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Participanti really don’t think he is that bac. he is just a kid who feels that he has been robbed of his dad. he is angry at his mom and sister for moving on/ accepting changes so quickly. he has missed out on family life and feels deprived.l He reminds me of Melanie when she first surfaced.
ParticipantMissy was just in a major storyline with Daniel, so I think she has had plenty of air time. As of JJ behavior, I feel that it is realistic for JJ to feel the way he does about Daniel. He is in high school and has missed out on whatever family life they had. Actually, JJ had been in boarding school since he was a youngster, so I think it is natural to feel the way he does. I think that we need to give him a chance. He certainly knows how to play on Jennifer’s guilt about Jack!!! Let it develop and see where it goes.
ParticipantBlake certainly hit a home run with his acting today (Thurs). However, I am disappointed that Nick now says that he was confused and not sure how he feels about Gabby. The fact that he put Will’s name on the BC tells me he is pulling away from her.
When she asked him if their love was a fantasy, he had no answer. This poor girl has had terrible luck with men. I couldn’t believe that he did this to her. So while he is redeem as far as Will and Sonny are concern, he gets a F for his daling with Gabby.
ParticipantWhat will she do now that Brady will learn the truth? Is she going to turn into a stalker trying to get Brady back? Will she go after marlena because she showed the photo to Brady? WIll it be John?
I just don’t know what she can do.
ParticipantPerhaps because he spent less time with Jack, he has an idealized version of him. He also probably regrets or resents that fact that he was away at boarding school instead of with his family. All of this has made him one angry boy. Even though he is 17, he is very naive and young emotionally and acts accordingly.
ParticipantIt would seem that Kristin and John are both playing a dangerous game. John is willing to risk his life with Marlena to "save" Brady. This is so stupid, because Brady is an adult. But the worse part is that the "picture" can save Brady without John doing anything!! Kristin has finally found someone who loves her and can make her happy, and yet, she is willing to risk it all for revenge on John and Marlena.
All these people are messed up and need counseling!
ParticipantI guess we think alike, Lucky.
When you consider that she is young, in labor with someone she think hates her, in the middle of nowhere, I thought she did what any scared girl would do. Actually it was a quick labor for a first child. As for yelling on TV I have heard many women scream and yell in a hospital while in labor! I liked Sonny’s reaction when he used the flashlight, and I did think it was for comic relief!!
I am just sorry that the episode was interrupted cause it was a good one!!
ParticipantI thought today’s show was very good. Boy when TPTB decide to speed things up they go warp speed.
The scenes with Jensen and Gabi and Nick kept my interest on high. Although, just a thought, they should have never left the HTS. Instead they should have started screaming. (But then there would be no exotic locale for the birth of the baby lol). I guess the redemption of Nick has begun. By the way, I thought Camila did a good job today.
I was wondering how Sonny and Will got on the island–that ferry must be big!!
I really like Kate’s scenes. She expressed herself well. I think she really does have feelings for Rafe, which is a nice twist on the older/younger story and fine with me.
Abigail reminds me of Sami. It seems that she always want the guy she doesn’t have. I guess TPTB have deicded to redeem Chad. The girl has to make up her mind!
I waited until last to discuss EJ and Sami. First, I will say that I am not a fan of Ejami, because I don’t feel that EJ is a good person. I feel he is one who likes to possess and control and calls it love. So to me there is no magic with them.
The fact that she needs to ask EJ if he hurt Rafe tells me that she still has her doubts about him. That is no way to start a relationship!! It also tells me that she still has very deep feelings for Rafe-again not a way to start a realtionship. Finally, there is no way I would have a fight like that one minute and end up in bed the next. Might just be me, but not too believable. But then there was the time when they thought their child was dead and…….. we all know how that worked out!!!
ParticipantSo if Kristen has changed her mind, why did she drop the note with her reservation for the Salem Inn for John do find? Besides, WHY is Kristen staying at the Inn? If anyone should be there it is Brady. Kristen should stay at the mansion, after all if it her family home!!!
ParticipantWhat I don’t get is Kristen and John both have the same intentions.
She wants to bed John so he loses Marlena. Doesn’t she get that John and Marlena are already divided. She really doesn’t have any intention in marrying Brady. He is collateral damage because she is consumed with REVENGE.
John wants to bed Kristen so Brady sees that she is using him. It doesn’t occur to him that he is playing into her plan. It doesn’t seem that he even cares how Brady will react or that he will be devestated. So what is fueling John? Is part of him angry that Kristen is with Brady because he still wants her? Is he so consumed with showing up Kristen that he is will to lose Both Marlena and Brady?
THere are NO winners in this story.
ParticipantWell, in some ways, he is acting exactly how a teen would act. He was sent to boarding school at an early age and never seemed to have much interaction with the family. So he basically grew up in boarding school. Next his on-again off-again dad dies. Instead of having a memorial in Salem, they go to England. Again, no interaction with family.
Then he comes home to discover that his mother has moved on (it has been less than a year). The room that was supposed to be for him has been turned into a playroom for Parker, who Jen seems more attached to than JJ.
However, doesn’t this background sound alot like Melanie’s life??
So nothing is new!!
ParticipantYes, I thought that line was perfect.
Participantif Rafe has become a snooze fest, it is the writers’ fault, not Rafe’s!!
I am sure that this is a sweeps story that will taek time to get resolved. I agree that Nick seems too obvious, but how did he get the muffins?
Also I doubt it is EJ, but will Sami believe him or will she doubt him? That is the ultimate reason thaat I feel Sami and EJ cannot make it–she really doesn’t trust him! That it just as bad as keeping secrets.
As for Rafe and Kate, I have grown to like them together and would like to see them continue. It would be unique as a story line. Even though Kristin is a lot older than Brady, it doesn’t appear that way. A good loving cougar storyline would be interesting.
ParticipantHow does Will know that Nick wasn’t always homophobic? He wasn’t known to be gay before Nick went to jail!!
The fact that Sami thinks EJ is guilty shows there are cracks in this relationship.
I like Abbey’s hair that color. Maybe she needs to find aomeon new.
Marlena needs to start using her brain. John needs to get over Kristin and let brady make his own mistakes.