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Participantreally meant anything. I think it is just another way to needle Chloe with another threat. Of course Chloe and Philip were wrong to have a sexual romp, but Carly is just a doctor, not the Moral Judge. She should shut up and but out!!! I am sick of Carly and her threats.
Participantactor,Jay Kenneth Johnson, but I am really disliking the way the Philip character is being written right now. I kinda like Philip and Melanie as a couple and wish they could have had a chance together before a quick romp between Chloe and Philip destroyed any chance of that. I am sick to death of Carly threatening Chloe all the time. Please let this come to a speedy end!!
Participantbut quite often I have trouble trying to decide if it day or night on ‘Days’. Their picnic looked like daylight, but they called it night.
About the clothing, some seem to wear the same thing , while others change constantly.
I think Kate has done more to ruin her kids lives than anyone else. In spite of all her own meddling, she has a lot of nerve to constantly talk badly about Chloe especially to Carly. After all, Philip seemed to have had no problem falling right into extra marital sex with Chloe and no one was forcing him.
Yes, it is filled with inconsistencies, but I still love ‘Days’, warts and all.
Participantto see Caroline, but she was really out of line today. She flatly rejected Victor after Shawns death, so she should keep her thoughts to herself concerning Victor except about Bo and his family which should be their only connection at this point.
Participantthat the fall kills Madaline? I hate that Chad feels responsible; apparently the fall was an accident.
Participanta birthday is just 1 day a year; what is really important is how you are treated all the rest of the time. You said that your husband was a great father and a great husband in many ways, so maybe you can try to concentrate on that and cut him a little slack on the birthday forgetfulness. Perhaps you could plan a special ‘little intimate’ dinner for the 2 of you; make your birthday so special for him that he will look forward to it next time. Anything is better than hanging on to your hurt feelings and letting it become a major problem. Happy Birthday and best wishes.
Participantthis’Bill’ did a great job. Hope he can stay around for a while, or at least visit often.
Participantjust how long Vivian will be around? She does not have much to do now and seemed a bit forlorn today.
Participantbe on to something by suggesting that Kate and Maddie are sisters. Their conversation today seemed to imply there was a much deeper conection than just ‘working’ together. Whatever their connection, it is hard to believe they have lived in the same town for years without coming into contact with each other.
Participantbut, my mind is completely blank concerning April Ramirez. Can you remind me of her story? Thanks
Participantbut I think both Stefano and Victor have that special ‘something’ that makes them always at the top of my list.
ParticipantI hope the baby belongs to Daniel. I would love to see Daniel and Chloe as parents, without the constant meddling from Carly and Stephanie.
I don’t know if Tyler will be brought back or not, but if he is, I hope he can be in a stable, constant loving family and home. That would be a wonderful surprising event for a change.
ParticipantI wish the same to everyone. Please take a minute to be thankful for all our blessings and be thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy. It seems that some are being slowly chipped away, and we are not lifting a finger or voice to complain.
God Bless America, and help us grow in wisdom and understanding.
Participantbut not Kim; she is just too much of a drama queen. I think she is just too over the top now; much more so than I remember her being in the past. Who knows, though; I may be the one who has changed over the years becoming less tolerant of her type over acting.
I won’t miss her at all.