Forum Replies Created
Participantseveral times before and ended up just as disappointed. So, we’ll see.
Participantplanning on a major physical change as well as possibly changing her name and relocating. I think that may be the only way she will be safe.
Participantwas there witnessing this fiasco. I’d love to see her reaction to all of this while it’s happening.
Participantto defend EJ or do more of his blustering to cloud all the issues that were flying around the room. And Johnny…what a great actor he is! The way he was cuddling with Rafe and talking to him like this was really happening in real life about wanting him to take him home.
Participantbeing a rape of her by fake Rafe.
Participantit’s spelled so closely to Kristen.
ParticipantI really don’t think the prosecution botched it at all. There was very serious circumstantial evidence that really did point to Caycee in every way. However, there was still no "smoking gun", so that left reasonable doubt. It’s very interesting that the majority of the viewing public think she is guilty. I think that the 12 jurors who also are regular, everyday people just like us would have said the same thing if they had not been sitting in those chairs in that courtroom. However, put them in those chairs where they are under the microscope to decide the rest of Caycee’s life and it becomes a very different mindset. I still would love to know the results of the first vote when they entered the deliberation room. It would be interesting to know how many jurors had to be convinced to change their mind to not guilty.
Participantlike the in between scenes of the teens at the table in The Pub. I have to say that most of their dialogue made no sense to me at all and they were speaking so fast, I couldn’t understand the words they were saying! They could have left that part of the show out completely as far as I was concerned.
Participantup with be sequestered so long and just wanted it over with. I would love to know what the first vote was when they first got into the jury room to deliberate. Now Caycee can get a book deal and a movie deal and be able to do exactly what she wanted to do all along….be free to party. Now she’ll have unlimited funds to do just that. My heart aches for little Kaylee.
Participantexperiencing, we are still very blessed to live with the freedoms that we have. My oldest brother was in the Navy before Vietnam and my second oldest was in the Army and served in Vietnam. My Dad was a Marine in WWII in the South Pacific. Three men I’m so very proud of as well as every man and woman who has protected our country to guarantee the freedoms that we enjoy!
Participantcancelled. That would make Jason and Kirsten available. Or did ABC change their minds about cancelling GH?
ParticipantI enjoy; but, not usually!
Participantwhy they’ve totally taken her out of her office for that "Hearth & Home" magazine she is supposed to own. That would be a great setting for her like they have done in the past. She’s a barracuda when it comes to business and how she deals with her employees and her business associates. That’s where her bitchiness would be best used…in my opinion.
Participantafter I get all my yardwork done.