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  • in reply to: Rumor Mill item #31263

    it does add another facet.  Although, there has also been speculation that Quinn is the product of Ian and Viv.  Hmmmm….

    in reply to: Billie… #31176

    It wasn’t too long ago that there was a story about Allison Sweeney producing some kind of "reality" show with female soap stars in it and Lisa’s name was attached to it.  Then, there was some kind of agressive response from Lisa that she was not a part of it and was upset that her name had been mentioned along with the story.  I wonder if she and Allison have mended any fences that might have needed mending regarding this situation.  I’m just wondering out loud.  I may have just been some Hollywood hype with no substance to it.

    in reply to: Ian #31086

    anyone who speaks with a British accent. I very often engage the CC when James Scott speaks.  This new guy is just as difficult to understand.  The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, is a very good example of what these two guys also do.  They barey open their mouths and then they speak very quickly, so there is no precise enunciation of their words.  I wish someone would coach them to make sure their words are understood.

    in reply to: Callling all I Love Lucy fans #31018

    all these years.  I’ve also been watching "Petticoat Junction" and "Green Acres" occasionally.  "Bonanza" is also one that is on everyday.  The only current shows that I watch are "Blue Bloods" and "Last Man Standing".  There’s not much that I like about any of the others, so I only watch them when I’m board or there’s nothing else on that interests me.  These oldies are all on either Hallmark, Nikelodeon, or a local channel we have that shows some of these daily.  Some of the really older ones that I remember watching are "Our Miss Brooks", "My Little Margie", "The Ann Sothern Show", "The Real McCoys"…great memories!!

    in reply to: Titans new ceo #30998

    Rafe finds out about Sami and EJ and confronts EJ while Nicole is there.

    Will kisses a guy…not Sonny.

    Ian wants to rekindle his past liaison with Kate.

    Stefano opens the envelope from Alice.

    in reply to: YOU be the writers. #30983

    here over the last 10+ years are still lurking and reading; but…there is one by the name of Jade who used to take the current storylines and put her own spin on them and write a continuing story from her point of view and it was GREAT!  We were always waiting for her next installment.  I would love to hear what she’s thinking right now.  Jade, if you’re out there….I miss you!!!! :-)

    in reply to: Kate’s hair needs help #30951

    if the actress has a permanent krick in her neck from holding her head back, so she can see out from under her bangs!

    in reply to: Austin #30950

    character no matter who the actor is…..Ausdumb.

    in reply to: Anyone Disappointed in the Letter? #30949

    I’m also thinking that we are thinking too logically for this show!  :-)

    in reply to: Still not impressed with what is in the box #30947

    the explanation.  So, with the chip in her head and her thinking she was PG, that’s where Stefano put her and John on the same path.  If that’s the case, then the marriage wouldn’t be valid due to the fact that she was not in her right mind thinking she was someone else.  Too logical, right?  :-)

    in reply to: Still not impressed with what is in the box #30925

    I’ll have to discipline myself not to use it!  Regarding this PG/Hope thing.  I had stopped watching Days for a few years before that storyline and came back to it when she was being kept prisoner in that castle.  The reason I went back to watching is that the guy who played Kurt is the son of one of the trustees who was on our Board at that time for the university where I worked.  When he found out that I had been a fan of that show, he told me to be sure to check back in and watch him.  That was in 1998, I think, and I’ve been back watching ever since.  To this day, I have never been able to figure out if Princess Gina was a separate character from Hope or if they were one and the same.  So this current story line is confusing me even more!

    in reply to: speculation about EJ and Will #30908

    threatening Will and a lot of us who have been reading spoilers thought it was going to be that he knew Will is gay.  Then, he drops the shooting on us and never alluded to the gay situation at all.  I also think all those scenes that we were shown of EJ watching Will with his friends was just to throw us off.  EJ wouldn’t know Will’s friends and whether they are straight or gay.  Besides, just standing around laughing and chatting with your friends does not indicate one way or another.  Of course, the writers have used much less to make something happen just to move the plot along.

    in reply to: Still not impressed with what is in the box #30899

    I was just thinking that the other day while I was reading on my Kindle and wished it was as easy to read the last page like in a paper book!  Glad I’m not the only one!

    in reply to: another rumor from soap opera fan #30877

    psychological misconnection with those two parents in that they think having as many babies as their bodies will allow is a positive reinforcement to them that they are contributing to mankind in some sort of celestial manner.  This is a rather crass comparison; but, just because my car’s speedometer says it will go 150 mph, I know in my reasoning mind that it would be dangerous and possibly deadly to take it up to that speed. 

    in reply to: SuperBowl Halftime Show #30833

    most entertaining that I’ve seen in a very long time.  It was interesting that she surrounded herself with several current entertainers.  Personally, I think she should have and could have carried it all by herself.  My guess is she was making sure that she reeled in all age groups.  All in all, I enjoyed all of it.  As for the finger gesture…that’s something that you take a chance with when you have the younger performers that we have nowadays…just sayin’.

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