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ParticipantI’m excited to see EJ being found out, but only because I know it’s going to be GREAT to watch! That being said, I don’t mind if they wait a while and continue to let them explore the relationship with Sami. I’ve always loved them as a couple, though I also loved her with Rafe. I keep saying that this should be a first poligamist (sp?) relationship in daytime. Let Sami have both!
I just can’t decide who I like more.
ParticipantI think EJ is supposed to look a bit tired. He’s being blackmailed and trying to cover up the kidnapping. It’s gotta be wearing on him, right? As for the suits, my grandpa wore a suit every day of his life, even if it was 100 degrees outside. He’d just take the jacket off and roll up his sleeves – and he never forgot to wear his suspenders! So, I don’t think it’s that odd for Stephano or Victor to be wearing suits all the time. EJ on the other hand, don’t get it. They did the same thing to Phillip – always had him in suits – but he’s lightened up a bit, thankfully.
ParticipantI LOVE IT! He looks great any way you slice him, but loving the short ‘do!
ParticipantI actually see a lot of potential in Rafe and a future storyline. I think he’s far from being put out to pasture. Granted, I don’t think Arianna or Gabby have a lot to offer, but Rafe has build a good history on the show and is well-liked. The storyline he was in with Grace dying was, in my opinion, one of the best on the show ever. Beautifully acted and you couldn’t take your eyes off those scenes. And, all that came before and after that were also really interesting and kept the viewer coming back for more. So, I think he’s going to be sticking around for a while, even if the rest of his family isn’t.
ParticipantI’ve always loved a good bad guy. Love how it adds spice and flavor to a story and EJ is fantastic in that role!! He’s sexy and manipulative and it’s a beautiful thing.
ParticipantI couldn’t agree more! I swear I am so tired of the conversations between those two. Just as tired as I am about the conversations between Chloe and Phillip and Chloe and Daniel. It’s all the same EVERY TIME! I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a "secret" to come out more in my entire life and it’s only because I can’t stand one more conversation about it or one more weeping session where she’s feeling sorry for herself. And, while they are at it, they can not only end this storyline, but just go ahead and get rid of Carly. I have no use for her at all. She’s a good actress, just hate her character.
ParticipantReally am surprised by this! It seemed to me that they were leading her into a romantic relationship with EJ once Sami finds out about the kidnapping. I can’t really say I’ve been invested in her character, but she’s a good actress and I wish her luck in whatever she does next.
ParticipantI’ll say first off, that there have been times where seeing Chloe on my screen just made me want to puke. I hated her THAT much. That being said though, I’m beginning to feel sorry for her. She made a mistake. A big one, of course, but Vivian lead her to believe that Daniel was cheating on her with Carly. She made a rash decision and slept with someone. It was wrong, I’m not justifying it. But, Carly? Seriously? Where does she get off making ANY calls about what should happen here? To constantly threaten Chloe and to turn up at every corner to remind her of the mistake she made? She married a man who raped her best friend. Killed that man. Then, moved into Bo’s house and shacked up with him, coming between a 25 yr marriage! And, she hasn’t apologized for any of it. In fact, everyone seems to think she’s wonderful. I don’t get it. She is not qualified to be the morality police and I swear, if I have to see Carly and Chloe talk about this stupid crap one more time, I’m going to lose my mind! Chloe obviously loves Daniel with everything she has, so let it go and move on. Carly needs to butt out and get a life. Chloe just needs to work on things with Daniel without the threats and interferance.
ParticipantI think I’m the only one enjoying this storyline right now. I don’t want the truth to come out yet, because it’s too much fun seeing Nicole have the goods on him! Face it, EJ is not only completely unbelievable looking, he’s also quite charming when he wants to be, so it’s easy for Sami to get sucked in and believe him. Wouldn’t take much for me to be on his side either and I KNOW everything he’s done.
I want it to continue for a while, so we can enjoy watching Nicole hold this over EJ. It’s just too fun to watch!
ParticipantAt the very beginning of this, I really felt for Bo. Thought Hope was being unreasonable, but Bo has quickly changed my mind and to me, he has no stones to throw right now. No right at all to be angry. Like Hope said in her response to his "You want me to live the rest of my life alone?", "You could’ve waited more than a month!". I would’ve believed he had a right to his anger had he continued to try and make the marriage work. To see the pain that Hope was in, instead of turning to another woman just weeks after they separated. Sorry Bo. You’re not allowed to be self-righteous or angry anymore. You ruined the chance at making the marriage work by taking someone else into your bed. Hope made mistakes, but none as grave as yours.
ParticipantI LOVE that Nicole knows about EJ now. It’s going to be fun seeing them battle that out. I too love Sami and EJ together. I know not a lot of other people do, but I’ve loved them since the beginning and look forward to all their scenes together.
ParticipantCouldn’t agree more!!!
ParticipantI finally got around to watching Friday’s episode and now I remember why I soooo love Sami and EJ together. The chemistry is beyond words and has been since their first meeting. I agree with whoever it was that said that they should put him in something other than suits all the time. I say just keep him in that bathing suit for all the rest of his scenes! He’s delicious and they are fantastic together on screen!
ParticipantI actually thought the way Johnny acted was that of a normal child, throwing a tantrum. I too didn’t see him trying to hit his mom, though I’ve seen that happen many times with many children of that age. I saw what Bonbon saw and that was him trying to hit the phone out of her hand. As much as Johnny has been through in his young life, why are we surprised when he has a little tantrum? Didn’t surprise or bother me at all.
ParticipantI don’t get his return at all. I mean, he’s not going to let the cat out of the bag. It’s already been done. So, what is his importance? And, what the heck is up with Hope? This whole thing has me confused.