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  • in reply to: Let’s do a poll! #23072

    Favorite character: Sami Brady

    Favorite couple: John & Marlena

    Favorite Villian: EJ Dimera

    Hottest Male: Brady Black

    Hottest Female: Chloe Lane

    Least Favorite Character: VIVIAN!!!

    Character you miss the most: Alice Horton (RIP, I LOVE YOU!)

    in reply to: Save me…PLEASE! #23023


    in reply to: What did Dario say in Spanish? #22973

    Ok, that’s what I thought, pretty much, and that Gabi repeated it…why would she do that if she know that Rafe knows Spanish? Wierd!

    in reply to: What did Dario say in Spanish? #22959

    Not sure why, but for some reason when I hit the caption button on the TV remote it says "not available." The DVR doesn’t seem to have the option either.

    in reply to: What did Dario say in Spanish? #22957

    Cool, well first of all, I remembered what "nada" means! YAY!! So it sounds like he was talking about Arianna’s accident/death.

    Going back on the DVR, he said (forgive the spelling)… Melanie and I we come to you y ta semos cinco dara persora cimotaros semara nes solute mente nada. Or something like that. I did my best, annoying the heck out of my husband by rewinding, pausing, etc. forever until I got it all, or what it sounded like. LOL!

    But then Gabi said: "why didn’t you do anything about the man who killed Ari?" So is that pretty much the same thing that Dario said? If so, why would she repeat it in English if Rafe is supposed to know Spanish? And what tipped Dario off to assume that Rafe2 isn’t really Rafe, based on what he said in Spanish?

    in reply to: Carly’s prescription. #22949

    In Minnesota it’s not like that. We can get refills on controlled substances unless it’s from the ER. If we need a refill, we just call the pharmacy and they fax the doctor for a refill and then the doc decides if we get it or not, but if we get it, then it’s just faxed back to the pharmacy and they will refill it.

    in reply to: Carly’s prescription. #22948

    That cough medicine with codine is just an expectorant with codine so it actually makes you cough more. It just loosens up the cough, or it’s supposed to. The stuff sucks!

    in reply to: Any chance Ari (Nicole) is pregnant? #22945

    I must say that she has been doing an exceptional job of acting, especially when Fae "fell" down the stairs, and then when she died. Amazing acting from her but I don’t think Taylor was very good at all with that part. She doesn’t seem to be as affected from it as Nicole is, and Nicole has always been so mean to her mom until recently. ???

    in reply to: Any chance Ari (Nicole) is pregnant? #22944

    LOL! I didn’t notice that! Too funny!

    in reply to: Cierra comment #22943

    I would think she’s maybe 7 and same with Theo. I think I saw that the actors are that age but I’m not posative. They are both awesome actors! With Theo "acting" Autistic when the actor is not, and I was amazed with Ciara’s acting on Friday when she fell and was laying unconcious next to the rock.

    in reply to: EJ’s future #22942


    in reply to: Re the gay character #22941

    If someone has to be gay, I would rather it be a woman, and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be Abby. I don’t think she has shown any interest in any guys, and she’s got this thing with hating her dad cause of him being gone so long without contacting any of them. I could see it being her.

    I can’t see it being Will at all because he’s hot with Gabi, and Chad got Mia pregnant, but that was a long time ago and I suppose he could have turned gay because of that whole experience with his and Mia’s baby Grace dying. It’s possible, but IDK, whetever, I just really hope they don’t start showing gay kissing or sex. IMO it’s just wrong and I don’t wanna see it.


    "I don’t want a phone with texting, internet or email. I just want to be able to make and answer calls."

    I totally agree with this! The cell companies keep making all these touch screen phones and stuff, and you can hardly ever find a regular phone without touchscreen. I have a touchscreen, but I choose not to use the internet or email, and I don’t like texting, but once in a while I will if someone texts me. I like the touchscreen personally just for calls and stuff, but my husband can’t even work my phone. He has a regular phone that’s still new but he has to have that kind because he always hits the wrong thing on the touchscreen. But yeah, so  many people are so into their phones and use it more for internet, email and texting than even making phone calls! I just want phone calls, plain and simple!


    I thought of this too! I have a T-Moble phone and my husband and I are on the same plan. All I have to do to find where he is is go to the T-Moble website and go to "FamilyWhere" and click on his phone and it tells me the tower his phone is using at the time, whether he’s on the phone or not. Hope was saying that she couldn’t use the GPS for Ciara’s phone unless she answered it. That’s messed up cause you would think that other companies would have the same thing. Whatever makes the drama though I guess. I haven’t watched today’s show yet but I sure hope that Theo answers her phone! Somehow I doubt it though.

    in reply to: prime time appearances #22686

    Oh cool! I love Maxine! She is awesome! I have last week’s Harry’s Law on my DVR. I hope it’s that one!

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