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ParticipantMany hotels are doing away with bed spreads and just using a strip at the end of the bed. Everything else can be stripped and washed each time.
ParticipantI know that Abigail is no angel and that she has a history of going after unavailable men. I am not trying to pin a medal on her or call her a angel. (There are no angels on DOOL) But she IS young, dumb and naive. She is a babe in the woods compared to EJ.
Yes, it takes two to tangle but if one says no that it is a no go. Since EJ is more mature and worldly and so in love with Sami, I would think he would have more self control. As dopey as Austin was, he resisted Abby’s charms.
If as TFLo insinuates that EJ bedded her to keep her from butting her nose into Gabi’s business, then EJ is even worse. Then it wasn’t a loss of control, it was a calculated move.
Thanks for your compliement about my posts, believe me I get it– you love EJ and Sami together as a super couple. But they can’t be too super if there is not trust, whether or not they are having trouble.
I enjoy reading your posts and your insights and you are entitled to your opinion. I think that I have been on here long enough to be entitled to mind. I am simply pointing out another point of view.
I wasn’t trying to offend anyone.
ParticipantMy first reaction was wow. Did you see EJ’s face? Priceless
ParticipantI am not trying to "blow it out of proportion" at all. Manipulating a young woman IS a big deal.
Everyone can make a mistake, but to do this to decieve (it was lovely, smooch, smooch) is disgusting!!
Whether you hate Abby or not has nothing to do with my comments. In case YOU didn’t realize, I really detest EJ, and I always have. Right from the beginning when he moved in across the hall from Sami and began his quest to bed Sami because his father wanted him to. I won’t BORE you with other incidents when EJ’s true colors have continued to come to the surface (hint hint trying to freeze Lucas, kidnapping Sidney and pretending she was dead, etc,etc.) Every action in his life is the definition of a sociopath.
As for me, I, too, hope Sami finds out. However, I hope with all my heart, that she is smart enough to put the blame where it belongs
on EJ! If she can find it in her heart to FORGIVE this latest betrayal of her love, then they truly deserve each other.As for Abigail, she is young, dumb and impressionable. Hopefully, she will grow up and mature.
By the way—-if you knew the definiton of a sociopath and can’t recognize it describes EJ to a tee, then you are not as smart as you think! Only kidding – NOT
and have a nice day!!!!
ParticipantI also liked herwith Roman, another under ultilzed character.
ParticipantWow, lots of hate for Abby. A young naive girl with limited experience. What about EJ? A sophisticated, man of the world.
Where is his culpability? Before you tell me, she became the aggressor, he is older and should be in control!! I don’t buy the "well, he has got any from Sami for a long time". Is he an animal? Also, afterward, he engages in pillow talk— "it was lovely", the very things are young girl would want to hear from a powerful man like EJ. Than they engage again!!
Yes, Abby will become delusional and obsessed, but IMO this is on EJ.
As far as being a sociopath- this – a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral
responsibility or social conscience.
this is a definiton of EJ not Abigail.
ParticipantYou mentioned that they wanted to age/mature Will. I don’t think Guy looks older or more mature.
I didn’t see a real connection with Sonny or Gabby. Also seemed strained with EJ. I guess it takes time!! And Chandler is a tough act to follow.
Will be interested in seeing interaction with Sami and Marlena ( cause Chandler was fantastic with her)
ParticipantActually, I think that TPTB have been hinting at this for some time. The converstaions between EJ and Abgail discussing her father’s book, "running" into each other and talking. Her remarks about EJ being the bad boy. We already know that Abigail goes gaga over "older" and unavailable men (Austin).
But I thought it was funny that she hasid that she is a woman and if she didn’t want it to happen, it wouldn’t have. SO TRUE! I remember all those times she teased Cameron, only to change her mind. They made such a big deal about her being a virgin. I guess she didn’t learn anything from her encounter with Chad.
Although, I loved the line " I have been with 2 men and they are brothers and DiMeras!!
However, I blame EJ. He is older, more worldly and supposedly in love with "Samantha". I don’t care if they are fighting, you don’t make up with someone by sleeping with someone else.
ParticipantWell,will the real EJ please satnd up? Someone so sophisticated would be attracted to Abigail?
I think that this is far worse than Jen getting mad at Daniel about Theresa!! He is innocent.
If Sami can forgive this, then she is dumber than I thought. I am sure EJ will say that this is Sami’s fault because he has needs and she hasn’t met them!! I really cannot see them continuing as a couple after this. Sami is in for a rude awakening!!!
ParticipantI thought EJ was the smart one, cunning and imaginative. This is the best he can come up with?
THere are so many other things that would make more sense. But then again, why is Abby so determined to tell? I really didn’t think she cared that much for Nick.
ParticipantNo need for an overnight—EJ has his own boat, they don’t have to wait for the ferry!
ParticipantWait, he knew that she drugged Eric,slept with him, recorded him, and edited the recording? He knew about the potion doctor? He knew about her plan all along?
Wow, that IS some secret.
ParticipantTo me, the most ironic part of this story is that Kristen is NOT family. She was adopted, and it NOT a DiMera. That being said, I believe that EJ feels that he can do whatever he wants without explaining anything to Sami, or anyone. He feels that he is in control at all times.
Does he love Sami? No, I don’t believe he does. He likes the chase, he likes to conquer, and she is the ultimate price. IMHO, much like Stefano’s obsession with his "queen of the night".
Bonbon– you are right about lying, there are times when it is better to lie than tell the truth (especially an affair, if in your heart you know it was wrong, and you want to try again). But in EJ’s case, Sami already knows so it is time to come clean cause he really doesn’t know everything she did.
I think it is more about who he is and that he wants to be in control at all times. In his mind, only he needs to decided what to tell Sami and what not.
I just cannot see them together in the long haul. I alwyas thought Nicole was more suited to him than Sami.
ParticipantI so agree with you, Bonbon.
ParticipantI highly doubt that EJ would consider $600 for a jacket expensive. he wears Armani suits around the house!! My point was it is not an expensvie coat for the Di Mera. He spent $30,000 a piece for the earrings!!
By the way, I wasn’t "backing up" Bonbon, just making an observation of the way I took the comment.