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ParticipantSo how many believe that EJ’s motives are Honorable? Sorry but I don’t think that EJ does anything with an agenda! Maybe he feels that playing hard to get will make him more deisrable to Sami.
ParticipantHow old is Gabi? I am not sure but even thought she lives on her own, she seems very naive to me. I think that she was shocked when she learned she was pregnant, especially since she knew that Will was NOT in a position to provide a life for her. She loved Nick and was sure he would leave her, so when he was willing to step up to help her, she jumped at the chance. Her ethnic background would not allow her to bring up the child alone. She knew her mother and brother would disapprove of the situation. I think that in the heat of the moment, Gabi wanted a hero and Nick stepped up, so she jumped at the chance to make things easier. Let’s face it, everyone knows Will is gay, so it doesn’t look to good for her to have been with him.
She wanted to make things easier and Nick was willing to help. I really don’t fault her of that.
ParticipantWell everyone knows what this means. Sami will get pregnant again with EJ’s child.
ParticipantI don’t think it would matter. DAys have always had toomany people butting into other’s lives. The "trust me" theme has always led to couples breaking up cause someone doesn’t tell the truth and honesty is so important in every relationship.
What gets me is how invested Rafe, Sami and EJ are in Will/Gabby situation. It is not Rafe and Sami’s decision to make. it is up to Will and Gabby. However, it really gets me how Sami can be so rightous especially cause she lied to everyone about who Will’s dad was. Then she lied about Sydney’s father. IZ had to agree with what rafe said to her about it always being about her!!
ParticipantYes all of Will’s scenes were well done. He seems to be the more mature than his mom. While EJ said all the right things to Will, I am afraid he is saying all this to gain points with Sami. Unfortunately, I never feel that he is sincere about anything.
ParticipantYou are welcome. I have no problem with anyone expressing her opinion about any subject. That is the great thing about being an American!
We can all agree to disagree as long as we are respectful of one another
ParticipantPatti, there are times when I enjoy your posts, and sometimes I get annoyed with them . However, in this case, I am in complete agreement with you. There are some posters on this site that have made it very clear that they do not care for President Obama. They have also made it clear that they do not respect him as the leader of our country. But I really hope that they would respect the Office of the President. As Bonbon stated it is a tough job. I think that it is the toughest, because no matter he does everyone will have opinion. He needs our support as he tries to lead out nation. The people spoke in November. It is time to let it go, sp he can do his job.
To Bonbon, while I often enjoy your posts and respect your right to your opinion, you have always been vocal in your dislike for the President, so I really don’t feel it was a joke. I am not sure if you were hoping for a discussion or just wanted to have others join in the bashing. Either way maybe some subjects should be off limits.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone can like or dislike anyone. But I feel that there must be respect for the office. I never cared to George W. Bush, but I would never personallly criticize him.
ParticipantIt is a Soap Opera commandment. After spending so much time getting a coule together, they are only allowed two minutes of happiness when some dark secret or some little lie comes along to break them up. Think about every single couple has been broken up at least once. I am not sure about Tom and Alice, but everyone else have broken up, moved on and then later on got back together. I guess that they feel happiness is boring.
Participantprobably all day long coverage.
ParticipantI really didn’t notice kate’s lips, but Lisa Renna’s really stand out. They are distracting to me.
ParticipantPersonally, I thought Marlena’s demeanor was suspect. She shows up at Kristen’s room and wants to clear the air. In my opinion, she went about it wrong. She should have told Kristen that she had time to think and realized that Kristen’s intentions with Brady are real, and she wants to make peace with Kristen. Instead, Marlena seemed too anxious, to eager to "talk about the situation". Everything about Marlena screamed "I’m going to expose you." One thing Kristen is not. it is stupid.
But I don’t know how the note will make Brady realize what Kristen is up to.
ParticipantCaroline loved 2 men. She had a affair with Victor that produced Bo. However, she chose to stay with Shawn and pretend that Bo was his. Victor knew nothing until Bo was grown. She never strayed again.
Jennifer was "in love" with 2 men,jack and Daniel. She dated 2 men, but made it clear she would not be "familiar" with either until she mad her choice.
Sami has not taken either road in her relationship with her two men. Instead, she just jumps from one to another depending on who is available and on her side!!!
Should she even consider EJ? Not in a million years. I Know that soaps are extremes but some bells cannot be unrung!!!
ParticipantI am beginning to think that Sami is afraid to be alone. It is as if she needs a man to define her. The worse part is she is a capable woman who is raising 3 children. Now she has a job she is good at and yet she still cannot bear to be alone.
I really hate this SL cause I cannot understand why she would want to be with EJ after everything he has done. Even though he is being portrayed as a kinder, gentler person, he can never change who he is. I really wish it would come out that Johnny is Lucas’s child, so the hold over her would be less. Don’t know how they can explain Sydney, but i would love that she is not EJ’s child either!!!
ParticipantTo add my two cents, I like Sami and was enjoying her more mature image. However, she really blew it the day of the wedding. I understand a mother’s desire to defend her child, and she went through all the same things Gabby as experiencing. Maybe that is why she jumped to the conclusion that Gabby was lying about the baby’s father! She was way out of line to speak without talking with Will and knowing everything.
Her claws really came out and she showed a side that Rafe needed to see. Of course this is a story plot to put EJ and Sami together yet again. That really gets me, since I have No love for EJ, even this new "softer" EJ.
She really needs to grow up
ParticipantI so agree with you. It is their decision to make and no one else’s.
Under the circumstances, they were trying to do what was best for all. Yes, Will told Gabi that he would marry her, but he really didn’t want to. he wants to be with Sonny. Gabi didn’t want to marry Will cause she is in love with Nick. Nick decided that the best for all was to marry Gabi and raise the child as his own.
These things do happen in real life. Not every father wants to be a father. Will was ready to do the "honorable thing", but his heart wasn’t in it.
I agree whtat this is their decision alone. It doesn’t matter what Rafe, Sami, Lucas, or anyone else wants. No one else needed to know. It is not like Gabi lied about the baby’s father (like Sami -twice, Nicole, Kristen, even Julie way back when). Will knew.