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Participantthis out-of-the-blue info that tells them about an abandoned baby and the name and they immediately connect Gus to the attacks! I couldn’t stop laughing at the ludicrous connection! I’m going to re-run it tonight to see if it looks that ridiculous the second time around.
Participantto go, not Dario. The actor who portrays Quinn doesn’t show any emotion when he acts. It’s so wooden with no real feel for the character. It’s like he’s just reading his lines. Is he a seasoned actor from another soap? I’ve never seen or heard of him before. Maybe like the actor who portrays Dario, he’ll get better with time.
Participantinteresting that he’s the only sports star and that’s the best they could come up with?! He was worse than Nancy Grace in my opinion. I liked Chynna, Ricki, and J.R. The rest did pretty good, but they are my favorites. And Carson is going to be a hoot for entertainment! Keeping Chaz til last was so obviously planned by the producers. I agree with you, Bonbon, that he is going to be that contestant who will be kept on to garner ratings and please the crowd. He didn’t do too badly given the fact that he has so much weight to deal with, so we’ll see how much his body can handle with the grueling practices ahead.
One other thing…I hope the Kardashian sisters can keep their mouths shut during the time that Rob lasts on the show. I thought that Kloe’s outburst last night was totally out of line and just another way for her to be in someone’s face. As you can see, I’m not a fan.
Participanttheir last during an interview with Sally Field.
Participantto be sure I was seeing the right thing!
Participantcomical instead of passionate. For me it looked like they were auditioning for DWTS. I had the same expression on my face as those watching and was glad when it was over. It just seemed so out of place and I wasn’t surprised that no one applauded.
Participantcomical as it just came out of nowhere and it looked like they were auditioning for DWTS! I think I had the same look on my face as Kate, Stefano and Brady…WTF!
Participant"Last Man Standing" is entertaining. "Pan Am" has peaked my interest too. And, of course, the return of "Blue Bloods" is at the top of my list.
Participantis an idicator that they will all be coming back as older children the next time we see them.
Participantreally does seem like she’s nervous. She fidgets a lot and is talking very fast and is just really hyper acting. I usually only put the cc on when EJ is talking because he speaks too fast and doesn’t ennunciate is words clearly. This week I actually turned it on so I’d know what Sami was saying!
ParticipantAllison has been on is that she seems to be almost over-acting. Her laughs are loud and boisterous and she seems to be exagerating her expressions and dialogue. I would have no way of knowing this for sure, but it seems like she’s doing a lot of ad-libbing. I get the feeling that the guy who plays Rafe is a little lost at times of where she’s going with the scene. Maybe it’s just me, but it hasn’t been very pleasant watching Allison play Sami this week.
Participantstill married. It was rather disgusting watching her fall hook, line and sinker…again. His explanation for his hookup with Taylor was a nothing explanation when you compare it to the intense yelling and screaming he did with Stefano when he felt she was "the one". It was a very cheesy way to just explain it away.
Participantups and downs. Baltimore has always been a tough fight with a lot of banged up players…never a dull moment. I agree that my guys weren’t in that game in any sense of the word. I’m hoping for a better performance next week.
September 11, 2011 at 2:55 am in reply to: I wasn’t too happy to see Sami being her old sneaky self and… #26437luckey