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ParticipantI guess that I am in the minority but I didn’t have a problem with the decision that was reached by the 3 parties.
Gabi was upset because she discovered she was pregnant. She knew that it was Will’s child. She also knew that Will was in love with Sonny, not her. She felt ashamed because she feared her family would be dishonored, upset, maybe even disown her. (Her mother is very religious and traditional) She also didn’t want to raise the child alone.
Nick is in love with Gabi. Once he knew that Will was the relunctant father, he decided to swoop in and be the hero. I think that Nick does love Gabi, however he is very controlling. He wants everything to be the way he feels it should be.
Will had a moment of weakness (much the same as Sami has had multiple times) and turned to Gabi. He was not too thrilled to discover the news as he and Sonny had finally gotten together. He was looking for a way out and accepted the offer.
No one was lied to, no one was kept in the dark. These are 3 adults who came to an agreement. These are the only ones that count. It is not anyone else’s business.
ParticipantWell, Kate is Nick’s boss. Her grandson and granddaughter were both in the wedding party so I am guessing that was the connection. Besides no one has to be invited to attend the wedding ceremony.
I did love the comment, she looks good for a Great-grandmother.
ParticipantAs usual, everytime Sami takes a step fprward, you takes 10 steps backwards. I can understand why she is upset and confused, but she really should have talked to Will and got her facts straight before jumping down Gabi’s throat!! Of course Rafe would support Gabi, he had already talked to Nick and Gabi. He knew that Will agreed to them raising the baby–partially because of Sami and how she ruined Will’s life.
I really enjoyed the action today and the total focus on the wedding and aftermath. Good job writers!!
ParticipantOnly Congress can make laws, and Congress is in the power game. Until they get their act together, there is nothing the President can do. We, as citizens, can get in touch with our Congressmen and tell them to "Get It Done".
In my opinion, Congress should not get paid until they start doing their job. They aren’t doing their job now!! They need to cooperate and compromise. You see how fast this would get done if they weren’t getting their pay and perks!! Oh and they actually worked a full week and month.
As much as it is a annoyance to have a show interrupted, news is news. I wish it didn’t mess up Days and that they would spread around the time, ther are other ways to see what we missed.
ParticipantWhen I saw it, I thought that it looked very"traditional" like gowns from the 70’s, lace long sleeves and covered shoulders. Didn’t realize that it resembled Kate’s dress.
I thought she looked beautiful.
ParticipantWell, to be technical, they have already said their vows so they are already married. He missed his chance when the priest said, "Speak now or forever hold your peace". don’t know what will happen, but Chad hasn’t scored any points with Abigail. Of course this will also cause complications between Rafe and Sami.
As for Chad, why have empathy for him? Mel left him because he flipped out and beat up Nick. He had become much too posessive of Mel, andshe didn’t like it. How does ruining Gabi’s life help him? If he thinks that the baby is Andrew’s it wouldn’t matter cause Andrew is dead. Finally, it is not Chad’s place to make this public. He is wrong in doing this .(IMO)
ParticipantWhy did Will wear a tux and Nick wear a regular suit??
ParticipantJohn has an ego. There is no way that he can admit that Kristen had him fooled (which she did), so it seems easier for him to blame Marlena for not "trusting" him. So he is not mad that Kristen bedded Brady just to get revenge, but cannot forgive Marlena for feeling that Kristen would go after John and bed him also. Imagine that! John getting duped by Kristen (Never Happen, -right). maybe Marlena is better off without John. Well, at least Brady would be free of her!!
I really get annoyed with this trust issue always coming between couples in soapland.
ParticipantI really don’t see why Nicole should be annoyed that Chloe wants Daniel back. After all, they were married, and he is the father of her child. Nicole’s romp with Daniel was a diversion during her pregnancy while he was pining for Jennifer. If anyone has a claim on Daniel, it is Chloe.
I would like to see Nicole concentrate on Brady. he really needs someone to help open his eyes about Kristen. Nicole and Brady and Nicole have always had a special bond. Perhaps she and Chloe could join forces to help him.
But if she can’t have Brady, I would love for her to go back to EJ. They were great when they schemed together.
I agree she should leave Eric alone.
ParticipantWhile you might not like the way is handling this situation, I can understand his reasoning. Remember Will was tossed around most of his life. First, he was Austin’s child, then he was just with Sami. Then he found out that Lucas was his dad. Next came the custody battles between Lucas and Sami tugging on Will and making him a ping pong.
He is in a tough place. In a moment of confusion and hurt thinking he had lost Sonny, he turned to Gabi. Gabi was battling her own demons and sought comfort with her friend. It was a mistake. Will knows he is gay, and perhaps feels it would be hard for his child to understand and accept him as a father. He also is afraid that Sonny will reject him (as many straight lovers would do in a similar situation). Maybe he also feels that this might be seen as a rejection by him of being gay.
I think that he is beginning to see that Nick is NOT a good person, and is afriad he made the wrong choice. But he feels he needs to honor his word. it also hurt hime that Gabi seems to be on Nick’s side against Will. Not sure what will happen, but I hope it deosn’t involve another lost child.
There are so many SLs that could be done about raising this child with Sonny and Will and Gabi. Or allow the child to be raised and find out later that Nick is not the father.
ParticipantI can understand Marlena hating Kristen, after all she tried to kill her. This time around Kristen tried to make her seem paranoid, and John bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Brady also bought into her performance.
The frustrating think for Marlena is that Kristen flaunts it in her face that her motives are not genuine. No matter what, Marlena cannot win in this situation cause John wouldn’t believe her.
Part of it is John cannot accept the fact that Kristen is with Brady, and that she fooled the almighty John who is never wrong. John is hurt that she played him, that he believed her, that Marlena was right and he couldn’t accept it and that she would get Brady under her spell. Sooo– he blames Marlena for his stupidity.
ParticipantI thought marlena was great today. Her explanation for keeping Brady’s affair was spot on. She was rational and articulate. I cannot believe that John said he could not trust her. She continually warned him of Kristin’s intentions and he basicially told her to stop complaining cause she was imagining it.
I really don’t blame Marlena for not telling John cause he wouldn’t have believed her. Besides, I agree that it was Brady’s place to let him know. Have to say that Sami was right when she said they all had to stay united.
John is doing exactly what Kristin wants– onder if he will stay at the same hotel!!!!
ParticipantBrady has a addictive personality and that can lead to him doing things out of character. Right now, his addiction is Kristen, so he is not thinking straight (such as accusing John of being jealous of him). he has also gotten used to being in charge of his own life, so i am sure he is insulted to have his dad interfere in his life. Brady seems to jump into relationships very easily and usually with stong women who are not well liked by the family.-Nicole, Chloe.
John cannot let go to the fact that he needs to save his son from Kristen that plays in her hands. As for recording, don’t need police equipment, any cell phone can record these conversations. John wouldn’t listen to Marlena about Kristen cause he thinks he can judge people.
As far as the fight, two men who feel strongly about something can easily end up fighting. esides, John and Brady have always had a strained relationship (IMO).
ParticipantIf she was really smart, she would have recorded her conversations with Kristen so brady could hear the truth.
As for not telling John, I don’t think he would have believed her anyway. Besides, she didn’t know for sure what was going on, just that theywere going to meet in his office. Sometimes John can be very stubborn, it needed to find out for himself. John should have recorded their conversations too.
Brady just isn’t very smart when it comes to women!!!
ParticipantAlthough they are portrayed as being Catholic, the church setting is not set up as a Catholic Church. First, the cross does not have a figure of Jesus on it, there are no kneelers for the pews, the red kneelers would not be in the front before the altar, the altar does not face the people, and there is no Tabernacle shown. Father Eric would NOT HAVE a purple stole around his neck for Christmas, it would have been white.
Also, the Pre-Cana "meeting" in the scene was held in the church proper. However, it would have been in the rectory in real like. I think it was just used so it was one set.
This is not the interior of a Catholic Church, it is more like a combination of Christan Churches.