Forum Replies Created
Participantcatch up on some of the other shows that I have on my recorded list. I’ll be very happy to have it back, but a break for two weeks is not a bad thing for me.
Participantshe misunderstood and took offense so quickly. Most of us here have more than one back and forth when we disagree on something and keep trying to get our point across. Of course, more often than not, we agree to disagree!!
Participantto tell Daniel who he can and cannot see. Daniel’s a big boy and can decide for himself. However, in my mind, there was no reason for Victor to say behind Nicole’s back what he wanted to say to Daniel because he’s said those very words to Nicole’s face more than once. It was nothing she hasn’t already heard from Victor’s lips…and Nicole is very aware of who and what she is and has been. JMO
ParticipantI always take that as part of his smug, arrogant personality that he’s almost saying, "Na, Na, Na, Na, Na…I bet you can’t get me!" He’s the "Teflon Don" who does as he damn well pleases and always gets away with it…just my opinion.
ParticipantMaggie even talked about the misgivings she had before she married Victor…and she married him anyway. I have no problem with her disagreeing with him; but, Victor has first-hand knowledge of the kind of person Nicole has proven herself to be and I’m glad he had his say. Maggie acted like, just because it’s her son, the facts of Nicole’s past are a moot point and are to be discounted. GO VICTOR!
Participantdo to equal what they did. I can’t even think of any superlatives that describe what I saw four years ago. I wish I would have kept it in my recorded file to watch again. It was magnificent!
As for last night, I recorded it as we were out for hubby’s birthday. So, when I finally sat down to watch it, I found myself ff’ing through quite a bit. I’d stop now and then, but I found it often loud and confusing. I did like what they did with the Olympic flame using those separate leaves being lit and then closing up into the big flame. However, I’m wondering why it didn’t get raised high above the stadium so it can be seen from different venues. Also, why was Mohammed Ali singled out…he lit the flame way back in 1996, so I didn’t see the significance of his participation. Also, there were so many people carrying a torch that I think it took away from the importance of one person doing the honors.
Matt Lauer and Bob Costas said that McCartney’s voice faltered because he was so emotional. I think not. I’m sure he was somewhat emotional; but, his voice has done what so many of ours has done as we’ve aged…it has gotten weaker. They might have picked "Hey Jude" because it’s so easy to make it into a sing-along. It was fun watching the faces on the athletes as they sang too.
All in all, it was entertaining…but not up to the Bejing presentation.
ParticipantThey all ganged up on Victor when I felt he had hard facts to back him up on Nicole’s past. I also understand that Daniel is a big boy and can live his life in whatever manner he chooses. That doesn’t mean that Victor won’t at least try to give him as much insight into Nicole’s sordid past.
ParticipantI posted on the Annex that Victor had every reason to warn Daniel. However, all the yelling and screaming might not have been the way to do it. That is probably one of the reasons Maggie was angry with him. But, having said that, I was glad to hear the facts of Nicole’s past being verbalized in front of all who was there. I do believe, in light of those facts, that Maggie should have been more supportive of Victor.
Participanthowever, I do believe that Victor’s history with Nicole was enough for him to have that discussion with Daniel. I will agree that there was a more calm and understanding manner that could have been used. Also, I think Maggie is not as supportive to her spouse as she could be. Probably, it was the manner in which Victor approached the subject that made her so angry; but, she totally ignored what Nicole tried to do to Victor in the past. Of course, I need to keep in mind that anyone’s sordid past on this show is supposed to be erased from the viewers’ minds as if it never happened. EJ, Sami and Nicole are three very good examples of that.
Participantin the wild twitching his ears.
Participantdieing; but, not until they have told what they know. If Gaby and Andrew are going to die, it would be great for the viewers if they did a death-bed confession. At least we’ll have some closure and satisfaction that others will have found out what actually happened and who started the ball rolling.
Participantif we thought Paula was ditzy at times, I think the viewers are in for more with Mariah. I’m basing my opinion on interviews I’ve seen her give and she acts pretty spacey. She’ll definitely be a big draw.
Participanthuge mistake in not picking the third guy in the running…was his name Shawn? He was the good-looking blond guy. However, I think he’s better off without her as she is a pretty high-maintenance female in my opinion. She also doesn’t seem to be able to make decisions without a lot of emotional trauma. JMHO
Participantat 8:00 EDT, I recorded it on Soapnet and watched the last 15 minutes.