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  • in reply to: Question about Sami and Rafe…. #23312

    got married.

    in reply to: New Taylor #23309

    hit upon their thinking.  I agree that a riled up Nicole is just what EJ needs, especially when she is loaded with evidence.  I sure do hope that the writers let her have the upper hand for along time to come.  A squirming EJ would be fun to watch!

    in reply to: New Taylor #23296

    writers could to do stop the ping-pong relationship between EJ and Sami…a relationship that so many viewers did not want to see anymore.  I know some did like that duo, but I think most did not.  There could have been sooooo many other directions they could have gone, but they chose this lame avenue.

    in reply to: Celebrity Apprentice on 5-1 #23295

    a few years ago; but, divorced within a year or so and I believe I read that he cheated on her.  Not too difficult to believe seeing her controlling personality.   This Nene gal is familiar to me, but I can’t place where her notiriety came from.

    in reply to: DWTS – 05-02-11 #23294

    and I wonder if the 10 that Hines got last night was to offset those received by the others.   Personally, I don’t think I’ve seen a 10 performance yet by any of them; but, that’s just my unprofessional opinion.  Kirstie has done just what she hoped for and that was to lose weight and look good again.  I think she’s accomplished that; but, I don’t think she’ll get the votes to continue.  I, too, would rather see Kendra go home.  She seems to relish exhibiting crude behavior.  I watched "The Girls Next Door" a couple of times when she was on a couple of years ago and that was her to a "T"…very crude. 

    in reply to: Royal Wedding Day #23258

    I did DVR it too.  The pageantry is mind boggling!  Loved the dress that Pippa wore and the ones the little girls wore too.  Kate is absolutely a gorgeous woman and her dress was just what I hoped it would be!  Diana’s was just so the opposite of the elegance that she displayed after she was married awhile.  I wonder if she ever thought about what she would do if she had a "do-over".  She went from a shy duckling to a beautiful swan as she matured.  All in all, I’m glad the whole royal build-up about the wedding is finally over!  Although, it could be called a guilty pleasure.  :-)

    in reply to: Is Maggie the New Alice? #23231

    who has walked the difficult path and become a productive member of society.  I like Maggie too, but don’t hold a lot of confidence in what the writers may do with her.

    in reply to: Is Maggie the New Alice? #23215

    think that’s going to happen.  As long as they keep writing Maggie as the strong, outspoken female that she is, I’ll go with her as the voice of reason.

    in reply to: New Taylor #23179

    think she ever really talked with a strong voice.  This actress did a good job as Ava, even though I didn’t like the character.  I’ll reserve judgement for awhile.  I don’t even know why the brought Taylor back except to give EJ another love interest instead of Sami.  Maybe it was the viewers who were tired of the ping-pong relationship of Sami and EJ and their continuous complaining that finally got the attention of the writers.

    in reply to: DWTS 04-25-11 #23159

    The others that did weren’t any better than his performance.   Kirstie may be the one to go tonight; although, I’d rather see Kendra leave.  I think Kendra may have a stronger fan base that may keep her on.  I, too, wondered about those long tails on Ralph’s coat being a problem somewhere along the line.  I watched their mishap a couple of times having recorded the show last night and it looked to me like Karina really was confused and unsure of where they were in the dance.  Ralph did save the day.  If you watch it again knowing what to look for, I think you’ll see she really was out of sink getting back to business.  I’m not a Chelsea fan; although, she does have a talent for dancing.  Last night’s was good; but, I wouldn’t have scored her that high.  Romeo is getting better every week and did well last night too; but, I didn’t see any 10’s in anyone’s performance.  The wrestler, Chris, has a knack for dancing; but, has a huge ego that takes a bit away from my liking him.  So, I hope Kendra goes home tonight. 

    When I watched the show again, the response from Bruno to Tom after seeing that tape of him sounded and looked like he said, "You bitch", while laughing.  He really seemed somewhat embarassed; but, his outlandish personality covered it to some degree.  Watching it a couple of times gives you the chance to really see his reaction and hear what he said.  That’s what it looked like and sounded like to me. 

    in reply to: The Royal Wedding #23141

    enough of all the pre-wedding hype. 

    in reply to: Yay, Maggie! #23139

    character in the show.  It’s usually the female villains that are portrayed as strong.  I hope they keep it this way.

    in reply to: Subtitles, please ….. #23138

    that this Hispanic criminal could speak the language; but, it seems that he doesn’t have a clue what is being said.  That’s part of what I hope gives him away, but the writers haven’t really shown that to be the direction they are going.

    in reply to: Dannifer :P #23081

    have always enjoyed watching her interviews.  It’s really what the writers have done to the character that she plays.   

    in reply to: Dannifer :P #23067

    has always been written as a very immature female.  They make her out to be the proverbial "dumb blonde" acting rather scatter-brained. 

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