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ParticipantLexie that he is not related to her by blood. She won’t tell anyone and is going to die.
ParticipantExtreme Makeover: Home Edition was on, I always waited for the first exclamation of the family when they walked into the new house for the first time. I bet 99.9% of the time, the words that came out of their mouths were…"Oh my god!" I cringed every time and still do whenever that expression is used. The rest of the poor language hurts my ears too. The mispronunciation of the word "ask" is often heard as "aks". There are so many abuses in our language and I, too, am wondering how the workplace will sound in the next generation. Should be very interesting!
Participantand I’m also now of a different opinion of Arsenio and Clay. To the positive for Arsenio and the negative for Clay. Next week should be interesting.
Participantthem in bed together (except in Carrie’s dreams).
Participantyears back. At that time, she was winning every year and she decided that was enough and did not nominate anything to do with Oprah from that point on. It looks like Ellen is thinking the same thing. Both of those ladies are hard to beat.
Participantmonths, I’ve become addicted to "The Waltons" on Hallmark Channel. So many of the shows that I know I had seen, I totally forgot about. I watched "How It’s Made" a couple of days ago and was totally involved…great show!
I also think that Ryan Seacrest is striving to be as savvy a business man as Dick Clark. Of course, if Dick was his mentor, he has learned from the best. With the ratings of "Idol" dropping, I’m sure Ryan sees the writing on the wall and is making sure he has a seamless transition in the media world.
ParticipantSami. I didn’t like that Lucas backed him off and said "this isn’t about you"…for me that didn’t make any sense because Will wasn’t making it about himself. He was spot on with Sami at the exact moment that she needed to be called out. He really just said what everyone else was thinking.
ParticipantLexie’s contact with the underground gas is his fault and not Stefano’s. More confusion…oh well.
Participanta few seasons ago, it was funny. However, it has run its course and I’d rather not see it.
Participantposted it. I only saw bits and pieces of that movie, so didn’t really connect her to it.
Participantfor me, the character of EJ can NEVER be redeemed in any way, shape or form. Between him and Sami, I am a very happy camper on the days when they are not on screen. She’s already a slut in my book and has become even more arrogant and self-serving than she’s ever been in the past. EJ has always been that way. I’m just glad they aren’t showing him dispensing his mayoral duties from the mayor’s office. I wonder if they are ever going to address the fact that he didn’t win the election, that Nicole rigged it.
Participanthowever, let’s keep the couple-swapping out of it and just have some corporate espionage and intrigue for a change. I’ve had my fill of the bed hopping. Also, isn’t John Paul Fara Fath’s boyfriend in real life?
Participantfor so long and never won are Maks and Tony. I so wish that Tony would have been lucky enough to have been parterned with Maria or Kathryn this year. He’s the one that I want to see win. As for Jaleel, I think he sealed his fate with his words about the judges. He and Rochon were pretty evenly matched in the dance-off, but I think that Chelsea put more footwork into their performance and that helped Rochon to win. Melissa and Maks should be the next to go.
Participantthat said "I’m working with Stefano". How obvious can these writers be!
ParticipantCarrie just waltzes along with everyone and no one stops her. Of course, these writers must keep throwing Rafe and Carrie together, so I’m sure that’s why she’s there. Is Days the only soap that is so consistent with showing their ignorance of how public safety operates? They have never, in all the 40+ years I’ve watched, shown the police personnel, FBI, and now ISA to have half a brain. They might as well take out an ad in the local newspaper and tell everyone what they’re doing!! Good grief!!