Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBonBon, you are in my prayers and good thoughts. It seems that you have had a bad patch of health problems for the past few months. I sincerely hope and pray that better health is in your very near future. God bless you.
ParticipantUnbelievable!! NOT Guilty!! she got away with killing little Caylee. I just don’t understand how the jury could hear the same testimonies as I did, and then they let her go. Where is the justice??
Participantafter spending a week with my son and his family, and learned about your planned and then postponed surgery. You, your familly and the surgery team are all in my prayers, both now and whenever they decide to operate. I know you are very strong, and I pray that you will continue to have strength and courage. God bless.
Participantway to even guess the number of defense witnesses or the time it will take to question them. I’m guessing it will be weeks more before the trial is complete.
Participantbut I am not a "Facebook follower". I hope your son does well.
Participantyou are having more health problems, and I pray that you can soon get relief from that painful disorder, SOD. If surgery is the only way to get relief, I pray that you can have the surgery and have a speedy recovery. God Bless.
Participantseveral pills from 3 or 4 different bottles, crushed them, and snorted. I have no clue as to the kinds of pills, but apparantly Carly knew exactly what she was doing. I have no first hand knowledge of doing drugs, but it seemed that she went rapidly from just one pill on occassion to a handful snorted up her nose. I do not much like the character Carly, but I hate the idea of anyone losing complete control of their behavior and life.
ParticipantAs you can see, several of us think this storyline just stinks!! If this is all that is in store for Chloe, I imagine she will be glad to leave.
ParticipantI hope Joe M. stays on indefinitely. No one else can fill his shoes. He should give EJ a swift kick in the rear since he is acting like such a "twit" over Taylor. Joe has the range to be both the villain and the loving grandfather. No one can fill Joe’s shoes–long live Joe as Stefano.
Participantto show some emotion yesterday and this morning. I think that the defense team encouraged her to cry and look sad just to influence the jurors. She has looked as if she is crying and upset just for the last 2 days; nothing before that. I think all her concern is for HERSELF!!!
I think she is guilty, and I am watching the trial each day. I try to catch up on "Days" later at night on SoapNet.
Participantservice personnel and their families. Nora, I am so sorry that your NC neighbor was killed in Iraq.
Participantoutstanding under any circumstances. I think Nicole is a bold, determined woman, who fights for what she wants, good, bad, or in between. I think AZ makes Nicole believably real, and I would hate to see Nicole leave. I may be in the minority, but I want Nicole around for a long time; she keeps things lively.
Participantare with you and all in your area. I know it is difficult for anyone who has not seen flooding first hand, to imagine the horrible results. I pray that you will not lose everything. God bless.
Participantthank God for all the men and women who have served our country. You said it perfectly, Casey.
Participantthe number of times that I heard my mother say that about mud slinging! In other words, don’t gossip or say bad things about others. It makes the mud slinger look as bad or worse that whomever they are talking about.
She passed away in 2002 at age 85; I would love to hear again those pearls of wisdom from her.