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ParticipantKristen—I think that she is playing Brady to get revenge on John. She is still into him. First she tried to ruin his realtionship with Marlena. She tried to make marlena look foolish. When that didn’t work, she turned to Brady. She is all bad.
Cameron–don’t really know why they changed actors. Thought he did a good job. Remains to be seen if this one is good.
Rafe– I wouldn’t mind Rafe and Nicole getting to gether. This ping ponging by Sami with EJ and Rafe has truned me off. If Sami doesn’t know what EJ is than she deserves him, nor Rafe.
Will-I think that Will will change his mind about the baby. Don’t think I trust Nick, seems like he is a bigotted controlling person who is not good for Abby.
Daniel– Don’t really care one way or the other about him. I think he changes woman like others change clothes. Also cannot stand Maggie always butting in with advice–he is an adult after all.
Abe/ Kayla– don’t have a problem with spending time together.
ParticipantNot really out of character. Maggie always felt she had to "save" everyone. For a long time, her job was knowing about everyone’s troubles and trying to fix them. From Melanie to Chloe and don’t forget Brady and Lucas, she always gives advice and comfort.
She has taken Julie’s place as problem solver.
ParticipantI thought Jen looked great on her date. The black sweater really brought out the contrast with her hair, shich looked much better. However, the coloring seems to have a lot of grey in it. Daniel’s sweater was kind of shabby-looked like he grabbed it out of the doowill bag! It was obviously a casual date, especially at the pub. A sexy dress and boots would have been overdress in my opinion and not Jen’s style.
In Salem, most of the women have long hair,– Marlena, Maggie, Kristan. I guess that is the today’s trend, ven for older women.
ParticipantI think that this is the perfect time for Hope to go see her family. She probably has vacation time and Ciera is off from school. Why not go and spend time with Shawn, Belle and Claire.
Might have been nice it thery had a scene with John and Marlena giving her gifts to take to Belle and Claire.
ParticipantRules have changed a great deal and have been relaxed as far as marriages to non-Catholics.
It used to be very difficult, and the couple did not get married in the church, my parents got married in the rectory. However, it WAS legal in the eyes of the church.
Now, Catholics can be married in Christian churches, and it is recognized as long as a Catholic priest is present. However, he does not perform the ceremony.
They also can be married in a Catholic church by a priest. All of these are recognized by the church as a valid marriage.
Getting an annulment is the only way that a Catholic can get married again in the eyes of the church. It is a long, difficult process that ask extremely personal questions about the marriage. It is also costly.
Apparentl the church doesn’t get that some marriages just don’t work.
ParticipantIf Nick and Gabby are married when the child is born,the child is legally Nick’s, so there is no need for adoption.
I can understand why Gabby would like this because it is easier for her and the child.
ParticipantMaybe Jen slapped Lucas because deep dpwn she knew he was right and just didn’t want to hear it. We all know how this will end!
ParticipantWhat about the fact that Marlena is DIVORCED from Roman and remarried to John. She really wouldn’t even be allowed Communion, no less be a counseling couple!!
ParticipantDOOL has always had trust issues. Secrets and lies have ended more relationships than anything else. Secrets ALWAYS come out and they ALWAYS lead to troulbe for the secret keepeers.
it is kind of ironic because everyone was worried about Sonny brfeaking Will’s heart when it will be the other way around.
ParticipantI taught elementary school for 40 years. Luckily we never had any type of situation like Sandy Hook. However, I would not be comfortable being armed in the classroom. There are just too many bad things that could happen. Adults can have bad days and might be tempted to "scare" some bullies. Students could accidentally get hold of the gun.
As far as if someone was armed, he might have been stopped. Or more might have been killed by people who are not used to using a gun.
I am not sure what the answer is, but armed teachers and staff is not it.
ParticipantThat would put a kink in the Abe/ Kayla relationship
ParticipantThere is an extreme shortage of priests as many do not want to spend their lives celibate. Also the church has had a lot of negative press with the sex abuse scandals. Also buildings are expensive to maintain with a dwindling population. There are not enough priest to staff each church.
Also some areas have many churches in close proximity and attendance and membership has been declining. In the smmall town I live in (NE Pennsylvania),population 5000, there are 3 catholic churches, the first was the Irish church, the second was originally established for polish people who didn’t speak English. The third was the Italian church, who brought their priests over from Italy and of course spoke Italian. At one time each group went to their own church.
As time has gone by, the population has changed and different churches weren’t needed. Now only one parish remains open, sharing the priests. One church closed completely and the other has Sunday mass, does funerals and weddings.
ParticipantNow a days, a parish is lucky to have one priest assigned to them. If there are more than one priests, the pastor is the priest in charge. The other priests are called assistants. Most parishes that have 2 chuches set up a mass scedule for the 2 churches. if a church doesn’t have an assistant, visiting priests can be used to say mass. A priest is allowed to say one mass daily and two on Sunday and holidays.
Although I thought it was funny that Eric said he was saying an afternoon mass because there are no afternoon masses except for Sundays/ holidays .
ParticipantActually, since they are not married, Will has no claim on the child unless he signs a paper stating he is the father. Also, if Nick and Gabi marry before the child is born, the child is legally Nick’s.