Forum Replies Created
Participantof both candidates and go right down to the wire. Then EJ loses and he leaves town to redirect his interests in some other part of the world for Demira Enterprises.
Participantto what you wrote and saw it the way you meant it the second time I read it. Sometimes, I just read a post too fast and respond before I should…sorry.
Participantof what was going to happen when all of a sudden this huge, green monster of a cake was sitting there right by the stairway! OMG, I wonder what’s going to happen….NOT! Then, just as we were concerned about what might be happening, Jack the buffoon falls on top of it. GMAB! And then he stumbles around while trying to talk to Jen and Abby just like he always used to not getting any sensible words out of his mouth. This character’s future doesn’t look too promising for the viewers to like.
Participantmixed emotions about the character leaving. I despise him as well as Stefano and Kate because the writers never allow them to pay for the evil, despicable things they do to others. On the other hand, every soap has to have a villain and EJ fit the bill so well. On the third hand, I was never a fan of James Scott. So having said that, I guess I’ll just wait to see what actually transpires.
September 29, 2011 at 1:12 pm in reply to: Just watched Monday’s show – some random comments / questions #26903luckey
Participantclosed eye, dreamy look that Marlena seems to overdo and then John and that breathy voice…I had to turn on the closed-captioning to know what he was saying. I was never a big fan of either of them, but did enjoy the stories they were in (for the most part); but, if they don’t pick it up a bit with regard to the acting, this might not be the spectacular return that TPTB have been hyping.
Participantconnected, I still thought the reunion was anti-climactic. When it comes to her kids, she’s all over them; but, it was a quick "hi, how are you" and then Austin was off to Carrie. Wasn’t what I thought it would be.
Participantto Sami and Rafe and it won’t soon be forgotten. If it were me, I would have walked the kids away from him. I just can’t accept the fact that he and Stefano put Sami in bed with someone who was not her husband and allowed him to essentially rape her…and, as usual, they got away with it!
Participantthat Elizabetta was the odds on favorite to be leaving last night and they had it right. GMA interviewed her and Val this AM and Val seemed really peaved that they were the ones who had to leave after having made the most improvement over the other two couples in jeopardy. He’s got to realize that it’s as much popularity with the viewers as it is ability with the dances.
Participantno amount of drugs could make me think he’s attractive.
Participantbetween her and Chaz. I wish Chaz’ body wasn’t betraying him and that he could really compete neck and neck with all the others. The judges were all over the place with their scores last night and I really hope the voters negate the wrong scores they gave…both too high and too low. I am rooting for Chynna and Tony and JR and Karina. Neither of those pros have won yet and have been on from almost the beginning of the show and deserve to finish first. As for the wardrobe malfunction, I would think that the well-endowed performers would be more secured into their costumes to avoid such a situation arising.
Participantact together and beat Indy! And a big "great job, Bills"!!!
ParticipantAnnex Board, but did anyone pick up on the little snippet we saw the other day of EJ searching for and then finding that American flag pin for his lapel? And then notice that Abe is wearing the same type of pin on his lapel? Just sayin…..
Participantwhen they look at EJ. No matter what he wears, I see a tall, skinny guy who really does demonstrate that he has a feminine side. He just doesn’t hit my attractive, hunky male button.