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ParticipantCould it be that Nicole will be the hero? I have to say that she is way more loyal to Daniel than Jen!!
As for Jen, this relationship is doomed, to much has happened and she has NEVER been on his side. Time to let it go!!
In my opinion, Mary Beth is just a busy body who doesn’t want her friend to have a boyfriend. Not sure if she has a crush on JJ or if she just doesn’t feel he belongs in their social circle.
ParticipantReally love the Blacklist
Participant1.Wouldn’t Jen know if Dan had a cleaning service and who that person is?
2. Wouldn’t this just make her more suspicious about the whole matter?
3. Wouldn’t she think it is strange that he has never appeared "high" any other time she has been with him?
4. Why wouldn’t she believe in him if he is the love of her life? I would think she would say, " I got a tip from a lady who claims she cleans your apartment who told me where to look and this is what i found. Obviously, somon is out to GET you".
ParticipantIf only it had been the REAL thing!!!!! That would have been a first.
ParticipantI think that everyone critized JJ when he came on the show, but he has improved. i think it takes time to get into a role and she is doing a fine job as a young sweet high school girl.
ParticipantWow when I first starting watch this scene, I thought, at last they are moving this SL along at warp speed!!
Should have know better wished it had been true
ParticipantDo you REALLY think that Doctors call of or delay surgery just caus they don’t feel well? I think that Doctors perform surgery many times when not in great shape. It is a major deal to delay surgery as well as the expense of the room, anesthesiologist time, nurses etc.
I am not saying that it is right, but I am sure it goes on far too often!!
ParticipantI really liked that Lucas had a love interest. At least he had a life!
I am concerned that he might be on the chopping block (yet again) since there really isn’t anything for him once Sami leaves.
I thought that Cheryl and Lucas had some chemistry.
ParticipantNo problem, I just don’t like Bullies!! You have the right to feel and believe as you wish. This ia America.
ParticipantIn this forum, ever poster has their favorites and non favorites. While it is obvious that Sahdow is not a WilSon fan, she is entitled to state her opinion without being criticized.
I realize that this story is close to your heart, but you do not need to be rude.
You are never hesitant to speak you mind and often get testy and sarcastic when others do not share your opinion. I feel that you should repect the rights of others to speak their minds. You certainly have the right to respoind, but you need not get nasty or personal with your comments.
Shadow stated she didn’t like the hoopla or the wedding. She has the right to state that. She was not mean or hateful. You should be the same.
ParticipantShawn Christian has been married to Donna Quinn for 16 years and they divorced in 2013. They have a son, Kameron and a step daughter Tyler. His wife:
ParticipantI know they missed the ceremony but they could have gone to the reception instead of having to get the toys that day. Also since they went to get something to eat, why not juxt go to the reception!!!
ParticipantCould it have anything to do with the fact that Ari is well renowed as an daytime actress while Kyle’s career is not as well known?
ParticipantMy favorite part was Caroline’s speech because everyone thought she was rambling on and not making any sense when she was spot on with her story. It also helps to explain someone’s complaint that being a strong Catholic wouldn’t allow her to approve of this wedding.
It was so nice to see everyone come together to make WilSon’s day perfect! It was also nice to see Will talk with Kate to make sure she didn’t feel left out. It was definitely well done.
@Shadow, I feel that there was just enough drama. Most weddings are planned for almost a year and there is a lot of drama. I think they did a great job without going overboard.
ParticipantThe plot is to make EJ a hero!!! I can’t believe that Victor couldn’t have done the same thing.