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ParticipantYou said that Abigail "bedded an engaged man". That statement led me to believe that you meant that she pursued him. That is because last time I checked it takes two to stray!! So the great and powerful EJ just couldn’t resist her charms – give me a break. So if Abigail is a "whore", what is EJ— a cad?
Yes she has a pattern, she is attracted to older, unavailable men. Some might say that she is looking for someone to replace her father. It has been an emotional year for Abigail and her entire family. That might also help her get some sympathy from family and friends. As for Salemites in general, I am sure that they will be talking about her, much like the reporters who are not giving her a "free Pass".
I don’t expect you to agree with me, but I am explaining what conclusion I think most people would reach. Like it or not, EJ has a bit of a reputation, after all he married Sami in 2007, then Nicole in 2009, then went back to Sami. then Nicole, then falls for Taylor before reuniting with Sami. So most people would think he is a womanizer and give Abigail the benefit of the doubt.
ParticipantThis is beginning to sound like Nicole’s dealings with her father!!
ParticipantOk, so according to you Abby instigated the affair? EJ went to the Horton cabin to "convince" Abigail not to talk to HOpe.
Did it happen again, yes. Several times. I don’t remember Ej saying, "no,no Abigal, I am engaged, this is wrong". THat shower scene was BOTH of them.
You feel that Abigail pursued EJ. However, it is EJ who continue to seek her out, to tell her she is a beautiful, that she did nothing wrong, etc. Even now, he continues to inquire how she is, so I would say he is vested in her. Went he went to see Will, he was very critical of will naming Abigail!
Finally, it is a logical conclusion that most people would blame the worldy, sophisticated EJ instead of the much younger, inexperienced Abigail. Like it or not, that makes the most sense.
ParticipantHave you ever watched "Justified"? Many back water towns in the south are loaded with drug dealers that make a substantial amount of money and stay under the radar. They run vast enterprises and are a lot more powerful than most people realize.
Just because he comes from a small town doesn’t mean he is not powerful or well established.
ParticipantI agree, Patti. I velieve that he has been abusive to Jordan and that is why she fled with Ben.
I also feel that he is a big drug pin and plans on taking over the trade in Salem. I think he is very smart and just plays the "country bumpkin" to fool others. Kate has inadvertently brought a whole lot of trouble to Salem.
I also feel that he is the head thug that Ej is willing to get in business with and that EJ might have got in over his heard.
ParticipantPerhaps to add a touch of reality to the "soap".
Sami is working from home so why would she be made up? Kate was getting ready for the day, so it is exactly what would be happening. Granted most people don’t put on make up in the living room, but they were discussing their situation so it is possible.
ParticipantYes she took Sydney and raise her as her own because she wanted EJ to have his own child. In her own way, Nicole was doing it for EJ cause SAmi was keeping the child from EJ.
What about Anna originally stealing Sydney for EJ? and don’t forget EJ —he arragned for the bloody clothes so that Sami thought the baby was dead and planned on taking her out of the country. He WAS an adult.
If Eric can forgive Kristen and Marlena but not Nicole, then he SHOULD not be a priest. The real reason that Eric lost his desire and vocation is because of his desire (though he won’t admit it) for Nicole.
August 11, 2014 at 2:11 pm in reply to: I finally figured out who Paige Larson/True O’Brien reminds me of #44954justwondering
ParticipantIn my opinion, I think that Page and JJ have come along wasy and are doing a great job portraying teens in love. They are suppose to be 18 as they are going off to college. If you remember the Belle, Shawn and Philip days they seem to be on par to the time that they went to Salem U.
You cannot expect them to act like adults, but to me they seem realistic.
Of course, the show has changed since the days of Tom and Alice, cause life has changed and things are a lot more acceptable today. (right or wrong) However, soaps have ALWAYS been full of affairs, divorces, pregnancies, etc.
ParticipantGlad to see that you are on the mend and will be contributing to the board. Missed having you around. Get we.. soon.
ParticipantI actually liked her hair better down and curly in the earlier scene.
ParticipantThe way Jordan acts aroundhim makes me think that he was far to familiar with his step daughter. I think that he abuse her, perhaps also abuse her mother and she took Ben to protect him.
Haven’t figured out anything else. Beginning no to care!
ParticipantTake heart MK. There are plenty of board members who agree with you. No one should silence you because you have a right to your opinion as much as anyone else. I happen to agree with you that EJ is guiltly and should face more severe punishment. First, EJ was the one in the "commited" relationship. Second, (although some don’t accept this as legitimate) he is older, more wordly, more powerful and more manipulative than Abigal. Third, he is also keeping the "relationhip" going by constantly meeting Abigial and telling her that she is good and what they did was
Quotes are from Days Cafe recap:
"Wot they did was not as awful as she seems to believe. Abigail believes it was wrong! EJ agrees they lacked judgment and it was not moralistic," and " He praises the glum girl for her beauty and integrity and insists her hurt will pass. "
He is still "playing" her in my mind. So I still feel that EJ isdoing all in his power to to be in control. I am not saying that Abigail doesn’t have any resposnibility in all of this. She certainly agreed to the situation and has said so. I thought she did a good job in confronting Sami and say —-Hey enough! I think Sami is going to find out that revenge can give you an empty space.
It appears that the PTB are going to have Sami and EJ end up together. That would not be the ending I would write! I guess Sami never learns. She will do all in her power to ruin Abigail and then trake EJ back! Doesn’t compute with me.
ParticipantVictor should know a little bit about baing bad— he was never above doing whatever it took to get what he wanted in the olf days!
Participant"HE gave up all to keep her out of jail and to protect her" Are you serious?
Yes, the reason EJ went to Smilth Island was to talk Abigial out of talking with Hope. BUT Do you really think that EJ was sacrifcing himself for Sami’s sake? That he TRULY believed that the only way to silence Abigail was to bed her?
I think that he saw an opportunity and took it. Perhaps he felt it would give her a reason to keep quiest, but I doublt Samantha was on is mind at the time!!
As far as I am concern he is getting just whay he deserves.
ParticipantI truly feel for Sami and understand her heartache and anger. I am so on board for her taking down EJ for his latest mishap because he has done so many dirty things in the past and has gotten away with them.
I just cannot buy that Abigail is this seductive beguiling enchantress that EJ just couldn’t resist. (Much like how he pined sfter Taylor). Remember it was more than once for him as well!!! I didn’t realize that he doesn’t know how to say NO– Leave!
I know rhar Abigail is no nun and she certainly has many issues, but I still blame this situation on EJ caus he is the mature, sophiscated,controlling person who never loses his cool. He knows what he wants and he goes after it, period.
As far as Sami’s cheating on Rafe– it IS worse cause they were married at the time, not just engaged. SO is she is worthy of forgiveness, then so is Abigail. I don’t buy the "other woman" made me do it excuse. HE is to blame. (IMHO)