Forum Replies Created
Participantinnocent about EJ and Tayhor and their relationship. Some board members may think it is fine for EJ and Taylor to be acting ‘moon eyed’ over each other, but EJ is married to Nicole, even if it is a business deal. Nicole would be the injured party in this triangle.
Taylor is determined to further her ‘love’ for EJ to the bitter end. I do not see Taylor as a good person at all, and certainly not a good sister. If the writers follow through with this story line, I hope Taylor will be lonely and miserable, rejected by everyone.
ParticipantTaylor stinks as a friend, sister, employee, and everything else. I don’t care for TB as an actress either. (Not in this role, for sure.)
ParticipantMost of these flashbacks are things added just to convince us that EJ was never ‘really‘ such a bad guy. Now he is saying ‘Fatha’ was always the one doing all the bad things, and he didn’t know. His memory is as holey as a block of Swiss cheese.
Well, I am not convinced and don’t like this whimpy side of EJ. He is the bad guy that I love to hate!!!
ParticipantThe flooding is awful. A lot of the land, that is being deliberately flooded to save the cities, is farmland. It will be a long time before that farmland is dry enough to plant any crops; and by that time, it may be too late in the season to plant at all. So we can expect large increases in prices of many products and foods.
A lot of people are going to be out of work for a long time, and others have lost everything. They are facing hard times and need our prayers.
Participantfor Jack to start acting like a mature adult. That off-the-wall goofy stuff was ok when he and Jen were much younger, but that time has long passed. If he must return, please, let him leave the immaturity behind. If it is more of the ‘same old Jack’, I can do without that.
Participanteither of them. Just wishful thinking on our part.
ParticipantWent to Sunday School and Church this morning, then to lunch with my daughter and grand daughter. I ate too much and now I need a nap!! I hope God blesses you all and that you have a wonderful day filled with love.
ParticipantSami has improved a little, but she has a long way to go before she can judge anyone else on their bad behavior. If you look up the word ‘dysfunctional’, you will find a picture of Sami. She always manages to blame someone else for everything that she does.
April 15, 2011 at 4:29 am in reply to: Don’t we think it’s time for Shawn and Belle to come home? #22859Goody
ParticipantDid it seem to anyone else that Carly regained control of herself far TOO SOON for it to be the results of the pills she took? She was a shakey mess; took some pills, and ZIP, she stops shaking and is talking and making excuses. I just did not realize that she would get calm so quickly; shouldn’t it take a while to get from her stomach into her system!! Oh well, what do I know???
Participanthas the panache or flair to pull off any wardrobe, jewelry, or hair style that she is given, but that hair ‘do’ was a hair ‘don’t’!!!! JMHO
Participantnow that is funny! Goody
ParticipantFingers crossed that it is "John".
ParticipantHardly worth the wait! We all know that she can sing beautifully, but that was a disappointment.
ParticipantI hope JKJ will be very successful in whatever he does, but he will always be ‘Philip’ for me. I just can’t imagine anyone who could replace him. I hope the ‘door’ will always be open for his return if he ever wants to.