Forum Replies Created
ParticipantP.I. to find out who killed Ariana. That’s no longer a part of the story, so I think he’s really falling for her.
Participantrelated to your opinion here. When Sami and FauxRafe were having sex and the viewers revolted, the guy who wrote this part of the story was let go. What confuses me is that Dena Higley (head writer) would have had to approve that direction for the story, so why was she not let go too? I suppose it’s one of those situations where someone has to be the fall guy and it wasn’t going to be the favored head writer. Someone else here on this board mentioned that there are going to be some good writers available after AMC and OLTL are done and Ken Corday should be looking seriously for replacements. I couldn’t agree more!
Participantbut since EJ came on the scene several years ago…totally turns me off! Whenever he’s on the screen (and I decide to watch him), I have to turn on the CC so I can understand what he’s saying. Someone should teach him to ennunciate when he speaks.
Participantthe way she was moving around. I also watched Phillip”s eyes to see how much difficulty he was having not staring!
And I totally agree on Kate’s hair after the fiasco earlier in the week.
Participantdone with this weak, wimpy Taylor.
Participantthis year with Kirstie, I think she is just irreverant enough that it’s knocked him down a peg or two. I don’t find him as obnoxious as in past seasons and I think it’s because he can’t intimidate her. He’s never "tickled my fancy" at all.
Participantprove that FauxRafe is a fake. It never dawned on me when Dario spoke in Spanish that it might have been a way to trip him up.
April 16, 2011 at 11:54 pm in reply to: OK I’m watching Friday’s episode right now and I have one question… #22920luckey
Participanthubbie and I had one due to him farming and both of us needing to be able to reach each other at any given moment. I remember lugging those big things around like another purse! It’s funny to think back over the years and remembering how that huge bag thing has evolved into these little devices we have now!
ParticipantI enjoyed watching. I’m not even sure why they brought Jen back in the first place. It made more sense to me to keep Patch and Kayla around instead of bringing back Jen.
Participanthe wears when he’s feeling all smug that he got away with something. My gut tells me that he and Stefano will not pay any price for what they did to Sami and RealRafe. That will be the ultimate insult to viewers if that happens…in my opinion.
Participantcomes back to Salem. He has his most recent memory and will start to get the gist of what has been going on by watching and listening to what’s happening around him. I’m wondering how he’ll keep himself hidden while he’s doing all of this. I wish he would have kept that key in the bedpost while he was in the cell at the Dimera mansion. It would have been the perfect evidence to prove that he had been there. I’m not feeling too confident in how the writing is going to move this story along. The writers have some really good paths it could follow, but they always seem to screw it up.
April 16, 2011 at 1:35 am in reply to: OK I’m watching Friday’s episode right now and I have one question… #22892luckey
Participantphone for calling or texting. Mine beeps at me if there is a text message. If that’s what Ciera’s phone does, she won’t respond in any way after what she told Theo about not answering the phone. I would think that she meant that she wouldn’t open the phone to a text message either.
ParticipantCorday and the writers to up their game and quit with the dragged out stories and ridiculous situations. One can only hope!
Participantto get the writing into top notch condition? Unless, Corday doesn’t really care and figures he’s ready to go whenever NBC decides.