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ParticipantThat the show can be anti-religion, but let me ask you this, Would the show be as entertaining if it didn’t have those things in it. I mean if everyone was good and did what they should and did not sin, what fun would that be? Now I really liked in the past where they worked small things into it. Like Jen really waiting to have sex the first time and when she did, being careful. Same with Belle, she really contiplated over whether to have sex or not. I wish they would do that with one of the younger kids now, maybe Will. He is on the right path and I hope they keep it that way. Since he knows first hand what can happen when you have unprotected sex at such a young age. Both with Mia and his mother.
I know it is hard, but times are changing. Very few kids wait until they are married to have sex. I am not sure I know of anyone, but maybe one of my friends who waited. Even my ultra-religious friend didn’t wait until she was married. I think many woman feel that waiting can be a mistake, I know I did. Heck, my mom told me not to wait, she said that my father and her waited and she feels that was a mistake. And my mom was/is very religous. She was Catholic school girl, went into the misionary, etc. She is no longer Catholic, but she is still Christian. She goes to church, belongs to a home group in the church, etc.
So I feel in order for Days to be entertaining and keep up with the times, it has to have those elements in it. But I don’t think it makes it anti-religion. I think by having a church, having Caroline talk about it, by having Chloe talk to a priest, and other small touches it makes it not a anti-religous show. But again, that is just my opinion.
We are all different, we all have different opinions, but I think that is what makes us so great. We can have civil conversations, we can disagree, and we can walk away still being friends.
ParticipantIf they do more than that, they will be dooming this couple forever. So I say 6 or less months and they will be back together.
ParticipantI have said in the past I think Justin & Carly would be a great pairing and I do see the show going in that direction. I think eventually Bo and Hope will realize they are being silly, most likely once Hope finds out the secret. Once that happens I see everything coming out, Justin helping Carly, growing closer, etc. But they will torture us for a couple more months.
January 4, 2010 at 9:09 pm in reply to: In your opinion, which was the worst story line ever in the history of “Days”? #9191IzzyB
ParticipantI would agree with you. But how it turned out I thought it was a good SL. Anything is possible when Stephano is involved. Too many crazy SLs with him to actually select a bad one.
January 4, 2010 at 9:07 pm in reply to: In your opinion, which was the worst story line ever in the history of “Days”? #9190IzzyB
ParticipantTo me that was the most stupid scene ever on days. It is funny, that scene popped in my head too when this topic came up. Funny how many of us think alike in some respects.
January 4, 2010 at 9:04 pm in reply to: In your opinion, which was the worst story line ever in the history of “Days”? #9189IzzyB
Participantbefore reading your answer one SL popped into my head, and that was the garden of Eden. Had to be the worse SL in history.
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ParticipantI especially want to see Stephanie go after today. She doesn’t bail out Nathan without even talking to him. That to me is stupid. While Nathan is in the wrong, Stephanie and Nathan were friends before getting together. So to not bail out a friend is stupid and to not even give Nathan a chance to tell his side of the story?!? I mean you take Phillips word for it? Give me a break, send Stephanie away, I am sick of her brass sudden decisions.
ParticipantWe always complain that people heal too quickly, if they change it back it would not be realistic. They should have had Nicole buy a wig, that would have been easier to change back. But my guess is that after her maternity leave she will come back with somewhat more normal hair.
ParticipantI guess I don’t notice these things, I don’t notice when there is diversity in a show or when there is not. I don’t see color, race, or religion, I see characters. I guess that is how i live my life in general. I don’t see a person’s race or religion, I see who they are as a person.
There are many towns out there with lack of diversity. The town I grew up in you were either white or black. Now religion was a little more diverse, but not much. There were very few jews (I think I knew one family). Most everyone was catholic, some other christian religion, or not religious at all.
I get upset when people say a show needs to be more diverse. Why can’t a show depict a portion of the US? Why does everything have to revolve around race? When people make a big deal about it, I think it makes race and religion issues even worse. Just my personal opinion.
ParticipantI totally understand. Days has been a part of our lives and I think we all have memories like this. I know for me Days was my time to escape life growing up. It was 1 hour in the day I could escape everything and everybody left me alone. Funny how I have that memory growing up, it seems like a bad memory, but it wasn’t. Days got me through my teenage years – lol
ParticipantI hated Bush because he would always interupt my soap – lol I think it was the cruise of deception SL and he interupted it once. Funny how that shaped my political views when I was a child, or sad?
ParticipantWas in the summer of 1988 and was Patch & Kayla’s wedding on the boat. I wasn’t able to tape it while I was in school from Sept to June, but I watched on breaks and kept up via reading magazines. Then from the summer of 89 on I was able to tape it, so I watched from that point on full time.
I was 12 in the summer of ’88 and none of my family watched it religously. But my mom loved soap weddings and therefore ended up watching it. I believe Justin & Adrienne were on some other scenes and I got interested in their SL that day.
ParticipantOK, so now I have all 4 couples. When the question appeared on today’s show I thought there was only 1. when they said 4 I couldn’t believe it. Funny, two of the couples are no longer together – lol
ParticipantI loved what he said to Phillip, so funny, so true.