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Participantthe one in the commercials for the lottery. At the planetarium where she says "I see we have a fan of cassiopeiea here today" or something l ike that. (it may only be on in the New York area, I’m not sure.)
ParticipantWhat he did was wrong but give the guy some slack…Hope had just told him that nobody could match her dead husband, Bo because he was an honest, upright man with no faults (SARCASM). Just like she herself has always been an honest upright woman with no faults. (SARCASM again). So after squashing Rafe’s ego under her spiked heel she handed him back his ring. Well maybe he could have waited a little longer but it was a perfect storm of self pity when he met up with horny Sami who was hurting from her son’s brush off and still not reocvered from the loss of EJ while Rafe is feeling smaler than an ant thanks to his beloved. Ciara came to understand th at and if Rafe had told Hope sooner things may have worked out differently but Rafe was smart enough to know thta Hope’s feelings were more than fickle/fragile. I mean what did he ever do for her other than help her cover up a murder? Obviously a sign of a guy who has no real feelings for her. he should move on and forget about flaky Hope. And Clare had NO RIGHT whatsoever to reveal that news to a woman who she only acknowledgs as Grandma Hope about 3 times a year. It was completely to make Ciara look bad not for any noble reason. She is a troublemaker like Julie was but with a worse attitude and false belief that she is talented, LOL. On a personal note, that girl always sound like she is whining/crying when she says anything. Can’t stand it
Participantwhat a little brat. and the actress has the perfect expressions to make you despise her, LOL. Truly she has not evolved at all!
Maybe her parents ought to spend a little more in Salem with her so they can see just what they have created. Why doesn’t Hope spend more time with her granddaughter? That’s one thing I cannot stand about this show. they seem to hate to acknowledge relationships. Guess it makes Hope seem to old? I was shocked when I heard say she was writing a song for Grandma Hope’s wedding.
Participantbut how did she know where the bloody urn was in order to put it in Stefan’s room? I think she is being manipulated by someone, probably Vivian, maybe by tampering with her meds ( I assume she is on meds, lol).
Participantwith half a video tape as evidence and becuase Gabi banged her fist into the wall? Why does Trask still have this job anyway?
Participanta little ore red I think. I cannot believe that her boyfriend and her brother both jumped to the same conclusoin just because they saw her hit the wall with her fist. Ridiculous.
Participantfor a moment and think like the police commissioner he once was he would acknowledge that. I don’t blame him for how he is feeling but I think if he calmed down for a minute he would realize that JJ did what he was taught to do. Although being the 2nd time is probably gonig to make it worse for him.
BUT i guess this is what happens when you go from rookie to detective in 6 weeks or whatever the rapid timespan was LOL
ParticipantFirst, feelings like Nicole were experiencing for Brady are not uncommon after an emotional situation and also not uncommon to discover you confused gratitude with love.
Second, given the fact that Brady falls in "love" with every woman who crosses his path I feel he bears some responsibilty here. If he were a mature man, and given all his past relationships, he would have told Nicole they should slow it down and see how thinigs played out (that would not have served the storyline purposes though). But no, Brady being Brady, he NEEDS to have be in LOVE and damn the consequences.
Third, what he did was extremely cruel and I have to say that Eric Marsolf did a great job of making me want to slap Brady in the face when he was explaining his conditions to Nicole. She dumped him, big deal, she didn’t try to kill him. It’s happened to him before and knowing this character it will happen to him again. Most of his let-downs have been his own fault, especially that whole Kristen thing, who I might add he was ready to forgive but he cannot forgive the brother that Kristen drugged (talk about being two-faced). And if SHE shows up again I won’t be surprised to see him forgive her for everything she did and fall for her all over.
I also agree that Nicole shouldn’t have found her "happily ever after" but I wish she was leaving Salem on her own terms, to spend time with Holly and be a family, just the two of them, for a while.
My two cents, take it or leave it, LOL
Participant‘m sorry but I don’t feel one bit sorry for him and his disastrous relationships…he is his own worst enemy.
I really wish he would fall off a clif into a raging river and go over the waterfall. he is an immature, selfish, self-centered child. And if I have to hear about how Eric "slept" with Kristen one more time…why doesn’t Marlena recommend him to a good shrink so he can get over this baseless hatred he has for Eric regarding Kristen. She was a slut, a witch who drugged a priest and seduced him and Brady BLAMES Eric? Bah, he is a child and someone needs to put him in the corner for a good, long timeout…preferably from now until Days gets cancelled. This character is absolutely ruined…I get so angry when I read about people who hate Sami because she never grows up…well have a good look at Brady folks. he is way too old to behave the way he does. I couldn’t bear to watch him today with his obnoxious, smug faces that he kept giving Nicole.
On another note, I missed the end of Days becuase of Trump’s announcement. What hapened in the last 10 minutes or so?
Participantbut I have to admit I am so tired of some of these storylines. This imposter storyline, turning Lucas back to the bottle in the blink of an eye, Roman not being able to realize that Marlena would never act like that, it all leaves me a bit cold.
and I am REALLLLLLYYY SOOOOOOO TIRED of Brady and his insecurities and jealousy and anger. It’s time for him to grow up. He is way too old a man to behave like such a teenager every time he is involved. And the fact that Nicole didn’t let him have it for sneaking into Eric’s room and trashing it is just beyond me. I get it, Brady is always getting hurt but could that be the result of his petty childish behavior and NEED to be in love? Frankly I’m tired of watching it.
My other current peeve is this Deimos thing. How many people are going to plead guilty only to have recalled memories before the cops realize that nobody is going to be able to remember exactly what happened that night? It hardly seems like a case that could be prosectued unless the killer turns out to be someone who wasn’t drugged but since everyone seemed to be under the influence of Halo I’m gonna say you might not be able to get 12 people to agree on murder charges without some damn fine piece of physical evidence (aside from that stupid amulet which hardly seems to be worth the trouble).
ParticipantMissed you!
Participantwith the crappy writing we’ve been subjected to recently this would be an easy out. Maybe he saw Deimos take that amulet from Sonny and tried to get it from him, in his HALOed state, having heard them say how much it was worth?
ParticipantI missed that part. Don’t pay 100% attention all the time either, LOL
Participantthe last two days made me laugh. i thought it was funny how each person reacetd to this drug and some of the lines were hysterical. I think, ala Days recent writing, that the missing waiter (the one who drank down the last glass of champagne and then vanished without getting Gabi her drink) will end up being the killer. don’t know why I think that but I do. and what happened to Doug and Julie anyway? Are we supposed to think it was one of them? but I did enjoy these two days. Really like Sonny and his looking for Paul..stilll don’t like Abby though. Chad deserves someone who knows how good a guy he is not some half-nut who can’t make up her mind.
ParticipantShe and Patti had a few go-rounds but maybe she knows how to get in touch with her beyond the info we have?