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ParticipantI don’t think that Gabi was over-acting. This is her first pregnancy, so she has no idea what it going on. Also she is young and obviously scared. As for allowing Nick to be with her, they’re first concern was to examine her and get the monitors on her and give her the medicine. So who do you pick, Nick or Will (since he is the father)?
Also, I think that they would have let Nick in if she had asked for him.
Patti—why don’t you like Camille? I think she is doing a great job with this SL.
ParticipantThere are many people who share custody and do not get along. They have go betweens or meet at a neutral spot. Details can be worked out by the court. Actually, if they were to go to court, there is a good chance Chloe could lose Parker.
Dan needs to set some ground rules for Chloe to follow. Jen needs to be there for Daniel without making demands of him. Dan handled it by making arrangements to stay at a hotel. Perhaps she needs to find a place of her own. If she has nowhere to go, how is she managing to provide for Parker? All of this would make it easy for Daniel to get full custody.
ParticipantI think he sees it. He just doesn’t want anything to keep him from his son. he know that he has to deal with Chloe in order to have access to his son. He is just very soft when it comes to women, which is why he gets into these messes. Actually, I don’t know why everyone wants to bed him. But given Chloe’s past, he probably could get full custody if he wanted.
ParticipantWell, since Julie can see herself in Sami, who betgter to tell Sami to back off. Besides, who made Sami a medical expert? Exactly how does she know that this test won’t hurt the baby? It is so typical Sami to tell everyone what should be done.
I know that Nick cannot be trusted, but last time I checked this is Will’s child, not Sami’s. I guess she forgets how she hid from EJ and denied him his child. If she is so concerned, why not have an affidavid that states what Will is the father and have it witnessed?
I don’t have a problem with Julie telling Sami to back off. This is Will’s concern.
ParticipantWait a minute. What about Kristen and Brady. Isn’t that a younger man and older woman? Kristen was almost married to John, who is Brady’s father. Also she is old enough to be EJ’s mother , so she is definitely old enough to be his "mom".
As for Rafe and Kate, I thought that it would be wierd, but I really don’t mind them together at all.
ParticipantI don’t see how they can compare small dogs to large ones. it seems like there should be 2 winners, one for each size.
Participantluckey, Thanks for seeing EJ for what he is. I compared him to a snake, even though he sheds his skin but doesn’t change who he is. My problem with EJ and Sami is that Sami keeps telling herself that EJ has changed. So she doesn’t love him for him, but the man she wants him to be. I don’t think he can change and I think that the true EJ will return when his father comes back. I feel that he needs his father’s approval more than Sami.
I also think that EJ feels that he can manipulate Sami whenever he wants. He likes her going a crazy cause it keeps her in trouble so he can be the hero.
ParticipantSo I thought Victor was smart. He played right into Chloe’s hands and into Daniel’s apartment!!
Participant"Once a girl found a snake and took him home. She took care of him and loved him. One night, he bit her. As she lay dying, dhe asked him why. He replied, "You kne what I was when you envited me in." Moral of the story: a snake is a snake. He sheds his skin, but that doesn’t change what he is– a snake.
Patti, it is not JUST the rape. Although it was the first in many incidents that influenced my feelings about EJ. There was the shooting at the pier, locking Lucas in the freezer to die, throwing Sydney out in the street when he thought she wasn’t his (not even mentioning Nicole also being thrown out), kidnapping Sydney, putting blooding clothes in the water so Sami thought Sydney was dead, replacing Rafe with Faux-Rafe. All these incidents show a pattern of a dangerous person. It is unrealistic for this type of person to suddenly change and become a loving, gentle man!!
Now EJ is being written as milk toast, not the dominant person he once was. He is not the true EJ,but a shadow of himself. I just cannot see it continuing. If Sami and EJ do stay together, how long can they be happy? Soaps don’t let couples stay happy!!
EJ is always influenced by his father, and I don’t think that Stefano will be happy by this softer, gentlier EJ. I always thought the Nicole was the perfect match of him because she knew what he was, accepted him as he was, and was a willing partner to him. Sami keeps saying he has changed, that is not accepting him as he is!!
ParticipantEJ doesn’t love anyone. Wait and see, his true colors will be revealed.
February 15, 2013 at 8:41 pm in reply to: Did Nick Break the law when he taped Lucas and Will’s conversation? #37901justwondering
ParticipantI really didn’t think that it was gross. He just wanted to surprise his "valentine". Yes there was a lot of skin, but it did not offend me. Just a young guy celebrating his love for his girl.
I don’t really like what Nick is doing, he is very controlling over Gabi. I just don’t get why she lets him tell her what to do. She is smart and can make her own decisions. I don’t think that she would keep Will away from their child.
I am guessing we will learn more about his prison experience to help explain his actions.
ParticipantAlthough Will is "tecnically" a Horton, he was born and raised a Brady/Roberts. Therefore there is no connection to the Horton family. Nick grew up a Horton from day one. Sounds silly, but the old ties are strongest.
Probably doesn’t help that Will is Sami’s son.
ParticipantI find EJ boring right now. He is a mere shadow of himself. Although I took Marlena’s comment about him changing when Stefano returns to be a clue that his old self will reemerge. THat’s why I liked EJ with Nicole–she wanted the REAL EJ not some lap dog. Sami keeps saying EJ has changed, but that it not the real EJ.
ParticipantI, too, have always loved Nicole. She is flawed, but down deep a simple soul who wants more than anything to be loved. Because of her past, she ends up picking the wrong guy for financial security (Lucas, Victor) or the right guy (Eric, Brady, EJ) and then ruins her relationships by deceit or stupidity.
I really liked her with Brady, cause they were friends, but fate kept getting in the way. She was also good with EJ. I thought they were the perfect pair because they were strong and she wan’t above doing some "dirty work". I wanted them to stay together, but I really cannot believe that EJ can have true feelings for anyone.
In the end, he ruined any chance they had of happiness. After all Sami has done worse to him and he hasdone the unthinkable to her and YET they are together!!!! That is one pairing I can never accept. Even with the apparent change of EJ’s personality, I find him boring and phoney.
That said Nicole and Eric are great, but I hope that DOOL’s does something really unique
keep them friends and conflicted "lovers only in their minds" and allows Eric to stay TRUE to his faith.justwondering
ParticipantI kind of liked the way she acted, a little shy now that she has her wits about her! i really enjoyed the whole scene (didn’t think I would)