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ParticipantI can understand that JJ would resent Daniel being in his mom’s life. After all, Jack hasn’t been dead a year, so it seems fast to move on (at least to him). I am not sure what she told him, but maybe he had heard some stoies about dear old Dan.
then again, maybe he is just a spoiled, bratty boarding school kid who doesn’t want to share his momma with anyone!!
I am sure that there is more to the school story. Will wait to see how this plays out!! Reight now he seems like a typical teen reacting to his mom’s moving on so soon.
ParticipantThe tight, form fitting tops are THE fashion nowaways. It seems that all the young moms to be enjoy this style ( or else they cannot find anything else).
When my daughter was pregnant in 2007,shewas lucky cause the flowy blouses were back in and she would wear regular tops by getting a bigger size.
I really don’t like them because they look like they are too small on people.
I really like Sami’s outfit, casual yet classy. however, everyone else is wearing summery styles!
ParticipantWell, Ciara can grow up and become Sami!!!!
ParticipantI would imagine that any spouse/significant other would not like to see bedroom scenes with their partner. I remember Galen’s wife saying how much she hated it when they were on Dirty Soap. However, I would hope that they are secure enought to know that it is a job and that is all.
From everything I have seen about Allison, she is happily married with 2 great kids and a good looking husband who is a cop.
ParticipantWell, let’s see who might have hurt Rafe
1. Stefano because he knows that Rafe is with Kate. he might not want kate, but he doesn’t want her with anyonenelse, especially Rafe.
2. EJ because he has shown how jealous he is about Rafe. he is actually insecure about Sami’s feelings about Rafe and cannot stand the fact that Johnny love Rafe so much.
3. Nick because Rafe knows why Will gave up his daughter and could tell Gabi. This would definitley give Gabi second thoughts about Nick.
4. Some unknown person who has a grudge against Rafe.
Anyone else come to mind?
ParticipantWell it is hard to have lightness considering the circumstances around their relationship/marrriage. If not for the baby, I think their relationship would have gone slower and the marriage might not have happened. Nick is at the end of his rope and cannot take much more. There is nothing light in this situation.
ParticipantKristen certainly had a lot to say to Eric. She kind of played her hadn by admitting she is still hurt about something that happened so long ago. I hope that Eric can put 2 and 2 together and see that her heart is not with Brady.
ParticipantYes, and this episode was originally scheduled for a Friday !!
ParticipantBrady must have spent a lot of bucks to be able to start an adoption withoutnKristin even meeting with the agency. Not to mention to tell her it is a done deal, no questions asked!!!!!
ParticipantSami is a character that is written for the actress Allison to play. Allison does not have control of how Sami is written. I don’t think it is fair to assume that Allison is anything like Sami! For whatever reason, TPTB have decided that EJ and Sami should be a couple (believe me I don’t like it one bit). However, Allison doesn’t run the show, Ken Corday and Sony do.
Allison seems to be an ambitious, talented woman who wants to make sure her future is financially secure. Good for her.
You are really on board with all of this! So you think that Sami can accept EJ as the new "DiMera King"? Do you feel that he is planning to be above board and completely legitimate? Somehow, I just don’t buy into it. First of all, I do Not believe that EJ has changed. Yes, he want Sami, but I feel it is partly because he likes that thrill of the chase. I also see that he is very jealous of Rafe, notice how he reacted to the strip show that she attended. Also he went after him about Johnny’s FBI jacket–why would he even ask for it? He really isn’t sure if Sami is over Rafe, and that keeps him on his toes. But you must remember that Sami has a way of messing up her relationships usually by deceptions. Also if EJ is running the illegal business that won’t set well with Sami. She doesn’t accept EJ for who he is, but sho she wants him to be.
But no matter what TPTB do, I can never get on board with them together.
ParticipantI agree 1000%
ParticipantI really like Peggy McCay, but don’t get how she is nominated as a lead actress. I guess it is because of the alzheimer’s story, but I don’t think of her as a lead. Also to be Ari should be nominated for a lead and Peggy for supporting.
Glad to see Chandler get nominated.
Participantwrong place sorry:(
ParticipantI think that John is keeping Marlena in the dark because he is afraid that if she is in on the plan, it will somehow backfire. I think he feels this way because last time he included her, Brady discovered the plan and it only caused more problems. I feel that John wants Kristen to remember her love for him to cause a divide between her and Brady. He doesn’t want her, but he also wants her gone from Brady.
He want to crush her so she gives up Brady and then he will let her know he doesn’t want her again.
I do like that they are giving Ciara screen time. she is a good actress.