have.
ParticipantOK, I remember that now. He also had a head injury because I remember he was going to Lucas’s or Sami’s to tell them about the switched DNA tests on the twins and there were flowers by the door. He picked them up and there was an explosion. From the explosion he had some temporary hearing loss and short term memory loss.