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ParticipantI totally agree with you, Casey. I does take two. In today’s society, these "girls" are not wide eyed youngster with stars in their eyes. They have their own agenda. Whether it is to capture a powerful man, gain some type of notoriety, earn money and fame, they are not pure of heart. How many have published books on their situations? They are just as bad. I don’t buy that they are seduced and niave.
This woman IS married with a young family, so she has much to lose. I guess no one takes vows seriously,
ParticipantFirst of all, T was Will’s best friend since childhood. I think he was upset to find out that he didn’t recognize that Will was gay. I also feel that he felt Sonny had taken his best friend away from him.
Second, his new girl friend said her brother was gay. She may have helped T see that being gay desn’t make someone a bad person.
Third, since T and Will have been childhood friends, I suspect that T really missed his friend and wanted to resume his friendship. No that he has gotten to know Sonny, maybe he doesn’t think of him as a treat . Only T can ruin his friendship.
I never really care one way or another about T. However, he did express the feelings of many people towards gays, more so than all the family who immediately accepted Will. It usually takes some time to accept this situation. I am glad to see he has grwon to realize that Will is the same Will he has always liked.
I am more concerned with Nick’s opinion that could lead to trouble down the road.
I thought that the girl friend was fine.
ParticipantThank you for your comments.
Participantyes, it is very obvious that you distain Nicole. But I have a different take for Nicole. Being abused by hr own father at an early age, Nicole learned to be hard in order to take care of herself. So even though she has done many bad things, there is just something so vulnerable about her that makes me ympathize for her. She has been through more heartbreak than most people can ever endure, so I guess I cut her some slake.
For me, Ari has made Nicole a likeable villain, in that she has a good heart who wants more than anything to be loved and wanted. But she always find herself on the losing end. Victor has reason to hate her, she tried to kill him. Jen did as many hurtful things to Nicole to stress her pregnancy. As far as Daniel, they haven’t been together for months, so I doubt it caused any damage. Maggie also doesn’t like her, so she really has no friends.
Ari was fantastic and yes I feel for Nicole. I don’t think she is any more revengeful or manipulating that anyone else on the show.
ParticipantI think that Jen has been as mean and cruel to Nicole. She invited Nicole into her home and then continually fought with her. She also was on a mission to "prove" to Daniel that he was making a mistake. I really disliked Jen in this SL because she was convinced that she needed to "save" Daniel from this terrible person. Even after Daniel told her to stay out of it, she continued and tried to get Maggie on her side (which wasn’t hard since she tries to run everyone’s life).
Since Nicole had a high risk pregnancy, Jen did cause stress on her that could have affected the baby. Then she threw her out of the house. For someon wholost her husband less than a month before whe was way too involved with Daniel.
I would say that Jen hated Nicole just as much.
ParticipantNicole had a really good case to believe her baby was still alive. She was not shown the ultrasound at all. The machines were not working. It could have made her feel that the doctor was trying to trick her into believing the baby had died. I still feel that she was in a state of denial due to guilt which is totally understandable.
ParticipantIf I remember correctly, Abigail also thought her mother was guilty at first. I thought Abigail went to far in her tirade. Nicole was in a state of shock in losing yet another child. As for she and her mother grieving over Jack, jen has moved on in about one month!!
The show was moving today at blazing speed, lots of action. Great job.
ParticipantWhat I noticed right away was she darkened her hair. I liked it better when it was lighter.
I noticed that Maggie and Marlena were a little heavier, but it happens as a person ages. That said, they both look great for their age.
ParticipantBoth Melanie and Lexie CHOSE to leave DOOL, and they both had extensive storylines. Jack was let go and had nothing. Bo didn’t really have a choice–who can accept a 45% pay cut in thee days? So after being "forced out", he doesn’t even get a final great story? That is just wrong!!
ParticipantI have a different opinion on this incident. Brady has discussed Nicole with Jen before and is well aware of the strong feelings Jen had with Nicole. He witnessed disagreements between the two of them and heard the loud exchange right before Nicole feel. I think it is logical that he came to the conclusion that Jen caused Nicole’s fall.
But he really likes Jen and was just checking on Abigail. After all even Abigail thought her mother did it!
Don’t really think that was any worse than Jen going to visit Nicole. What was she thinking? She souldn’t be anywhere near Nicole.
ParticipantI agree with you, Bonbon. I am sure that Nicole feels guilty that she somehow caused her baby’s death. Also she is grieving and groggy and I am sure she is in a fog.
Have you ever tried to remember an event that had happened to you? It happened in an instant and we don’t have instant slow down replays like football!!! You remember what you want to and it is easier to blame jen than admit it was an accident.
But if Jen relives the moment, she might start doubting herself, especially since both Brady and Abigail doubt her!!
ParticipantWhat really gets me is final farewell story for Bo or should I say lack of story. I cannot understand how they could let him go without something better than what they have so far. It is like what was done for Jack’s final farewell, we didn’t even see him!!
ParticipantI totally agree with you. I am not sure what any president can get done without Congress to agree and render assistance in legislation.
The President is one part of the wheel but the founding fathers made our country a tri system so no one group had more power. It is a delicate balancing system.
Hopefully, the next Congress is more willing to cooperate for the good of the country.
ParticipantActually, it was not a debate between the 2 candidates. According to the rules, the candidates were not suppose to speak to on another. Nor were they suppose to ask questions to one another or interact with each other. Both of them seemed to ignore these rules.
I was somewhat concerned with Mr. Romney’s interrupting both the moderator and the President.
While I am unclear about both Mrl. Romeny’s tax plan and President Obama’s future plans, I realize that no matter what these plans are, nothing will be accomplished unless Congress cooperates with whomever gets elected. Just as important as who is elected President is who is sent to Congress. Without compromise, nothing will get done.
As an older person, I am concerned with Medicare and Social Security and Healthcare. I am also concerned with the national debt and the economy.
I really wish there was someone who had some answers.
ParticipantHow is he a huge improvement? It is because of his looks? Seems like he is a model, so do we even know if he can act? While Cameron was never more than an after thought, there was nothing wrong with him. I would rather have Bo then so new characters.