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Participantbe "updated" soon too. And then there is Theo too, who hasn’t been around either.
Participantcartoon character? Where has she been!? Vivian has always been a cartoon character to me! Personally, I think it’s very appropriate that she is sent off in the same ridiculous manner that she was throughout her whole time on Days! I’m glad she’s going!
Participantback; but, when they did a front shot, it had these little "wings" on the sides that made the whole style look out of control. It really was not attractive on her at all.
ParticipantThose little "wings" on the sides totally detracted from the style. It sort of went out of control.
Participantis just a publicity ploy to keep people guessing and build the anticipation so they will have more viewers come November. You know how PR people love to play with the public’s head about these types of things.
Participantback the money she gave him to discredit Chloe, where does that leave his controlling of "Lola"? I haven’t seen any scenes with the two of them lately, so I’m wondering if this hooker story is ready to die….hopefully!
Participantnight. They made it sound like it was a done deal. We’ll see. I agree with Patti that it would be a fun scenario to watch.
Participantanother character to that outside terrace they had to have their serious conversations.
Participantrationalize is disgusting treatment of Chloe? I just can’t wrap my head around his caring behavior regarding Carly/Nicholas and then watch his disgusting behavior regarding Chloe/Parker. I know there’s a blood connection with one and not the other; but, his actions are just too extreme between the two for me. Personally, I wish the Quinn character was still on the chopping block.
Participantin keeping a character in the thoughts of the viewers. It would have been especially important in each of those significant events mentioned above. I’m wondering if there was some kind of contract situation that didn’t allow at least that much.
Participantfollowing? The Dimeras have Marcos as their hired gun and the Kiriakis’ have Dimitri. It was Brady who sent Dimitri on the hunt for a Dimera.
Participantknown from two directions. That may be where she saw him and had him do segments on her show too.
Participantdirectly through the nurses station and the waiting area! Every time that happens, I laugh!
ParticipantDr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, and Ty Pennington. They did many appearances on her show and then they got one of their own!
Participantthe one that we’ve known and loved for so many years!