Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI know that Philip and Chloe were wrong, but I wonder if Melanie might be a little more forgiving if she did not think she had Nathan waiting for her and her baby. Melanie has become very judgemental of everyone else; you would think she had never made a mistake in her whole life. She has a very short memory.
ParticipantHe looks so good; absolutely yummy. I hate to see him leave ‘Days’ but hope he is very successful in his new endeavors.
Jay Kenneth Johnson will always be the real true ‘Philip’.
ParticipantIt was a very poor excuse for a party to begin with, and all the beer drinking just made it seem worse. Sami may have forgotten to get the cake, but she did not forget to stock the frig with beer.
I just think it could have been a much better party all around if it had been more kid friendly. Yeah, I’m old and don’t drink; give me some iced sweet tea!!!
Participantjust does NOT impress me at all; there is just something fake about her. I don’t trust her.
Participanthave very little sympathy for Sami. She is her own worst enemy. She is selfcentered and impulsive, with little regard for anyone else, and she refuses to listen to anyone who might care and have some good advice for her. It seems that all her whole life she has been determined to self destruct. She has not changed at all since I started watching many years ago.
ParticipantWikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? If not, then give us a clue.
Participantdoes seem unlikely, but maybe she received treatment immediately or just had a TIA or mini stroke. My mother had several "Transient Ischemic Attacks"; but she was never kept in the hospital long for treatment. Transient Ischemic Attacks ususlly resolve themselves according to her doctor. He said the TIA was more or less a warning to check all existing conditions that might or could lead to a stroke. She never did have a stroke, but she passed from congestive heart failure years later.
Caroline went from stammering and struggling to ‘up and on the go’ in warp speed. Pretty amazing.
ParticipantGranddaughter (LB) had a painful, but encouraging exam at the Surgery Center yesterday. Dr. said she can begin to put some weight on her leg, as she can, and she will begin therapy on Friday. She goes back in 2 weeks to have the stitches removed. He was well pleased with her progress.
Her college classes begin on Thursday of this week so she is very concerned about beginning classes on crutches; she is determined, so she will manage. She will have classes 3 days and therapy 2 days.
She still has a long way to go before recovery is complete; so please continue to remember her in your prayers. Thank you so much for your prayers and concern. God bless you.
ParticipantKayla may think she knows the truth, but I don’t think she or anyone else knows the complete truth just yet. Several people know ‘some’ of the truth, but not the whole story. I just don’t think Kayla is justified in blurting out what she thinks in the truth. What happens if she is wrong and it is only a partial truth? There are some things that an outsider can NOT fix, and marital problems are in that catagory. Kayla has no idea of all the damage she may have done.
ParticipantAfter surgery, Granddaughter came to my house because I have a ramp onto the porch and no inside stairs.
Weather permitting, she (LB) goes for a checkup tomorrow. I will be honest, I didn’t know just complex and painful the surgery would be. She has several longer incisions and several smaller laprascopic incision. The first 24 hrs. home, we had ice pack on knee for 30 minutes and then off for 30 minutes; any movement was very painful. Wed. was an awful day, bandages off and getting a shower; it was better today. Still using ice pack to control swelling.
Please continue to pray for her recovery, and that the exam tomorrow will not be too painful. Don’t know if stitches will be removed tomorrow or not, and I have no idea when she will be off crutches.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern. God bless you all.
Participantlooks good in whatever she wears; her strange collection of clothes seems to come together in a positive way–blue hair, blue fingernails and all.
Participantthere was no such thing as a ‘forever’ mode in Salem. It would be nice to see a forever relationship again.
ParticipantStephanie far away and keep Nathan.
Mark Hapka has much more potential in developing Dr. Nathan Horton than Stephanie could ever be developed. She is useless. Nathan could become an important part of the hospital staff, but Stephanie is just a pathetic loser the way she is written now. Maybe she can go away and come back later as a strong, independent woman with a purpose in life other than snagging a doctor husband.
Participantbut daughter was here, and she liked it.
Participantenough to suit me. Happy dance, happy dance.