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Participantalthough we so seldom see him that’s probably why he didn’t come to mind.
ParticipantMickey is gone. For me, EJ as a lawyer is as laughable as him being a race car driver!
ParticipantI’d prefer Julie.
ParticipantI pictured a face from about 30 years ago on shows other than Days. So, when I saw her name here (thanks, Patti), I googled her and…sure enough! she’s the actress that I thought of when she appeared on Days yesterday! I always thought she was a good actress…really cute and made any role she was playing seem real.
Participantand I enjoyed it! He did seem a little unsure of what he wanted to say; but, then again, he was doing it all without notes or a Teleprompter. I had heard such horrendous critiques of his presentation that I was almost afraid to watch it because I really like the guy and always respected his work. Then I watched it and thought he did pretty well.
Participantit was Abe that more or less talked her into believing that Nicole meant what she said. She wavered after talking to Abe not knowing for sure if it was real or not. We all know it will come back to bite her in the butt! I’m anxious to see how Abby reacts.
Participantworks for me! I’ve never liked the character from the day he arrived as EJ Wells, famous racecar driver…what a crock! I’ve watched a lot of soaps in my 62 years and I’ve never despised a character as much as I do him.
Participantthey are mostly involved with the detective end of a crime and the arresting of the criminals. NCIS does a lot of lab stuff; but, mostly what I meant to refer to is the actual pounding the beat and coming up with evidence by really looking for it and then how it is handled once there is an arrest before going to trial. There is so much believable action and I just don’t understand why Days can’t try a little harder to be more "real". SPD always looks like a comedy troup trying to be police officers. Oh well…it is what it is.
ParticipantEJ, Sami and Will would be arrested and found guilty of fleeing police custody for EJ and obstructing justice for Sami and Will. Because this is soooooo not reality, they will go free. I would think regardless of whether EJ killed Stefano or not, he was in custody and charged with the crime because at that point in the investigation all evidence pointed to him. I wish the writers would take a lesson from the writers on NCIS, Law & Order or Blue Blood and give us something we can actually believe could happen!
ParticipantIf they did have Johnny and Sydney as Lucas’ children, that would make Nicole’s baby even more in the eye of the storm between Nicole and EJ because that child would be the only one EJ has! I’m liking that idea more and more. Not to mention that with that story line, Sami and EJ would have no reason to be connected. She could no longer say for the one millionth time, "He’s the father of two of my children"…yup, I’m all for that to happen…yes indeedy!
ParticipantIsaac isn’t making a direct hit. I’m praying it spares New Orleans and the others who had enough when Katrina hit. Stay safe, Bonbon.
Participantdoes she!? I’m curious to see how this all plays out.
Participantconfused when I watched it last night on my DVR. I backtracked to see if I missed something; but, it must have been discussed on another day when I was ff’ing.
Participantalong with the story line and not going anywhere with it. With Ian gone, I hope that doesn’t stop the info from flowing to explain what happened in all of this.
Participantwhen he sarcastically made mention to EJ about EJ knowing something about putting someone in another’s place to confuse everyone. Of course, it was ignored…but I thought it was funny!