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  • in reply to: DWTS – Redux #23575

    For me, I don’t think Ralph got the pity vote at all.  I think it was his overall performance for the entire season thus far.  He started out like gangbusters, tapered off a bit and then handled his injury with determination.  I think his fan base also saw this gracious and considerate man who really deserved to stay in the competition and give it his best…which is what he’s been doing all along.  Romeo has come a long way from what I saw in the beginning as an arrogant kid who thought he didn’t need to be taught how to dance.  He smoothed out his rough edges and saw that he wasn’t as knowledgeable as he thought when it came to this type of performing.  So, all in all, I think Ralph has kept a steady beat throughout this competition and earned his place in the semi-finals.  Just my opinion  :-)

    in reply to: Somehow I can’t get excited #23545

    show.  He told the whole thing to Sami but switching which Rafe it happened to.  So, it looks like Sami already knows how it went down.

    in reply to: DWTS – Redux #23544

    do….I hit the delete button by mistake!  I’m hoping they still do a recap in the first hour of the show tonight.  I haven’t watched that first hour in a long time and am not sure if they’ll show the dances again.  I sure hope so.  From what I’m hearing, it was a really good night for everyone.  I’m a Hines fan!

    in reply to: Taylor’s top! #23521

    her last name is Vergara, but I can’t think of her first name.

    in reply to: Somehow I can’t get excited #23520

    explosion when Sami realizes that she had sex with FauxRafe.  How much more livid can she get with the Dimeras when she thinks about what they actually did to her.

    in reply to: Rafe 2 conclusion #23518

    to deal with and anyone else who ends up knowing about what they did to Rafe.  It’s going to be interesting to see how they write the story after all of this comes to light. 

    in reply to: Something really weird is happening here. #23473

    Maybe, if someone knows how to contact her, she might need to check out the problem of the disappearing posts.  Also, I’ve been wondering if she is still working on getting that pink box off the top of each discussion topic. 

    in reply to: Interesting… #23472

    thought the same thing about keeping Susan on an ABC show.

    in reply to: Go R2!!! #23387

    feel any pain at all.  One can only hope!

    in reply to: Go Nikki!!! #23357

    let on that she saw EJ and Taylor liplocking.  EJ just thinks that this is all about her knowing about Rafe in the basement.  I wonder when she will let on what else she knows.

    in reply to: Go R2!!! #23356

    away with a lot of horrendous actions against others; but, if the writers let them get away with what they did to Sami, it will be beyond explanation in my opinion.  Having replaced her husband with someone else and causing her to be "raped" by him has been very difficult for many viewers to have had to watch during this whole story line.  For that alone, I feel the writers owe us to see the Dimeras pay for that crime!  However, knowing how this never happens; I’m not holding my breath.

    in reply to: the nun #23354

    was a very attractive woman.

    in reply to: Why should Rafe be surprised #23344

    order of Catholic nuns for over 70 years and a sister who was in for 14 years before leaving, there are many Catholics who make donations of money or household goods.  I know the nuns take a vow of poverty, but they also accept any donations that are made to them.  Many times they will forward the donations to a family who is in need; but, there are times when the donation is kept for the members of the convent.   It all depends on the needs at the time it is given.    

    in reply to: the nun #23342

    been in the Sisters of Notre Dame for over 70 years and my sister was in at the age of 14 and stayed for 14 years; however, she left before she made her final vows.  Believe me, there are very attractive young women who enter the convent.

    in reply to: Go R2!!! #23341

    it turned out to be a sort of non-response.  She just kind of side-stepped it and kept attacking him; but, he nailed it to a T when describing her dysfunctional life.

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