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Participantthat EJ’s and Stephano’s blood types were not "compatible". I believe that terminology is used when blood work is done to determine paternity. I could be wrong, but that’s my recollection.
Participanthis character, Lucas, when he signed on again. I know it’s a paycheck; but, how can an actor want to play a character that continually gets cuckolded (there’s a word out of the past!) by someone (Sami) who pledges how much she loves him and then turns around (for the 25th time) and fools around with the enemy (EJ)!? It makes me sick to see those two even breathing the same air!
Participantabout because I ff’d as soon as the two of them started talking.
Participantcan get to be judges. However, they would have to be some pretty big names to draw the viewers like they had in the beginning of AI. I think it’s run its course and should let it go.
ParticipantI do ff when all I’m hearing is the same dialogue over and over. I do run the risk of missing something that hasn’t been said, so I don’t ff as often as I used to. Also, the flashbacks are not my favorite; so, I’ll do the same for them.
I guess for me the biggest annoyance is that Ken Corday rarely follows through on his promises to make the show better with new writers. I try to give each group a chance to prove themselves; but, we keep seeing the same old tired story lines. When something new happens, the writers seem to get to a point where they don’t know where to go with it. It gets bogged down in repitition and goes nowhere. Look at the hundreds of primetime weekly shows that have writers who come up with great ideas and keep the viewers hanging from week to week. I would be happy even if just once a week one of the story lines moved ahead with a riveting scene to keep me excited. I still like Days and watch everyday, but I miss being excited about watching the show.
Participantit is a male and not a slim person. I’m thinking it’s Bo, especially since Peter is leaving the show. He will go off to prison with the possibility of a future return without having to rise from the dead!
ParticipantWill character. Sorry, but I really don’t enjoy seeing him on screen. All he does is smirk through all of his scenes! Then, when he has a straight face, he looks like a little five-year old who is trying to look innocent of being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I’m not a fan…just my personal opinion; but, this isn’t cutting it for me. And the Will/EJ partnership is straight comedy in my book as it makes Will look like a little boy trying to play grown-up.
Participanttops my list is exactly what Will kept doing to EJ….laughing! EJ has always done this to those he is berating or arguing with and it did my heart good to see someone do it back at him…and Will did it soooooo well!!!
ParticipantMy mind is reeling after reading what was just written!!
ParticipantI know that Molly Burnett plasy Melanie. Does Sara Joy Brown play Madison?
Participantacceptance speech. His hair looked great!
Participantand then started the second one and got interrupted. I just don’t know if I want to get hooked on another series. This one was quite good with some of the veteran characters and many new ones. It seems to be flowing easily into the new generation.
Participantbecause none of their conversations from the time Dan caught Nicole at his desk, nor after, did we see that Dan knew she had switched the labels. Then, after the results came in and Rafe and EJ left, Nicole told Dan that she wondered if he had changed the labels back. The viewers had been led to believe that Dan thought he caught Nicole before she did any switching. When, in fact, he knew and was willing to let it stand.
ParticipantI didn’t get through menapause until I was about 57. You can’t imagine how many EPT’s I went through during that time never being sure if "I was or wasn’t"! What a nightmare! Sure am glad those days are over!!