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ParticipantGMA is that "Last Man Standing" is on at the same time as it’s premier except that it’s just one show for a half hour starting at 8:00 PM. There is another new show premiering after it at 8:30 PM. From what I’m reading in various places I do believe it will stay at 8:00 PM. Of course, once DWTS is over, who knows what the network planners will do along with whatever the ratings are….one never knows!
Participantremember and I do what you do…I look away because it’s not attractive.
Participanta year or so ago when he announced he was seeing someone else and then they became engaged. I’ve often wondered how this Teri was able to get a job as an announcer on the gossip shows when her voice is so difficult to listen to. I first saw her about three years ago when Fox carried a morning show from LA. It was broadcast at Noon in my area when it was 9:00 AM in LA.
Participantthing they do is tone down Tim’s character’s ranting when he’s posting to his blog for the outdoor equipment company he works for. It was a little too intense and loud. The two older daughters look so much alike that I was having a hard time distinguishing which was which. I’m sure I’ll get used to them as the show goes along. I hope the ratings were good.
ParticipantAbby and Chad. I do think he reacted much as a dad would in real life. However, the rest of his scenes were horrible! He’s so hard to watch with his speed talking and agitated movements. I recall him being like that in the past and maybe it’s because we haven’t seen him in awhile; but, he seems to be more extreme than he used to be. I’d just as soon see him go away again if that’s the way we’re going to see him from now on.
Participantfor you, but it is another time you can set your DVR.
Participantwith just one poor performance after the great ones she’s done so far. I’ve been voting for her and did so even though Monday was not good. I’m now torn between JR and Ricki.
They’ve really glammed Susan Boyle haven’t they! She really looks cute! And they finally dressed her in something more flattering than those old "Kate Smith" dresses that she had been wearing. She makes me smile.
Participanttook "Ryan’s Hope" off. I was enjoying watching my old favorite soap!
Participanthow guys let their hair look like that or get really long. It’s not very attractive in my opinion.
Participanttonight is Carson Kresley.
Participantto me that no matter which one makes the effort to talk it out, neither one is willing to see anything from any perspective but their own. It was more that they were talking AT each other instead of TO each other. One of them made a statement about something the other did and asked for some explanation and the one who was responding never addressed the request. They just kept throwing accusations back and forth and neither believed anything the other one was saying….everything was b—s—! That’s the only thing I saw that they had in common was the use of that word! They both need to grow up in my opinion.
ParticipantAmerican Classic Movies (AMC) that I have on Direct TV. Those old movies are great! I watched "Ben Hur" a couple of weeks ago for the first time since I was in 8th grade (1964) and it was like I had never seen it before because I was seeing it through the eyes of an adult instead of a teen. I liked it then and I liked it even more now because I understood so much more of the meaning of the story. I’m glad we have the opportunity provided by TCM and AMC.
October 9, 2011 at 1:59 am in reply to: I’m a little confused, so maybe someone can clarify…. #27340luckey
ParticipantBut you guys sure came through with a whole lot of info. Thanks!