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ParticipantI think that the lipstick will be what makes Hope wonder about herself. It is completely different from the shade she usually wears she will probably wonder who was in her room, or some such thing. Plus she has her phone turned off and I doubt daytime Hope, good detective that she is, would ever turn her phone off. S he is probably going to start wondering about herself and her "dreams".
ParticipantShe threw her BCPs into the garbage can. Can these storylines get any more trite? I cannot stand Stephanie’s character. There is something just inherently meanly stupid about her. Of course, Chloe deciding that it is Carly’s fault she cheated on Daniel is out there, too. I suppose Carly set up Melanie and Phillip, too. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. Or did Chloe mean she would have slept with anybody after what she heard, LOL?
ParticipantI just think tha this is the DUMBEST storyline. Isn’t this what you aren’t supposed to do? Stay together for the kids? JLiving together to give the kids "a semblance of a stable home" was how I think Sami put it? But not a real home, just a "semblance" of one. It makes Sami’s character look SOOOOOOOO simpleminded. Caroline was right, it’s like having the kids raised by the village of the damned! Argggggggggggg.
ParticipantDon’t know. just speculating
ParticipantMost of the pairings are already "kneejerk". Philip is marrying Stephanie who dumps him and five minutes later he is madely in love with Melanie who was madly in love with Nathan who is now madly in love with Stephanie and on and on. They never nurture a relationship on this show. That was one of the great things about Bo and Hope. They started out with Bo adamantly denying he cared for her because she was so young and then they moved through that gradually. But of course, now they have ruinred that too.
ParticipantI noticed the same thing. No continuity at all anymore/
ParticipantMaggie versus Viv. Now that could be really funny. Maggie can have a pretty sharp tongue when she wants to.
ParticipantI thought Abe said Salem’s finest detective, Hope Brady, would be heading the task force. Maybe I misheard? Bo isn’t a detective anymore, right, he’s the Commissioner or whatever.
ParticipantPerhaps Hope is having a reaction to one of those sleeping pills,you know, where they warn you side effects could be doing things for which you have no memory afterward?
ParticipantI noticed yesterday that when Hope (Bad Hope?) asked Ciera if she would like to have Justin be her new daddy she had on very vibrant reddish lipstick. When we saw her today (good Hope?) was wearing almost nude lipstick. So is that how we can tell which Hope is appearing at the moment?:
ParticipantWell Julie should be able to help on this one. As I recall that was how we first met Julie all those years ago, she was caught stealing!
ParticipantWasn’t hers hysterical blindness? I forget what the trauma was. Anybody remember?
ParticipantYou’d be snarky too after being in prison! What I hope is Nicole is the one who unravels the Sydney kidnapping and blows EJ out of the water to get even for the way he treated her and she and Sami become tentative friends again. But probably not. I’ms sure the writers will display their total lack of creativity and she’ll find out, make EJ take her back in exchange for not telling Sami and become the new Queen *itch of Salem by having EJ fight for sole custody of Sydney.
ParticipantWhich was better "You’ll move into a big house with a lot of scary, horny women" or "Lawrence is as dead as vaudeville."
ParticipantVictor’s lines are precious. He calls some of the women nasty names but, if you think about it, most of them have earned it, LOL. Nicole, Chloe, Carly…none of them are the nicest people going. I’m kind of tired of "politically correct" talk. Enjoy Victor’s up front talk. They are all nasty women when you think about it. He never refers to Hope. Caroline, Maggie, Alice or any of the other really decent women of Salem in those terms. Just the ones who deserve it LOL.