Forum Replies Created
Participanti do not look forward to Bo’s return, especailly if they have him get back withHBope. I have enjoyed Hope and Aiden, they took it slow and let it grow. I am disappinted that they didn’t keep him on.
ParticipantDid he blow the line about Are or was that what was written? Yes he should have known it was not right, however I am not sure he is to blame for writers making a mistake!
ParticipantSometimes parents who send their child to private school seem to feel that they own you, not to mention that they are "better" than you!!. Some public school parents throw it in yhour face that "I pay your salary", but I found most are supportive.
ParticipantI think Serena, Clyde and Aiden.
Participantyes you are right, Patti. I do not like the character of EJ DiMera at all. I never bought the "love story" of EJ and Sami. I actually liked him much better with Nicole. I felt they were a better match.
I just feel the EJ did terrible things to the women he loved. Starting with his treatment of Sami. to kicking Nicole and Sydney out when he thought she wasn’t his child, to pretending she was killed, to his affair.
ParticipantPlease don’t bring back EJ
ParticipantI would think the 50th anniversary would be a good reason alone, without Caroline being ill. However, it would be another reason to make the trip. I enjoy Caroline, however Peggy seems to have trouble getting around and might want to retire.
ParticipantI so agree with you about using the hospital for one’s own agenda. However, didn’t Kala BEND the rules for Abigail by running the paternity test without Chad’s knowledge?
ParticipantI thought it was useless and a filler.
ParticipantThe sayng I hate the most is when a person says, They busted the drug ring". There is no such word as busted, yet newpwople and police use it all the time. I guess English is just too hard.
ParticipantI liked Bev and Rory. It was nice to see characters that were different and not all gooogy goody. Bev really did care for JJ and would have been good for him. In the end Rory also had JJ’s back.
ParticipantLet’s see, she has 2 men after her. One is the son of the biggest villain in town with a family history of lies, deception and underhanded dealings. The second is the son of a hillbilly like thug who everyone has underestimated to this pint. Wow, some choice!
However, Ben is much more naive about his father’s dealing! I don’t understand why you call him a jerk. I really cannot blame him for getting in Chad’s face about Abigail. Chad has been after him from day one and his motivs have not been above board. There is something about Chad I don’t trust and it is not that he is Stefano’s son! He went from Abigail to Jordan, and threw it in Ben’s face often so I can see his reaction
ParticipantWhenever it suits Chloe’s needs.
ParticipantIf you think about it, the Hortons family have had a lot of "screw ups". They have all that their share of misfortune – Mickey/Bill and Laura (Mickey’s son is really Bill’s and then Laura is committed- where she meets Jack, Julie and her wild ways (David Banning) and marrying her mother’s husband Doug, making her Hope’s step mother and half sister, Tom the war hero, Marie the nun, Mickey and Bonnie, just to mention a few.
The Horton family on the surface is an upstanding founding family, but deep down there are more skeletons in their closet than in a haunted house. Not to mention starting out as ole line Protestants to becoming Catholic!
ParticipantThis is Victor’s house. Why can’t he make her go?
Also remember when Nicole’s mother lived in the guest or pool house? Why not set her up there? That way she can have SUPERVISED interaction with Tate while keeping her away from Brady and keeping Tate safe!