Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIf he is really Stefan, he wouldn’t have to have scars would he? I mean if he actually donated his heart he would be dead!
ParticipantI’m hoping all this talk of the beach house will lead to a summer storyline centered on the beach. An actual beach, as opposed to the lake "beach" they usually show, would be a great place for Aiden to rescue Hope from a demented somebody – maybe the wife’s friend or even the wife come back to life. But if Aiden is bad, then it would be a great place for a recast Bo to rescue Hope from Aiden.
ParticipantI yelled at the TV too! Because you are the mother! Duh!
ParticipantGabi did not lie to Will or to Nick and they are the only ones she owes anything to. IMHO, the only people who "have a dog in this fight" are Gabi, Will, and Nick. It is noone else’s business and that includes Sami AND Rafe!
ParticipantGreat Grandma Marlena! And Great Granddad John!
ParticipantI thought the blood test showed that EJ and "Stefano" were NOT related. I think I’m getting a migraine!
ParticipantI guess I missed the part about Ian shooting the imposter! Makes more sense now! But now, I have another thought! If the police were comparing the corpse’s blood to EJ, why would Ian need to switch the blood tests! I know! I am way overthinking this!
Participantthat a good lawyer would be sure that a new will is drawn up at the same time of the divorce. Same with changing the beneficiaries on life insurance policies etc. Especially when it is someone of considerable means like Stefano. When my friend divorced, the lawyer asked about these things early on in the proceedings. And with the hatred Stafano has for Kate, I would think he would be sure to cut her out of the will. And EJ too! So who does that leave? Chad? Would he leave something for Theo?
Of course, if he is not really dead, it’s all a moot point!
Participantbut I think it could be a good storyline if she did have cancer. To show someone from a stable loving relationship (at least by Days standards) face the challenges. Do you think that could be the reason for John and Marlena’s return? To help her deal with the testing, even if she does get a clean bill of health.
ParticipantIf Jack has been out of touch, then how does he know Jennifer is in Salem? The last he knew, she was in London.
Participantbut I thought maybe it was the makeup. I was thinking they had been adding makeup to make her look gaunt and tired during the last few weeks. She definately looks better now, whatever the reason. My dh even remarked about it!
ParticipantI love Nicole’s dress! And Taylor’s too! Probably the best wedding dress Days has had in a lot of years!
ParticipantI don’t see why they have to put Jennifer (or Carly, for that matter) with ANYONE! Why not let them deal with their emotional/love losses without a man? If they must, then let Jennifer have a long talk with Jack (off camera since they can’t get the actor) and make a decision to divorce. Then show her coping with being a single woman for awhile. They opened the door for a great storyline when she was telling Carly that she had no job and didn’t know where her husband was etc. Let us, the viewers have time to adjust to her new single status before trying to find her a mate!!
And the same thing goes for Carly! Let her stand on her own for awhile. I really don’t care who they put her with – just let her really get over Bo first!
And it is silly to recover from a heart "transplant" so quickly! That is essentially what she had done! I’m not a doctor or a nurse and don’t play one on TV, but it seems to me that you would be in CCU and hooked up to a lot of monitors for a few days at least!
ParticipantSure, I’d like to see him allow his children to see their mother because he really does love them. But maybe not turn him totally around. I’d like to see him continue to blackmail Sami into giving him physical custody but still allow her visitation rights. If he does marry Nicole, she would still be with the kids which would drive Sami nuts. But then if EJ falls head over heels with Taylor, it would drive Nicole nuts! Then down the road somewhere EJ and Sami could call a truce long enough to bring EJ down somehow. I’d like to see more friendships and fewer sexual escapades.
ParticipantEven my husband, who never notices anything, made the comment that everyone was wearing blue! I remember reading years ago that CSI Miami was shot with a blue filter to make the scenes appear "cooler" and CSI New York was shot with a yellow or orange filter for a "warmer" look. I do think that the blues and purples make for clearer more intense video so maybe that is why. It just makes a prettier picture!