Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDid I read that Sydney was an old family name from either the Hortons or Graysons. I seem to remember it being mentioned on the message boards when Nicole first named her. Could be wrong. I agree that the name should remain the same; she has been through enouh changes already.
ParticipantTony fell on a stake or something down at the waterfront while he and Philip were in an arguement. Some viewers question as to whether it was really Tony or Andre, but since he was married to Anna, she should know if it was really Tony.
ParticipantI don’t like Carly and her excuses at all. We know that she stabbed her husband and ran straight to Bo and Hope’s house without a single thought about their supposed safety. If Bo can’t see through that little stunt with the Wedding Scroll, he is totallly oblivious to her manipulations. Conniving? Absolutely.
ParticipantI really like Lucas, but I don’t think the writers do. They don’t seem to know how to write for him as a mature, independent adult – only as an angry, tied to Mama’s apron string, immature, screwup. I wish they would have let him become an independent man who lived his own life and made his own decisions.
Good Luck Bryan, what ever you do.
Participantwhat is wrong with both of them! I am disappointed in Bo and Hope both, and I am totally disgusted with Carly – she is right there ready to snatch Bo for herself. Yuck!
ParticipantGrockie, you expressed my feelings exactly! I have absolutely no interest in Carly and her story.
ParticipantGood to hear that all is well, even if you are almost up to your rear in snow. Take care and keep a big pot of soup ready. That will help keep you warm. So glad you did not lose power; we want to be able to hear from you.
ParticipantI don’t have any other info; posted all that I saw. It would be nice to see all the cast members children included.
ParticipantSometimes I am convinced that all the writers do not have a family history for this family. It is as if they are just making it up as they go, and quite often it just does not match what has already been written earlier. I think we have too much "Hernandez" too soon.
I started out liking Rafe; thought he was a nice guy; now, not so much. Arianna, I could do without all together (don’t care for this actor). So far Gabby is the best of the bunch. Their mother, I totally dislike, and we have never even seen her.
I feel as if I have been overdosed on "Hernandez" trivia, but no real family facts. JMHO
ParticipantI didn’t notice; but aren’t most cells pretty much alike? What would make them look different? I have never actually seen inside one for real, so I am just guessing.
Participantshe does have other small children who are expecting Christmas – where ever they happen to be. Sami does not spend much time with any of them, but thank goodness, someone took time to decorate.
ParticipantThat is outstanding!! Thanks Jenn for making this possible for all of us.
ParticipantWell Punky, I certainly hope you are correct; Kate should suffer at the hands of Somebody!!! She has walked around too smug for too long. She deserves punishment, but we know that people seldom get what they deserve – especially in Salem.
ParticipantThat is good advice for all of us to live by. Like you, I think that tough times are ahead for a lot of us. We can live on a lot less than we do. A few prayers for wisdom and guidance are always in order. God’s blessings on all who are struggling with a job search or any other problem.
ParticipantCongratulations to them! I hope all are doing well. I can just imagine Kyle singing beautifully to little Isabella.