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ParticipantActually, I liked all the sparkles. I thought they were very classy looking. Jordon reaaly looked nice. Like Abby’s dress, but not her straight hair and the lipstick was way too red. (IMO)
Did Gabby cut her hair? Also Maxine’s dress was very nice, but her hair was kind of limp.
ParticipantI agree that the darker hair just doesn’t cut it. I liked it better when she darker it a littel and put some highllights in it. I also don’t like the hairdo for the wedding. She looks so much better when it is in soft curls down around her face. They always seem to pull it back for formal occasions, and it just isn’t flattering.
ParticipantI don’t think that Marlena planned on performing the wedding. I think she meant if they wanted a religious wedding, it would need to be in the Episcopal Church since the Catholic Church couldn’t do it. Since neither a church members, it is probably easier for a secular ceremony.
ParticipantI respectfully disagree with you. My mom was very religious and a good Catholic. However, she also was a smart and well educated woman who saw the best in everyone. When she was 92, a friend of my son was working as an aide in the nursing home where she stayed. They were talking and he admitted that he was gay. My mother turned to him and said, "I already knew that, and you are a good person". This boy was struggling with his family about this very thing. He hugged her and said, "Thank You." Several days later he came to see her and brought his friend with him to meet my mom.
The longer a person llives, the more things happen to them. Often times, it softens them and allows them to be compassionate.
My mother was very much like Caroliine. Caroline has been through many things, starting by having an affair with Victor, bearing a child and lying to her husband. How many of her children have divorced and remarried? All of these things are against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. However, many believers disagree with some doctrines and relax some rules. Besides, he is her family, so I totally see her reacting this way.
ParticipantSo why is Roman sitting on the Horton side, instead of with the Bradys? Where is Nicole?
ParticipantI also found it interesting that he would attend the wedding without Marlena haveing to urge him! It is definitely against the Roman Catholic Church for a homosexual lifesty. Although Pope Francis said recently that if they live a holy life, who is he to judge.
I guess Eric picks and chooses, (like most Catholics).
ParticipantDaniel said on thursday Days that he couldn’t be there.
ParticipantI know that her blonde hair was very light but I really don’t like her color now.
ParticipantI think she is mourning the death of this "affair" with EJ more than being pregnant. if she were pregnant whe would still be in his life, and IMO that’s what she want.
ParticipantMarlena is the new Kate! I gues when writers don’t know what to do with characters, they make them meddlers!!! WHat about Roman? Telling Eric that Nicole is no good and did terribel things!!! How old is Eric???? They are treating him like he is a little kid!!
As someone else mentioned, she must love Eric more, cause if anyone should be counseled about life partners, it is Sami.!!!!
I don’t get how she can be so supportive of Will and anti Nicole!!
ParticipantThat was exactly what I thought. he stopped being a priesnt like 2 weeks ago. he truly loved his job and the church. It seems logical that he would still cling to the teachings of the church. As for being involved with Nicole before, that was a long time ago before the fire of his faith helped him big his path with the church.
It is logical that he would want this to be done by church rule. If he only knew the truth!
ParticipantActually, I thought Hope lost all her money during the finanical stock market.
Hope has never been strong– she has always counted on Daddy, Bo, Gram Horton, Gramma Brady, Jennifer and others.
She loves her job and doubt that she would want to be home. Besides, many single moms work full time and still manage to raise well behaved children.
Ciara has always fancied herself as very special and is using Bo’s absence for her own gain.
As far as Sami goes, she is a push over and should have insisted that they go for the less expensive one. Hope should have made Ciara give them back to Sami not to charity.
ParticipantWhile I don’t condone this storyline, in real life deep undercover can last for a long time. During that time, the family IS NOT in touch with the person which often leads to divorce and alienation from the family. It is a really tough life. However, this SL is no more unbelievable than Jack and his many years of absence especially the last "walk about"!!!
As for this SL, it is time for Hope to say "Enough, it is time that I need to do what is right for myself and my daughter". Her first responsibility is to set Ciara straight and get a handle on her behavior. I must say the actress is playing brat very well. If I remember, Hope always had daddy tied around her finger and also had her wild days.
AS far as Sami is concerned, she should recognize Ciara cause she is acting alot like the young Sami.
All of these characters have had their sild, bratty moments, (Jennifer too), it’s like the only wasy TPTB know what to do with kids!!!!
As for Peter, NO ONE is irreplaceable–dumb BO or recast.
ParticipantHey, it is a private school so most of the children will have money!! I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was for the PARENTS to buy, not the kids.
ParticipantWell Patti can always depend on you to have her back!!