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  • in reply to: DWTS – Mon., 11-07 #28468

    chatter was driving me crazy!  It’s funny that I very often agree with her opinions on her show, but I couldn’t wait to NOT hear her voice anymore on DWTS!  Tristan was very diplomatic whenever he was asked his thoughts on their partnership, but it looked like he was not all that happy with her as a partner.  It all looked good for the cameras, but she was not who he would have liked for his first professional partner.  Having said that, her fan base kept them on for 8 weeks, so it did give him positive exposure in showing how well he can handle himself. 

    in reply to: Latest episode of Dirty Soap #28448

    friend what happened and then it sounded like she was also telling him what she was thinking as she walked away from Dee.

    in reply to: RAVENS SWEEP STEELERS ….. #28447

    that’s me to a "T"!  I can barely sit in my chair sometimes.  I’m pacing in front of the TV and holding my breath and yelling at whoever I think is doing something wrong…no matter who it is.  Hubby won’t watch the game with me because of my actions!  When we win, I’m euphoric; but, when we lose, I really have to take time to process it.  I love football!

    in reply to: RAVENS SWEEP STEELERS ….. #28427

    following them in 1971, they had not won anything and were just starting to build the team that was so successful in the 70’s.  However, what drew me to them was a story I had read about Art Rooney Sr.  If ever there was a kind and generous man who had a talent for business and knew how to treat his employees fairly…it was him.  I’ve seen the next couple of Rooney generations continue his legacy and that’s so much a part of what that team is.  When Ben screwed up last year, regardless of his football ability, I would have supported the Rooney family 100% if they had let him go.  Whether the accusations were true or not, Ben had put himself in a situation that did not reflect well on him and his team.  So, my heart is very much in the Steeler Nation! 

    in reply to: RAVENS SWEEP STEELERS ….. #28408

    both teams did well in some respects and not so well in others.  Good game all around.  GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Grimm #28382

    a thought!  Is the show supposed to relate to one of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales each week?  That’s a cool idea.  What was the first show last week supposed to relate to "Little Red Riding Hood"?

    in reply to: Ali Sweeney’s Acting …. #28312

    portrayal of Sami for quite some time now.  She’s not my favorite character, but she was growing on me with the more mature persona that I had been seeing for awhile.  But, now it’s a joke, not an entertaining one, to watch her on screen.  It’s more of an insult to working women in my book. 

    in reply to: Okay, so who’s the baby ???? #28311

    are we looking for two babies that were born of Maggie’s eggs?

    in reply to: Quinn’s Cryptic Text …. #28291

    on EJ’s payroll.  It’s more like EJ is on Quinn’s at least with respect to the fact that Quinn holds the cards in keeping EJ’s past quiet.

    in reply to: Quinn’s Cryptic Text …. #28290

    on EJ’s payroll.  It’s more like EJ is on Quinn’s at least with respect to the fact that Quinn holds the cards in keeping EJ’s past quiet.


    her constant insistence about being Daniel’s mother.  She was rather pathetic in my mind and it really did put a lot of pressure on Daniel who had no clue about any of this and then to be confronted at a Halloween party!?  He gets blind-sided by all of these people just staring at him and Maggie’s begging and then he’s just supposed to smile and say, "Wow!  Hi Mom!"…I don’t think so.  I don’t mean any offense in my description of Maggie.  It’s just how I interpreted the scene.  Then, Melanie needs to learn when to shut her mouth…that character is really not my cup of tea.

    in reply to: DWTS –10/31 #28233

    the musical numbers did not fit the dance routines as well as they could have.  With Nancy, I couldn’t help but compare other more accomplished stars with her last night as she tried to do the Jive.  It just didn’t look like the Jive at all to me.  I’m hoping she goes home tonight.  Rob has surprised me with how much he’s improved; while, he’s certainly not at the top, I don’t think he should leave just yet.  David has shown weekly improvement too and deserves to stay another week.  Hope looked really good last night with more flexibility and fluidity in her movements, so I hope she stays too.  Then there’s JR and Ricki…the top two no doubt.  I agree that "Ghost Busters" was an appropriate song for last night’s theme, but not for a Tango…no way!

    As for Rob being on the show, his last name is at the top of Pop Culture right now and it draws viewers…if not to watch him, then to see what members of his family show up in the audience.

    in reply to: Will Sami Ever Get Over It? #28193

    EJ’s plan to discredit Abe.

    in reply to: Elvis as Elvis #28169

    characters from "Grease" that were played by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.  With that in mind, I think Rafe’s hair was more in line with his character than EJ’s hair supposedly depicting Elvis Presley.

    in reply to: Grimm #28168

    I’m not sure if I’ll keep watching.  I’m not a paranormal fan, but I liked the main characters…especially the reformed werewolf.  I will say that I did jump when the animal attacked the runner in the park.  It was totally unexpected. 

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