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ParticipantAccording to Soap Opera Digest, his last taping was May 2. That would keep him on screenuntil October. Of course they could have taped his ending scenes before he left. They don’t tape in sequence. They can still have them together by pre taping his scenes.
Although he stated that he had a life changing experience in {eru, DOOL execs said he was leaving to pursue other opportunities.
Not sure what he has been doing.
ParticipantI agree with you about Chad. If I remember right, Chad had become a bit obessed with Melaniie and attafcked Nick. This led to melanie leaving town. He then reunites with Abigail and lies about his tumor to keep her. When she finds out, she drops him. He then goes to Boston and spends time with Stefano.
I imagine that this is when he begins to change into the kind of son Stefao would approve of. I reallt don’t find it surprising that Chad has become "full DiMera" as he has always had a mean sreak when he didn’t get his way. (Reminds me of EJ)
His main gripe with Ben is that he is with Abigail. Also that is his complaint about EJ. However, he left Abigail to be with Melanie so I feel she is free to do as you chooses.
He really is playing up the bad guy! He is letting the "DiMera" power of to his head.
ParticipantIn the older stories, people use to go to a confidente and tell them what was going on. There were also people who "knew" the real story and would tel others so it did get around, but did it more secretively then today.
However, in today’s society, I feel that many people overshare what is going on in their private lives, so I guess it is a sign of times!
ParticipantI so wanted Sami to tell EJ, "It is time for me to forgive you, ….but I can NEVER forget all that you have done to me and it is time to part".
But no she cozy ups to him yet again. All the shile, EJ has this look on his face that says "Yes, again I win"
They deserve each other.
Participantthere would be NO dialogue or action on the show
ParticipantJill sent the pictures to Eve as proof that she had gotten "evidence" of JJ so Eve would pay her. I sure hope that Eve gets caught.
I liked that Paige believed JJ.
ParticipantHope has never been subtle! It is also a dead giveaway that she has strong feelings for Aiden.
ParticipantHenderson let Theresa in to the parlor. Don’t know how Kristen got in.
ParticipantHenderson let Theresa in to the parlor. Don’t know how Kristen got in.
ParticipantWhen DOOL started, many women were staybaat home moms who wanted to be taken away to al life very different than the one they were living. Stories were full of romance and some mystery plus tension. It was full of love, betrayal, break up etc.
Life has changed so much in 50 years!!! Today the TV is filled with "reality" tv that are done from scripts and over over the top "drama". Most women have busy lives with work and family. They already have plenty of drama in their lives!!!!! SO writers feel that they need to push the envelope to "entertain". I feel that this is one reason soaps are disappearing. I hope DOOL survives, only time will tell.
ParticipantNo changes in Pennsylvania but I always DVR –hate commericals!!
ParticipantI noticed the same thing. Ali also looked endowned on Wednesday’s show. Not sure if the new wardrobe is enhancing the natural or there was work done. Both seemed to have lower cut dresses on that emphasized the "pillows"!!
ParticipantI am so sorry for your loss. It is wonderful that you were able to raise your grandson and be there for him. It takes a strong person to overcome such tragedy. You are blessed with your family and I am sure they are a great comfort to you.
God bless you.
ParticipantThis has been my rpoblem with EJ all along. He claims that this was a tryst that meant nothing to him, that Sami was the love of his life. Yet at every turn, he has continued to continue to defend Abigail for her actions. Yes, she had sought him after their "breakup", but as late, it is he who contiues to tell her what they did wasn’t wrong and she was a beautiful young woman. He has bolstered her up and continues to take her side.
If Sami is truly the "love of his life", he would have crawled back to her, begged for her forgiveness and totally distanced himself from Abigail. Did he ever ask Sami to fogive him? Did he ever say it was a mistake? I don’t remember. EJ wants to be in control and no one is going to tell him what to do.
wThis is why I dislike EJ so much because I don’t believe he loves anyone. It is about control –he will decide when he is done with you and you don’t give him conditions. No, EJ is evil. (IMHO)
ParticipantHow can someone with a restraining order live in the same house with the victim? I don’t care how big the house is, this is stupid!
Also there is no reason for the restraining order.