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ParticipantSo if Will leaves and so does Gabi, how will it be wrtitten? Who gets Ariana? What happens to Sonny? So much time and enegry has been invested in this story. Does it all just go away?
I would think that TPTB could arragne Chandler’s schedule so he could go to school and still act.
ParticipantHave you ssen the commerical for Njutella where the mom says that she can’t get her kids to settle until she tells them their nutella on toast is ready? It really gripes me because it snows the kids playing and fooling around in the morning before going to school. The mother laments that she can’t get their attention!!
I raised 5 kids and no of themever acted like that in the morning!! The ceral boxes and bowls were on the table. When they cmae downstairs, they got their bowls and filled it up, sat down and ate. Then they put the bowls in the sink and got their bakc packs. There was NO tv in the morning and NO playing with toys, etc.
I just don’t get why a mom cannot say, "do it" and it is done!!! Every time I see this commerical I get annoyed!
JJ is playing Jen by making her feel guilty about how bad he feels. The problem is JJ wasn’t around, neither was his dad!! It seems that Jen really didn’t want either of her kids around, so biw they feel neglected. Let’s no forget that Abigail lashed out about her dad’s death and Jen being with Daniel too.
Jen moved on way too fast (in my opinion), and I think she knows it!! That is why JJ’s complaints make her react the way she does. I am not sure trherapy will work, cause it won’t change anything is JJ doesn’t want to go.
ParticipantIs it in any way possible that Eric and Kristen didn’t really have s*x, but rather the video was photo shopped?
ParticipantI liked Adrienne’s hair. It is a bit wind blown casual, but fits her face. Also liked her outfil, loved the colors and the chunky necklace.
I thought Sami’s hair was terrible, too high, puffy and don’t really like it straight. SHe looke very extreme. Someone compared her to Elvira, I agree. She is much too pretty to look that witchy!!
ParticipantAgree about Marlena–leg on his lap is a no no.
Just don’t understand while TPTB worked so hard to get Will and Sonny together just to split them up!! I don’t understand why Will and Sonny couldn’t go our and take Ariana with them!!
Gagi NEVER seems to be around!!!
Adrienne is out of bounds.
While Brady is a recovering drug addict, he should refrain from all addictive substances, especailly drinking because it can cloud his judgement. His judgement is already in question.
Kristen is a liar with no heart. For her to tell Brady that she loved him and he threw her away when she already made a move to destroy Eric and Marlena is just wrong.
HAAte Sami’s hair–she looks like the matron of the house with it pulled back like that.
Jennifer has so much guilt about Jack’s death that she cannot see that JJ is playing her!!!
ParticipantWell, I guess ther is no pleasing everyone. For a long time, many have complained that Kate was a b*t*h that spent all her time interferring (much like Maggie) in her children’s relationships. Some many people have complained that she was a lying, manipulative monster.
Now they take her in a different direction, and guess what? people don’t like it. Well, everyone always complains that Sami never grows up or changes. Now Kate has changed. Why is it so strange that she connected with Rafe? For the record, Kate broke up with him because she was afraid that Stefano would go after Rafe— and he did!!
I remember a time when Kate was with Roman and she had a sofe side. So it is not impossible.
I like Rafe and kate together because they bring out the good side of each of them. What is wrong with that?
ParticipantSome things should not be explored and this is one of them. To actually rape a priest and then manipulate the footage to appear it was consentual is worse than the Sami/EJ rape story.
Why these writers would go this route baffles my mind! Eric was the one character on this show that was pure. it is disgraceful that this was done to him. To make him think that he broke his vow is sinful.
I always felt that EJ was pure evil. He has been replaced by Kristen. She is so consumed by revenge, she cannot see that she is destroying herself.
ParticipantI am far more interested in Stefano and how he will fight this latest coup. I understand that EJ felt betrayed when Stefano threw him out becuase he wan’t his on. I cant buy that because Kristen and Tony weren’t his and he accepted them. Also, I I remember correctly, EJ tried to take over once before Stef’s empire once berfore and also threw him out of the house, so EJ has no loyalty to Stef. I also don’t get Chad’s reaction. Just can’t make up my mind about Chad.
My problem with EJ is he is heartless as can be seen by the way he treats "family". It doesn’t take him long to turn on anyone, -Sammy, Nicole Sydney, now Stefano. His need to be in command "don’t ever talk like that to me", one minute and doing the couch thing the next. If I were Sami, I wouldn’t do the couch thing the same time I am told to behave and obey. I just don’t buy fight sex!! Almost as bad as grief sex.
I look forward to Stefano prevailing in the end.
ParticipantShe decided that she wants to go my her middle name–Theresa
ParticipantI fear Bryan is next!! AGAIN
ParticipantI might be in the minority but I enjoy Kate and rafe together. It is refreshing to see mature people enjoying each other, despite their past lovers dislike for them. The twinkle in kate’s eye as she watched Rafe come out of his coma was great. I hope they stay together.
ParticipantGabi was very excited to start a life with Nick and her daughter. Now that Nick has kissed her off, she is stuck with Will AND Sonny. Not exactly what she had in mind!! Gabi was desparate to have the perfect family (as was Nick). Now the reality that she can’t have will and Nick doesn’t want her, her world is falling apart. I don’t think that it is post partum, just the stark reality that her life is no fairytale!!
ParticipantI am guessing that the video of Sami and Bernardi will surface and the case will be reopened. I think that Adrienne has the video on her phone. Sonny sent it to here accidently when sending a video of the baby. Not a good commerical fro Samsung- sending something by accident!!!
ParticipantI always thought that the HTS was an outdoor space in the middle of town, surrounded by shops and restaurants. Since it seems to be the gathering space for the town, I assumed that is why the police memorial service was there. After all, the debate between Abe and EJ was at the square.
ParticipantUnderstand and agree. However, it seemed that both Nciole and Kirsten got there VERY quickly. So why stay over night? Nicole realized he forgot some papers and poof–she was there!!