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Participantabout Lucas coming back. But after I saw and remembered their rapport together, it was nice. They do have a long history and a comfortableness with each other. And I think she can really be herself with him, more so than Rafe. I was always a Lucas/Sami fan until Rafe came along. She never had to trick Rafe to love her, he just did.
The only thing is that Lucas has always been her partner in crime (when they’re getting along). Is Sami going to use him as a way to continue her selfish behavior and manipulation of people, or will he actually make her face the music and help her become a better person?
ParticipantHow many people can we get into a love "triangle"? Maybe they can do all the characters on the show? Abby/Austin/Carrie/Rafe/Sami/EJ/Nicole. We already had the Abby/Chad/Melanie, then there’s Gabby in the mix. Throw Daniel w/ Nicole and that adds Jennifer and Jack. Try to pair up Jack and Lexie and Abe and Marlena and they’re almost there!
Participant…took over, everything seemed great for a while. Then they fired/hired someone, can’t remember who. A producer, maybe? And everything started to go a bit stale, I thought. Not sure if that was from the initial "refreshing" of the new writers or the hiring/firing of a higher up.
ParticipantI’d forgotten that Daniel and Nicole had ever really had any scenes together. He also gave her the news that she miscarried last time, didn’t he? Or was it the news that she was pregnant and her early prenatal care?
Participantthe fling between Rafe and Carrie is the way they keep Sami and Rafe together. How else could Rafe forgive her?
ParticipantShe’s feeling the ever so popular mommy guilt. Then her step dad, whom she’s never been that crazy about, tells her that her kids need her. I would have taken some offense to that as well.
I didn’t completely understand what John was talking about when he was saying he was the one making lunches when Sami was little and Marlena was gone. Was he comparing them to Sami and Rafe? I don’t remember how Sami felt about John back then.
It kind of felt to me like John was saying Sami should feel bad because she didn’t plan her own child’s party. Rafe is essentially a father to the kids, why should she feel bad because her husband is picking up a little slack? That’s what all families do from time to time.
ParticipantI think he’s doing great, too. I’m confused why we haven’t seen Kate’s reaction to Will working for EJ, though. Even if Kate doesn’t find out (right away) about the Sami/EJ tryst, if she found out it was Will and not Lucas that shot EJ, she would find a way to get Will out of this situation. She would protect him before she would protect EJ.
ParticipantEJ and Nicole are great together I think, when they’re written right. The first time they were married, I didn’t like how EJ turned into a jerk as soon as they got married and she was acting all desperate to keep him. He was being so abusive, I couldn’t understand why she was faking a pregnancy to keep him. She didn’t seem like she liked him all that much anyway. They’re a good match together, but everytime they’re paired up and have the opportunity to be happy, all of Nicole’s strength seems to disappear.
ParticipantI’m enjoying that there seems to be a bit more romance and happiness on the show, although, I’m not crazy about all the couples. It’s at least nice to see them happy. I’m having a hard time getting excited about Jen and Dan, Abigail and Chad and Nicole and Brady. Nobody seems to be a good fit for Brady on the show. I’m just hoping Sami and Rafe can be together for a while, now. Sami getting torn away from a man before they’ve even spent a week or two happy together, is just too much for me to take again.
ParticipantI really enjoyed it. Loved the twins and that Brady wasn’t allowed to talk or put his shirt on. EJ and Nicole were great, same with Bo and his comment about his BFF who had a cool patch over his eye. Also the way Chad was looking at Melanie and talking about her character in True Grit at the beginning. Are they still dating in real life? Also great to see Roman. I just wish Jennifer was there. I kept picturing her as one of the sister in The Fighter. I think she used to have her hair close to the same a couple decades ago. Love that Maxine was in there also. I hope she stays on the show. I see her as kind of the same role as Hurley on Lost, the lone voice that really sees that what is going on is crazy!
ParticipantThat made me laugh and Chad’s hot and ‘crispy’ fries made me laugh today, too. They looked so cold and soggy. If I were Abby, I wouldn’t have wanted them either.
Participant…when Rafe first got kidnapped. Something about him not having any because they were burned off? I don’t remember the details.
Participant…why Taylor and Nicole kept going on about this "mysterious man" that Taylor met, then as soon as there’s the awkward meeting at the wedding, Taylor stops talking about the ‘man’ and Nicole never makes the connection. It drives me crazy every time Nicole asks about how they met.
ParticipantI kept thinking he reminded me of P.S., but I would have never guessed they were related!
ParticipantI’m loving the wedding. They are such good looking people, I can’t help but enjoy it. Although, Taylor’s fainting was a little over the top.