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ParticipantI think that Eve has been a tease ever since she came to Salem. She has made a pass at Daniel, Eric and who know else.
She was never concerned about Paige, just herself and her singing career. Enough,she needs to leave now.
She can take Paige with her cause if she doesn’t trust JJ then she doesn’t deserve him.
ParticipantActually Stefano mentioned that the ashes Sami got did not belong to EJ, because Stefano had his body whisked away. The ashes belong to someone else.
Actually when Jack died by the Salem Stalker, he donated organs and was cremated and yet he returned so in Salem anything is possible.
ParticipantIt’s funny- people always say that Sami cannot cry, but those tears with Lucas were real.
Actually I think it has been several days, perhaps a week. Still far too short for grieving the "love of your life"
ParticipantI liked Jordan with Rafe and don’t understand why they broke them up. I think that there was a SL there about Clyde and her that could have been interesting.
I don’t get why they put her with Chad. First of all she is too old for him, second IMO it is all about making Abby jealous. Don;t really like what they have done to CHad-I guess he is the new DiMera villian.
Msybe they need new writers cause no of these steps make sense.
ParticipantI also thought Sami and kids would go into witness protection. There would be a scene of Sami and the children in there new surroundings.
Another scene in another location shows EJ working on setting up things because he plans on finding her and the children once he has the resources.
This lets you know that EJ is alive and the possibility of being reunited — but not yet.
ParticipantI thought that Sami was so afraid that Stefano would come after the children. Does she really think she will be safe in California?
This makes NO sense to me. Witness protection would make more sense. So would starting a new life in Europe under new identities.
Also what happened to the "exit that will make the viewers happy"?
This story seems rushed and trown together, funny since they have know all year that Ali was leaving.
ParticipantWell, I guess it is just me, but I think that Chad’s purpose WAS to make Abigal jealous!
ParticipantOh, cause Stefano, Victor, and EJ weren’t bad, just misunderstood?
ParticipantI think that Abigail’s reaction to Ben’s story about bing hit by a belt has to do more with her age than the amount of physical.
Anyone over 40 can relate to being punished by a spanking, strap, switch, paddle (even in school), ruler(favorite of nuns), and from where I live a "cat of nine"tail, which was a whip like instrument with several leather straps connected to it. However, people Abigail’s age were given time out, grounded, and generally not physically punished.I think that is why she reacted like she did, although a bit over the top reaction.
ParticipantI thought that young Allie did a great job with Lucas and Sami. For someone whoo never really had much to say on screen, she was a real pro in those scenes.
ParticipantI totally agree with you. Clyde might be from the backwoods, but he is no fool. He is smart, cunning, and shrew "businessman" who I think ran a successful drug business and is not afraid to call whatever needs to be done to continue his success.
I don’t believe for an instant that he has changed nor does he want to make amends for his past. It is all part of his plan.
ParticipantYes, she has been mean and vindictive and set on revenge. However, I feel that it is easy to understand why family and friends are flocking around her. She has suffered an unexpected and terrible loss. It is what makes us human, to come and comfort her, not matter what happened in the past. Sympathy for her perdicament– because it could happen to anyone and everyone needs comfort. No matter how anyone feels about someone, I don’t think even an enemy wish ill on a person.
I will miss Ali, she has been great during this SL, so believable in her reactions.
ParticipantI was not aware that a person could witness a cremation.
ParticipantHe had his chance it is over.
ParticipantOr Sami leaving truly believing EJ is gone. Then the next scene is EJ somewhere else, allowing her to believe he is dead kind of like Dexter.